Massive FOOD INFLATION signals trouble ahead for the U.S. Economy
Recently I spoke with a large Hog farmer, and the information he gave me was ALARMING! Between January 1 and March 31 of 3014 hog prices SKYROCKETED 66%. In April prices have tapered off some, but are still up 43% in the first four months of the year. It's a stretch to think that pork could continue this torrid pace throughout the year, but if it does it will be up more that 120% in 2014. Chances are it levels off and we see an increase of over 60%.
Part of the reason food prices are going up is certainly because of the drought. I warned of this last fall as herds of cattle in Texas were being slaughtered as ranchers couldn't afford to purchase the hay, alfalfa, etc. to feed their cattle. Normally, this is not an issue when it rains! The fields will grow and the cattle can eat it. But, with such a wide span of drought land in America's southwest, ranchers were slaughtering herds. This caused prices to come down as supply went up. But I warned back then that this would not last. When that increased supply was sold, there would be a shortage of beef that follows. The shortage will cause prices to go through the roof. My family just got back from a vacation where we ate out numerous times at nice restaurants, and the price increases are happening, but they are sneaky! The cost of the meal didn't really change on the menu but the serving size did. At one restaurant, we used to get an 8 oz. filet of beef, now it is 6 oz. but offered at the same price. THAT IS A 25% INCREASE IN THE PRICE even though the price on the menu didn't change. VERY SNEAKY MARKETING!
This is happening before our nose. Whether the increases are related to the drought, or due to federal mandates that corn be used for ethanol (which takes away from the corn available for feed), prices are going up and probably won't change any time soon. The ethanol story is a disturbing one. In 2006, there was almost no use of corn utilization for the production of ethanol. Fast forward to 2012. In just six years, the utilization of corn being used for ethanol production is FIVE BILLION BUSHELS PER YEAR. The total annual corn yield is about 13 BILLION BUSHELS. This means almost 40% of all CORN IS BEING USED FOR ETHANOL. This is a simple supply and demand equation. Less supply means higher prices for feeding livestock AND people. People are already living at the margin. Food inflation for most Americans amounts to a nuisance. We either deal with it or change our consumption habits if need be. But, for the majority of the world, food inflation can be the difference between eating and not eating resulting in civil unrest.
There is more to this story. Much of what we consume are imports. Seafood from other countries, rice from Asia, beef, fruit, and a host of other staples are imported from other countries. As the U.S. dollar continues to devalue, those imports will become increasingly expensive. We must become more self-sufficient in our own micro-economies by growing our own food. We must also re-allocate our other investments into asset classes that can take advantage of these trends. There are ways for us to thrive, rather than just survive.”
Dr. Elliott has produced an EDUCATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES that is normally purchased for $297. But, for WND.COM readers, he is making this FIVE PART WEBINAR FREE!!! No strings attached--just FREE! Food inflation is just part of the story. Inflation is coming in all areas as the U.S. Dollar devalues due to relentless printing to provide stimulus to faltering markets. Countries such as China, Japan, and a host of others will need to be enticed to invest in U.S. Dollars. How will this happen? WITH HIGHER INTEREST RATES! With America in debt up to her eyeballs at the consumer level and insurmountable debt at the municipal, state, and federal level, RISING INTEREST RATES along with HIGHER PRICES spell economic disaster to America. Dr. Elliott explains in this webinar series HOW to identify the times to invest in STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, SILVER, and REAL ESTATE. None of these are bad asset categories as they have all soared at one time or another. However, there are times when investors should allocate into these assets and times they should avoid them like the plague.
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE TRENDS RATHER THAN LETTING THE TRENDS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Dr. Elliott opens the curtain and explains in detail everything you need to know to do this yourself.
Once again, for a short time only, the 5 part webinar is free. Click here to gain access.