More Youre Eating Human Hair: 6 Crige[Worthy Ingredients Big Food Hides From You
We all cringed when we heard the news spread about hamburgers made out of so-called pink slime. Then when we learned about how filthy conventional apples were, many of us started buying organic apples. A few of us even stopped making macaroni and cheese for our kids when we read that our favorite brand contained harmful food dyes.
As you can see, it’s getting harder and harder to find healthy food. Sadly, the food industry essentially lies about the health of certain food. After all, scientists are working overtime to make food cheaper. And let’s face it: Much of what goes into our food, well, really isn’t food.
So the next time you go to the supermarket or a restaurant, here are six more ingredients to be on the lookout for.
1. L-cysteine
2. Cellulose
3. Meat Glue
4. Natural Flavorings
5. Bacteriophage
6. Titanium Dioxide
Read More: http://www.pakalertpress.com/2014/06/28/youre-eati..