Truth In Labeling and Setting the Record Straight on High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
Citizens for Heatlh
January 17, 2013
Truth In Labeling and Setting the Record Straight on High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
Dear Citizen for Health,
FoodIdentityTheft.com blogger and frequent contributor to CFH, Linda Bonvie, has posted an interesting new article to the CFH website about truth in labeling and your Right To Know. Read it here: "What’s In A Name? Most Likely, An Attempt To Create A Phony Product Image".
CFH is committed to defending your Right To Know and expanding your access to the truthful, straightforward information you need to make appropriate decisions about your health and wellness. You are also familiar with our successful campaign to stop the re-branding of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as "corn sugar" - an attempt by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) to dupe consumers rebuffed by the FDA in 2012.
The problem: HFCS is still out there and there are no requirements to inform you of how much HFCS is in the products you buy. That's why we've submitted a petition to the FDA advocating for labels clearly stating the concentration of fructose in any food item containing HFCS. We're also asking the FDA to take action against food sellers who use unapproved formulas of HFCS.
Please take a few moments to post comments directly to the FDA in support of our petition. You can do so here. For more information to support your comments, click here. (Please mention that you are a health-conscious food consumer. Let them know that you care about what you eat and that you require accurate information to make good decisions about your diet. If you have any professional connections to the food industry - science, administration, legal, labor, ANY - let the agency know. The FDA offers tips on commenting here).
And please be sure to take advantage of our resources for spreading the word - click on any of the links below and share far and wide! Please also forward this alert to all those you know who want to control what they put into their bodies, and forgive us for any duplication or cross-posting of information you've already received as we continue to send alerts on this in coming weeks.
Thanks, as always, for your participation,
The Citizens for Health Team
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