Raw milk vending machines growing in popularity across Europe
Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) While American health authorities continue to peddle unfounded superstition about the so-called dangers of raw milk, which has spawned authoritarian policies that prevent millions of Americans from freely accessing it, unpasteurized dairy is all the rage throughout Europe. And one Polish manufacturer of raw milk vending machines explained to The Bovine in a recent interview that the installation of such machines is rapidly spreading both in Poland and across Europe.
They are something you will not find in the US -- at least not yet -- but that are set to expand from 150 machines to 1,000 or more in the coming years, just in the country of Poland, according to Konrad Pszowski, owner of MILKMAT SC, a popular manufacturer of high-quality raw milk vending machines. Such machines are a great way for local farmers to distribute fresh milk to customers in large cities or other areas far away from dairies.
"I think that in European countries there is big knowledge about raw milk," Pszowski is quoted as saying to The Bovine. "People know what products they can make out of this milk. They know how to produce house cheese, sour milk, butter ... In my opinion interest in it will grow all over the world. Especially that we are more aware of [...] what we eat."
Be sure to read Pszowski's full interview with The Bovine here:
No matter how they choose to use it, Europeans are free to decide for themselves whether or not to consume raw milk and raw milk dairy products, and raw milk vending machines just make it easier and more convenient for them to do so. And because the milk is routinely inspected for quality and proper sanitation, it is safe for human consumption.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), on the other hand, is stuck in the stone ages of bad science on the raw milk issue. The agency has decided that raw milk is inherently dangerous, despite myriad evidence to the contrary, and has done everything it possibly can with taxpayers' money to restrict access to it, including raiding small dairies and confiscating product from buyers' clubs (http://www.naturalnews.com/033280_FDA_raids_timeline.html).
But what is happening in Poland and throughout Europe with raw milk and the widespread installation of raw milk vending machines proves that American regulators and health authorities are willfully ignorant of the facts about raw milk, and have forcefully extended their ignorance onto the public with tyrannical laws against its sale and distribution.
Check out this interesting map which lists all raw milk vending machines just in the country of Italy:
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