Scientists Predict Food Riots Will Grip Planet Within A Year: We Were Warned 4 Years Ago!
Posted by Alexander Higgins
After being warned 4 years ago good prices would lead to global unrest New England Complex Systems Institute predict foot riots within a year.
There is a saying that states that “every society is only three meals away from revolution”, and it is easy to believe. If food is unobtainable, the fear of starvation will drive people to extreme measures.
by Timon Singh, 09/15/12
A few years ago, Sir John Beddington, the UK government’s chief scientific advisor stated that with the world’s population growing, food supplies diminishing, and water supplies becoming more scarce, all of these factors would combine to form a ‘perfect storm’ in 2030 resulting in food shortages and rioting. However, the New England Complex Systems Institute believes he is way too optimistic with his timing. In fact, the complexity theorists think that if we don’t reverse the current trend in food prices, we’ve got until August 2013 before social unrest sweeps the planet.
The team from New England including Marco Lagi say they believe that a single factor will trigger riots around the world within the next 11 months – the price of food. Lagi and his team say that once food prices reach a certain point, social unrest will break out in several countries, especially in poorer parts of the world.
There is a saying that states that “every society is only three meals away from revolution”, and it is easy to believe. If food is unobtainable, the fear of starvation will drive people to extreme measures. However, Lagi and his team don’t think that high food prices will solely lead to riots, but will be responsible for creating the conditions in which social unrest can flourish.
4 years ago in 2008, Gerald Celente warned us that if we continued to follow the destructive path that we were on, by 2012 food riots would be happening in America… was he only a short while off? Even the scientists are agreeing with him now…
Source: BeforeItsNews
After The Food Problems Comes The Water Problems
Several organizations including the United States Department of State, The UN and other advocacy organizations have reported global water shortages will begin to spark civil unrest within the next 10 to 30 years.
Report: Water Shortages To Spark Global Unrest, US Privatizing Supplies
US will begin to privatize water supplies following a classified intelligence report that warns water shortages will spark global unrest within 10 years or so.
An intelligence report based on classified information warns water shortages will soon lead to global unrest and threaten the National Security of the United States.
The intelligence reports that wars over water won’t happen over night, but within another 10 years the lack of water is expected to become crucial to the point where it can contribute to conditions that cause the collapse of governments or spark wars in areas of political instability.
The most immediate concern is depleted groundwater used for farming could destabilize supplies of food and trigger hyperinflation in food prices.
It names the Amu Darya river in Central Asia and Afghanistan, which flows from Tibet through India to Bangladesh, as flash points of war because these governments will be “inadequate” to handle “political grievances” over the water coming from shared water supplies.
The news of the new partnership and the intelligence report follows a UN warning earlier this month that severe water shortages will hit Africa and South Asia by 2030 and then move across Europe by 2070.
Similar warnings have come out of the official US state ran news outlet, Voice of America, warning on the growing shortage of water supplies quoted the State Department as saying farmers are using the groundwater faster than it can be replenished.
From Bloomberg:
U.S. Intelligence Says Water Shortages Threaten Stability
Competition for increasingly scarce water in the next decade will fuel instability in regions such as South Asia and the Middle East that are important to U.S. national security, according to a U.S. intelligence report.
Risking Instability
“Many countries important to the United States will experience water problems — shortages, poor water quality, or floods — that will risk instability,” the study said. “North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia will face major challenges coping with water problems.”