USDA school lunch reform rules are a complete hoax: here's the proof
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) With huge fanfare and an overdose of propaganda, the U.S. government is announcing it's going to reform school lunches and vending machines to eliminate junk beverages like sodas. "Under new rules the Department of Agriculture proposed Friday, school vending machines would start selling water, lower-calorie sports drinks, diet sodas and baked chips instead," reports the Washington Post.
Except, here's the problem: We heard this same hoax six years ago when Bill Clinton was widely applauded for achieving the very same "reform" back then.
Forbes.com practically drooled over the "leadership" of Clinton when it announced, in 2006:
"Under the agreement, the companies have agreed to sell only water, unsweetened juice and low-fat milk to elementary and middle schools while high schools would be allowed diet drinks, unsweetened teas, flavored water, and low-calorie sports drinks."
Er, hold on a sec. Why is the USDA saying it's going to ban sugary sodas in 2013 when Forbes.com reported that Bill Clinton already solved the problem in 2006?
Because it's all a hoax.
Four years after Bill Clinton's supposed "victory" over soda manufacturers, sodas had vastly EXPANDED their reach in U.S. schools.
The US government is in bed with junk food manufacturers
The US government has no intention of hurting the profits of its most powerful supporters: food and drug corporations. Forcing school lunches to become healthier means reduced profits for the processed food giants that supply all the genetically modified, chemically-preserved, refined, processed, nutrient-deprived crap that our children are raised on.
The goal of the USDA -- the same department that has completely sold out to Monsanto, for the record -- is to make it appear like they are doing something to improve the health of children while, in actuality, doing nothing to restrict the profit growth of junk food companies.
Remember: We've seen this same hoax before, back in 2006 with Bill Clinton. That too was praised as something of a "treaty" with junk food companies and soda manufacturers. But as I said back then, it was all a publicity stunt designed to delay any legislation. And it worked! No laws were passed and the soda continues to be sold to children all across our nation's schools.
Pushing aspartame
The other big reason this whole thing is a charade is because it doesn't restrict diet sodas. So even if the corn syrup sodas are pulled out of schools, it puts the government in the position of promoting aspartame consumption by our children.
Aspartame is even worse for your health than corn syrup. Only in a completely insane government full of nutritionally-ignorant morons would aspartame be pushed on children. The substance should never have been approved for human consumption in the first place. When stored in hot conditions, it produces formaldehyde -- a potent neurotoxin that harms the nervous system.
Pushing aspartame on children is sure to lower academic scores, create behavioral problems and promote chronic disease as those children age. But the US government incessantly protects aspartame, mercury-laden vaccines, GMOs and other mass-marketed poisons. The payoff is huge for Big Pharma which then rakes in trillions of dollars "treating" all the chronic disease caused by a lifetime of poison consumption.
That's the racket being played out right now in America, and it's all marketed under the label of "healthy children."
Remember, above all, that the government always LIES to you. Telling the truth serves no purpose for it, and it has no morals or ethics to speak of. These lies are designed to create the impression that the government cares for you (Obamacare, remember?) while, in reality, it is looting your pockets, sickening your children, destroying your liberties and crushing dissent.