Rocky Montana
R. Montana / 4-14-2014
Potassium Iodide is an inorganic compound that is rapidly becoming an essential nutrient for sustaining healthy physical bodies in this age of nuclear fallout and contamination from nuclear testing (above and below ground), radioactive nuclear plant failures, and nuclear waste dumping and lack of proper cleanup. (Essential nutrient is something that the physical body needs but does not manufacture, therefore, it must be obtained either from foods or from supplements.) Potassium iodide counters heavy metals, often stored and isolated in fat cells, awaiting future processing, and other types of toxic substances such as radioactive cesium-137 (also spelled ceasium), which collect in the thyroid and the glandular system. Thus, potassium iodide can be considered a cleansing and purifying product. I certainly recommend that you do have a good supply of quality potassium iodide tablets on hand because we have moved, and continue to move into a time on our planet of more and more possibilities of radioactive fallout.
Unfortunately, I and many others procrastinated far too long trying to obtain potassium iodide tablets after the 2011 nuclear plant disaster occurred at Fukushima Japan. (Note: the out-gassing of airborne and waterborne radioactive contaminates continues from that facility to this very day.) After days and weeks of the initial start of radioactive leakage, it was too late to purchase the tablets locally as the product was either sold out or simply disappeared off the shelves. If ones did not already have a prior supply on hand, they were either forced to purchase on-line and wait for the product to be shipped or do without. I suspect most people did without. Most of the survival facilities and stores (brick/on-line) either have this product now or can tell you where you can purchase it. If you haven't acted on this, I would recommend purchasing a few bottles now, take the product as directed, and put the rest aside with your other survival gear before reports of yet another radioactive leakage hits the news wires.
Potassium iodide is naturally occurring in kelp (sea weed). Therefore, in addition to purchasing potassium iodide tablets, you can create your own store of potassium iodide in liquid form by soaking dried kelp leaves in clean, clear water for a few weeks. Dried and packaged kelp is available mostly at Asian food markets and at some health food stores. I would avoid purchasing kelp from Japan at this time as that supply may have become very contaminated by the Fukushima disaster. There are good sources of kelp elsewhere, such as Hawaii, the North Atlantic and China. Several years ago, one source of kelp growing off the west coast of Ireland was reported as having up to 39 essential minerals. By soaking one or two kelp leaves at a time for a few weeks in clean, clear water, a mild solution of potassium iodide along with essential minerals are released. The liquid can then be stored in the refrigerator indefinitely as the salty solution acts as a natural preservative. I supplement daily by taking a teaspoon of liquid kelp along with an ounce of essential liquid minerals in juice and use the juice to swallow a regimen of essential vitamins in capsule form. Overdosing on potassium iodide is not an issue as the compound is water soluble, thus when the thyroid and other organs, etc., have absorbed sufficient amounts of potassium iodide, the body discards any excess through the urinary system. You can also cut up and use the pre-soaked kelp leaves either in a salad or with steamed greens, etc. so that nothing goes to waste.
Note: Cesium-137 (13755Cs, Cs-137), cesium-137, or radiocaesium, is a radioactive isotope of caesium which is formed as one of the more common fission products by the nuclear fission of uranium-235 and other fissionable isotopes in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It is among the most problematic of the short-to-medium-lifetime fission products because it easily moves through the air and spreads in nature due to the high water solubility of caesium's most common chemical compounds, which are salts.
Recent history has proven that we Americans cannot rely on our current federal government to tell us how much we continue to be bombarded with cesium-137, what food supplies have been contaminated, or how to prevent becoming radioactively contaminated. Therefore, we must each self-educate, self-administer and use our reasoning minds along with the most accurate information at hand to protect our physical bodies.
Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is an essential vitamin which helps the body make healthy new cells and repairs damaged DNA. It stands to reason that the more healthy cells the body creates, the less unhealthy or mutating cells can exist in the body. Another name for mutating cells is, of course, cancer. And can mutating cells not be defined as damaged DNA? Therefore, folic acid can be instrumental in cleaning up or displacing the body of cancerous or mutating cells. Everyone has an amount of mutating cells running around in their bodies, some more than others. It is when these mutating cells multiply out-of-control that the immune system becomes overwhelmed and serious health problems begin to manifest. Much in this scenario depends upon what we are feeding our bodies and how much environmental pollution our bodies are receiving and have received prior to this point.
Everyone needs folic acid but most of us are not getting enough folic acid in our diets, even if we are taking a multi-B vitamin capsule daily. As with all essential vitamins, the FDA regulates how much folic acid is allowed in each and every multi-B vitamin and folic acid capsule or tablet and that amount is a fraction of what is required by the body to manufacture healthy cells and repair damaged DNA. So if we don't supplement separately, we may develop unnecessary health problems. As with all other B vitamins, folic acid is water soluble so overdosing should not be considered an issue. As with potassium iodide, any excess folic acid will be discarded by the body. Therefore, I believe it is better to err on the side of generosity than too little when administering folic acid to our bodies.
And to those of us reading this article who have been diagnosed with cancer by their doctor, do not despair. Consider starting to supplement what you are now taking with folic acid as well as with the other essential vitamins, minerals and fatty-acids. Most everything you need can be found at most health food stores. Take a leap of faith; the body, even if partially damaged, is a very resilient bio-chemical machine. But it needs the right things to repair itself.
I wish you good health, always.
Note: A deficiency of folic acid can result in many health problems, the most notable one being neural tube defects in developing embryos. Common symptoms of folic acid deficiency include diarrhea, macrocytic anemia with weakness or shortness of breath, nerve damage with weakness and limb numbness (peripheral neuropathy), pregnancy complications, mental confusion, forgetfulness or other cognitive declines, mental depression, sore or swollen tongue, peptic or mouth ulcers, headaches, heart palpitations, irritability, and behavioral disorders. Low levels of folic acid can also lead to homocysteine accumulation where DNA synthesis and repair are impaired and this could lead to cancer development.
Resources: Wikipedia