Mortality rate doubles for females eating refined white sugar - lab mice study rocks soda industry
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) In what is arguably the most shocking food study conducted since the Seralini "GMO rats" study released last year, researchers at the University of Utah have found that even a small amount of refined sugar consumption resulted in a doubling of the death rate of female mice.
Fed merely the equivalent of three cans of soda a day, females experienced a 100% increase in death rates, and males experienced a sharp drop in fertility. Males were also found to have impaired ability to hold territory, according to the study authors.
"Our results provide evidence that added sugar consumed at concentrations currently considered safe exerts dramatic adverse impacts on mammalian health," the researchers explain. (SOURCE)
One of the study authors, James Ruff, explained that even though the mice did not show observable symptoms of obesity or diabetes, a careful monitoring of their behavior showed that they died more frequently and reproduced less frequently.
The study was brilliantly designed to mimic the real-world competitive living environment among mice, forcing them to compete for territory (nesting beds) and reproductive partners. Interestingly, the study found that the toxic effect of feeding the mice refined white sugar was equal to being inbred mice (i.e. offspring of first cousens).
Think about that for a minute: sugar makes mice dumber than if their parents were cousens!
(And if you really want to see some crazy death rates among the mice, feed 'em aspartame...)
Many Americans eat far more sugar, proportionally, than the mice were fed
The diets used in this study were "25 percent sugar-added" diets, meaning the mice were given 25% of their total daily caloric intake in the form of refined sugar (fructose and glucose). See http://science.naturalnews.com/Fructose.html
The obvious implication of this is that a huge portion of the American population already consumes more than 25 percent of its daily caloric intake in the form of refined sugars, including:
• Maltodextrin
• High Fructose Corn Syrup
• Sucrose
• Sugar
• Fructose
• Dextrose
There is no question that the widespread consumption of all these sugars is a primary cause behind the epidemic of diabetes and obesity under which America is currently suffering. Aside from the obvious sources of sugar (sodas, sugary cereals, pastries, candy, etc.), refined sugar is also hidden in everyday grocery items like pizza sauce, salad dressing and even wheat bread.
Unless you make a concerted effort to avoid refined sugars, it's easy to intake large quantities on a daily basis. If this mice study proves to be correct in humans, consuming refined sugars may cause you to die early, become infertile or otherwise act in a cognitively impaired manner that vastly reduces your survivability. (Kinda sounds like half the population, doesn't it?)
Refined white sugar is devoid of nutrients
Why is refined white sugar so bad for your health? Because it's an "anti-food" that has been stripped of nearly all nutrition.
Sugar is refined from cane, a large species of grass. Raw cane juice is actually a dark green liquid with an incredibly sweet, full-spectrum flavor. Processing the raw cane juice into sugar involves removing nearly all the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, leaving only empty white calories that are a lot like poison to mammalian biology.
That's why "dehydrated cane juice crystals" are actually good for you, even though "refined white sugar" is bad for you. Cane juice is a full-spectrum sweetener that provides all sorts of minerals and nutrients which help balance the blood sugar effects of consuming sugar in the first place.
Because refined white sugar is an anti-nutrient, people who eat it on a regular basis are stealing from their own nutritional stores to "process" the sugar, causing a net nutritional deficit in their bodies. Lacking the necessary trace minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients to maintain optimum health, body systems and organs start to fail. Medical doctors slap names on those symptoms, calling them things like "diabetes" or "ADHD" or "cancer." (Cancer cells love refined white sugar!)
But the real root cause of most disease is nutrient depletion thanks to the routine consumption of nutrient-depleted, processed refined foods.
If you want to stay healthy, avoid all these refined foods
These are all "foods of disease" that gave rise to the modern era of Big Pharma, degenerative disease and the for-profit cancer industry:
• White sugar
• White bread
• White salt
• White tortillas
• Snack chips
• Processed meats
• Homogenized, pasteurized dairy
• Sodas, sports drinks and energy drinks
• Fake juices made mostly with sugar
• Cake, candy, ice cream and sweets
If you currently crave these things, it's usually because you're utterly deficient in mineral nutrition. Your body is starving for minerals and tells you to keep eating until you get some. But because the foods you're eating have no real nutrition, you just keep packing on the pounds as the calories mount up. What you really need is real nutrition that turns off the hunger. That only comes from high-density, full-spectrum superfoods and food-based nutritional supplements.
That's why I can honestly tell you, without hesitation, that I gave up drinking soda well over a decade ago, and to this day, I do not ever crave soda. I don't crave ice cream, cake, donuts or any such sweets. This is important to understand because if you eat a diet like mine, you don't need any self control whatsoever to avoid sweets. Your body automatically doesn't want them. The reason I don't eat sweets, in other words, is because I don't feel like eating sweets, not because of some amazing form of self-discipline.
Often, successful dieting is not a matter of self control but a matter of strategic dietary choices and nutritional supplementation to make sure your body gets the nutrition what it needs so that your inherent nutritional hunger is satiated.
If you really want the kind of nutrition that satisfied your body's cravings for minerals, grow your own food in mineral-rich soils or buy food from your local farmer's market. You may also benefit from superfoods or mineral-rich food concentrate supplements, both of which have much higher nutrient density than run-of-the-mill grocery foods.
For the record: Potts and Ruff conducted the study with University of Utah biology lab manager Linda Morrison and undergraduates Amanda Suchy, Sara Hugentobler, Mirtha Sosa and Bradley Schwartz, and with researchers Sin Gieng and Mark Shigenaga of Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute in California. (SOURCE)
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