America's school lunches resemble starvation diets from third world countries
Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) The arrogant mindset which suggests that the United States is the greatest nation on Earth and light-years ahead of the rest of the world on virtually every front is laughable when it comes to the quality of our food supply. And perhaps nothing illustrates this point better than the average lunch plate served to schoolchildren at American public schools today, which hardly even resembles food, let alone compares to the well-balanced, culturally rich entrees served to schoolchildren in other countries.
The New York City-based healthy food shop "sweetgreen" recently compiled a gallery of images depicting the types of foods schoolchildren are served for lunch all around the world, and the results are shocking. Even in countries considered "poorer" or much worse off economically than the U.S., children are being served whole, fresh foods carefully prepared with respect to cultural heritage and geographical location.
You won't find soggy, processed, hormone-laden chicken "nuggets" in the Ukraine, for instance, where children are served an authentic sausage and mash entree with borscht (Eastern European soup made with beets), cabbage with black sesame seeds and syrniki (a traditional dessert pancake), all carefully made from scratch. The following is an image of this beautiful Ukrainian platter:
Compare what Ukrainian schoolchildren are eating to this Michelle Obama-inspired "food" plate containing what appears to be dog food atop a couple of tater tots, next to a box of pasteurized, homogenized chocolate "milk," an orange wedge and a dollop of applesauce:
The contrast couldn't be more striking: Over in Eastern Europe, schoolchildren are eating real foods native to their country (and without GMOs!), while American schoolchildren are being forced to consume paltry portions of processed, food-like matter, with a factory farm-grown fruit piece as decoration.
Ukrainian lunches aren't alone in their visual and nutritional superiority. In Italy, schoolchildren are offered an array of fresh fruit and greens -- two types of salad, in fact! -- along with fresh fish and a bread roll (made from wheat not sprayed with toxic Roundup like in the U.S.):