52 Week Food Storage Plan
Global Research Report
This is the mother load of food storage information, this is week by week food storage plan which informs you all about the food, the healthy principles and even what recipes you can make from it. Quite awesome if you ask me, check out the full plan and as this is a good one.
According to the pgward:
(If you can’t accomplish this in 1 week, don’t worry, just take your time and do it in steps.)
This week we are talking about rice. Rice is a grain that can easily be purchased and stored (although not easily grown in many regions). Rice is one of those grains which you can’t just grow in your backyard. (i’m sure you can try)
Why do I store it?
It can store for longer than 10 years(if stored properly), can be cooked in numerous ways, is relatively inexpensive to purchase, and is easy to digest.
Rice is life for thousands of millions of people. It is deeply embedded in the cultural heritage of their societies. It is the staple food for more than half of the world population. In Asia alone, more than 2,000 million people obtain 60 to 70 percent of their calories from rice and its products. Ninety percent of rice is produced in Asia. It is the most rapidly growing source of food in Africa, and is of significant importance to food security in an increasing number of low-income food-deficit countries.
Rice is a staple item and EVERYONE on a diet or not should store rice. Rice can be spruced up with just about anything and taste great. It takes between 3 and 6 months for a rice plant to reach maturity, depending on the variety and where it is grown. So just think of how awesome this little grain really is. Scientists believe there are 140,000 varieties of cultivated rice, but no one knows the exact number. Rice is important to all. Three of the world’s four most populous nations use rice as their staple food – China, India and Indonesia. Together, these countries have 2,500 million people.
Brown or White?
Brown rice is unpolished whole grain rice that is produced by removing only the outer husk. It becomes white rice when the bran layer is stripped off in the milling process. Compared with white rice, brown rice is more nutritious because it contains bran, which is a source of fibre, oils, B vitamins, and important minerals. Brown rice does tend to spoil faster because it has more of its natural oils. Of course, if you vacum pack it, it will last for a really long time. Brown rice is better for people suffering from diabetes as it takes the body longer to absorb it and doesn’t cause GI crashes.
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