Kids, eat your vegetables or you could turn into a bunch of celery
Wendy Merrill
(NaturalNews) Mother Nature sure is amazing! She has thought of everything to keep humans healthy. So why is She seemingly ignored? Have humans become so jaded and oblivious to the world around that they have missed her very blatant signs disguised as precious gifts designed for optimal health and well-being? There is a little known piece of ancient wisdom called the Doctrine of Signatures, which says that every fruit and vegetable on earth has a very distinct physical pattern that resembles some part of the body, and that this pattern is actually a visual sign as to its inherent benefit to the human body. If this doctrine is investigated to its fullest extent, it could be proven repeatedly with profound accuracy.
Is it because human eyesight is so bad, that people are incapable of seeing the forest through the trees? Enter carrots. Slice a carrot, what is actually "seen?" Something resembling a cross section of the eye, right? There is the outer concentric circle, all the lines running radially from the center, and the core itself which looks like a pupil. Collectively, it looks remarkably like the iris of the eye. Wow! And, ironically, the carrot is one of nature's answers to human eye health too. In addition to normal eye function, the carrot augments blood flow to the eye through its very tiny capillaries. As an iridologist, this information is incredibly fascinating. Get a good look at that carrot. Every feature of the iris is represented in the cross section of that carrot. Hopefully it's not genetically modified.
Just think of how interesting food would sound to kids if they were taught that certain whole and natural foods LOOK very much like the part of the body they can help heal. Kids are generally visual-type learners, so for mom or dad to utilize this amazing "natural picture book" to teach kids what's good for them... how incredibly cool.
How about kidney beans? They certainly LOOK like the a kidney. And yes, they are helpful for healing and supporting kidney function. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals, the same ones that are considered vital for optimal kidney behavior.
Then there is the tomato. What does the cross section of a tomato resemble? If someone said the chambers of the human heart, that would be absolutely correct. Tomatoes are filled with lycopene (which is a bright red carotene and phytochemical), a nutrient that travels from the stomach into the blood. And the color of the tomato is heart-healthy red. Coincidence? Nope.
Look at a stalk of celery. They specifically target the strength of bones. There is little irony in the fact that human bones and celery are both exactly 23 percent calcium. When the body is lacking proper calcium content, it tends to rob it from bones, thus compromising the integrity of bone structure.
Ever noticed when a mushroom is sliced in half, it looks like the human ear? Any yes, mushrooms are known to help improve hearing. They contain vitamin D (one of the few foods that does), which is also great for the three tiny little bones in the ear that help transmit sound to the brain.
So travel to the grocery store with the kids - shop the perimeter of the store. Generally, this is where to find the fresh, organic and non-GMO produce. Teach children about vegetables, and how Mother Nature created them with precision and meticulous intent in order to make all nutrients available for their long-term well-being.
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About the author:
Wendy Merrill, CCI, M.S. Hol. Nutr.
Wendy is a natural health and nutritional consultant, an IIPA certified iridologist and serves on the International Iridology Practitioners Association Board of Directors. She also holds a Masters degree in Holistic Nutritional Sciences and is the Founder of VisualEyes Health (www.visualeyeshealth.com), a holistic nutritional consulting company using iridology assessments and facial diagnostics to assist healing.
She is passionate about natural health living, with added emphasis on iridology (both human and animal), homeopathy, sports nutrition, nutritional physiology, facial diagnostics and nature photography.
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Wendy Merrill, CCI, M.S. Hol. Nutr. Wendy is a natural health and nutritional consultant, an IIPA certified iridologist and serves on the International Iridology Practitioners Association Board of Directors. She also holds a Masters degree in Holistic Nutritional Sciences and is the Founder of VisualEyes Health (www.visualeyeshealth.com), a holistic nutritional consulting company using iridology assessments and facial diagnostics to assist healing. She is passionate about natural health living, with added emphasis on iridology (both human and animal), homeopathy, sports nutrition, nutritional physiology, facial diagnostics and nature photography.