CFH [Citizens for Health] Kicks Off 'Read Your Labels' Campaign
Citizens for Heatlh
Dear Citizen for Health,
As we've advocated, time and time again, the only way to really see what goes into what you eat, drink, and feed your families is to read the label.
That's why CFH is launching the "Read Your Labels" campaign, an effort to raise awareness of the controversial, unnecessary, or downright harmful additives that are commonly found in the food and beverages we buy and consume.
We are starting off with a list of the Top Ten Additives to Avoid. FoodIdentityTheft.com blogger and frequent contributor to CFH, Linda Bonvie, has posted the first installment, about artificial colors. Read it here.
As a prelude to our campaign we told you recently about a new Mountain Dew "breakfast beverage" called Kickstart, scheduled to be available nationally on Monday the 25th. To help draw attention to this latest example of the disturbing proliferation of nutritionally-deficient short-cuts, we tweeted and posted on our Facebook page about a contest to see who can be the first to post a picture of the ingredients list from a can of Kickstart. That person will receive a free, autographed copy of James Gormley's book "User's Guide to Natural Treatments for Lyme Disease".
Keep your eyes peeled for Kickstart, and be sure to post your picture here.
Thanks, as always, for your participation,
The Citizens for Health Team
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