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Citizens for Health Alert: Prop 37 and Californians' Right to Know - Sign Our Petition

Citizens for Health

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September 11, 2012

Dear Citizen for Health,

You Have The Right To Know What's In Your Food!

For the past 20 years, Americans have been denied their right to know what’s in their food. On November 6th, 2012, that’s going to change in California!

Citizens for Health has advocated for your Right to Know, and for clear, non-misleading labeling of foods and beverages since the 1990s. In fact, in 1999 then-FDA Commissioner Dr. Jane Henney acknowledged the success of CFH’s “Write to Know” Campaign, which generated over 175,000 comments opposing the FDA’s efforts to redefine disease and restrict information on dietary supplement labels.

Most recently we joined with Yes on Prop 37, California Right to Know to get Californians out to the polls on November 6 to vote "YES" on CA Prop 37, which would require clear labels letting consumers know if foods are genetically modified. We at CFH firmly believe that the truthful labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods, and foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is a seminal issue in the campaign for health freedom and consumer choice. In fact, what happens in California will likely set a precedent for how other states, and possibly the nation, will address this critical issue.

Help send a clear message that Californians - and consumers everywhere - have a Right to Know what they put into their bodies by signing our petition.

As you read this the same corporations that brought us DDT and Agent Orange are already funding the opposition, desperately trying to deny Californians their Right to Know and hide the ugly truth about what goes into their products. So far, they've raised $25 million dollars, and if you think they'll stop at California - think again! Whether it's state-by-state or a concerted national effort, purveyors of "frankenfoods" will stop at nothing to protect their bottom line and keep you in the dark, knowing that the more informed you are about their products, they less likely you are to buy them.

As many as 50 countries around the world already inform their citizens if the food they eat contains GMOs with simple labels, including all of Europe, Russia, India, Japan, Australia - and even China. In a democratic society, you have a right to know what’s in your food.

Join us! - Pledge to Defend Your Right to Know - take a moment to add your name to our petition now!

As always, thank you for your participation - and please forward this to any concerned friends in California.

The Citizens for Health Team