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Photo: AP photo





As if it wasn’t bad enough that Michelle Obama is forcing strict standards on our children’s school lunch program, a new report has revealed that it wastes a shocking amount of food and money on a daily basis.

According to a WCPO report, Michelle Obama’s new school program is costing American taxpayers $4 million. And that’s not over the course of an entire year. That is how much it is costing American taxpayers on a daily basis. That’s right; $4 million each day.

A whopping 81 percent of schools have seen an increase in the number of lunches that now end up in the trash. The report also “shows that 60 percent of fresh vegetables and 40 percent of fresh fruit are being thrown away.”

According to a government study, over one million kids across the country have stopped eating lunch altogether after the new standards were imposed on their schools.

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Even Democrats are now questioning the effectiveness of Michelle’s strict school lunch program.

Fruits and vegetables are being rejected by children nationwide and schools are now required to serve even more of it.

In fact, nearly 600 school districts have already dropped the program and are serving healthy food in their own way. One school has even hired a restaurant chef to come in and cook healthy meals for its students.

What do you think of the program? Has it hit the school districts in your area?
