Real Science Reveals This Forbidden Food Is Actually Healthy
Heatlh Edge
For decades public health organizations have been lying to you. There has been a huge public relations campaign designed to scare you away from some of the healthiest foods on the planet. As a result, many men are missing out on the health benefits of those foods. Eating those foods has been proven to improve liver, eye, hormone, and now even cardiovascular health better than drugs. Wonder why big business wants to convince you not to eat those foods? If you eat them, you won't need their drugs. Read on to learn more and start taking control of your health.
The History Of The War On Cholesterol
Many of the foods that have been demonized over the last half a century are foods that are high in cholesterol. The poster food for the war on cholesterol is the egg. As a result, over the years egg consumption has steadily declined. Guess what else has declined at the same rate? Testosterone levels, heart health, and liver health, to name a few.
But despite what you've been led to believe, science has never shown that dietary cholesterol is bad for health. As we'll see, science has shown the opposite. So how is it that people ever began making such a grave mistake? In the 1950s researchers found that the amount of cholesterol in the blood was a good way to predict some types of diseases. In particular, high levels of cholesterol in the blood were linked with high rates of cardiovascular disease. But the people who found that were smart enough to know that dietary cholesterol wasn't the cause. In fact, one of the lead researchers clearly stated that dietary cholesterol was healthy and not cause for concern.
However, less honest people with an agenda seized the opportunity to promote a simple (but dishonest) message. The message was this: "Eating cholesterol raises your blood cholesterol, and that will kill you." Since then most people have become convinced that they should avoid or limit high cholesterol foods like eggs. That's really too bad because cholesterol and foods that contain cholesterol offer unique nutrition that we need. And as we'll see, they are an important part of a healthy diet.