Green PolkaDot Box launches, begins shipping selection of organic and non-GMO groceries directly to consumers
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Billed as the up-and-coming "Amazon.com of the natural food industry," the Green PolkaDot Box company has now opened its (online) doors and is shipping discounted foods, nutritional supplements, natural home care and personal care products straight to consumers at direct-to-consumer prices. Their launch was later than expected, of course. We had hoped they would be online in October, but it took some extra programming work to get their member rewards program working smoothly, and the good news is that members who joined a couple of months ago are now already accumulating rewards points and using them to get free groceries, supplements, superfoods and other health-enhancing products delivered to their front door (in green boxes, no less).
I'm really happy to see Green PolkaDot Box launch. NaturalNews.com, the Organic Consumers Association and the Institute for Responsible Technology all got behind this concept several months ago, helping to publicize the upcoming launch of the company. We all believe that Whole Foods needs some competition to deliver organic products (and non-GMO products) at more competitive prices, and Green PolkaDot Box is suddenly positioned as the most promising company to take on that important role.
Some in the industry taunted GPDB, pessimistically saying their concept could never be achieved and that they would never open their doors. But just a few days ago, the critics were silenced as GPDB opened its doors and began shipping out hundreds of orders! Right now, its members are saving money and even earning free groceries thanks to their referral rewards benefits (see below).
How it works to save you money on the health-enhancing products you buy every day
The Green PolkaDot Box is an online buyer's club, much like Costco or Sam's Club, but offering healthy products instead of conventional products. You pay a small fee to join, and then you start saving money immediately -- up to 60% off! -- on purchases of some of the best natural and organic products the industry has to offer. All orders over $150 are shipped FREE, so you pay no shipping in the USA.
Right away, you can probably see how this could save you significant dollars over the next twelve months. But there's something even better in all this. As a rewards member with GPDB, you also earn rewards points on the groceries your friends buy -- or from anyone you tell about the website. So when they buy groceries at a discount, you get rewards points in YOUR account that you can then use to buy all the organic food products, superfoods, supplements, personal care products and other things you enjoy as part of your health lifestyle. (And their inventory is expanding every week to include a greater selection of natural health products, by the way...)
In essence, you'll be earning FREE products as a referral benefit of introducing Green Polka Dot Box to others who may also want to save money on their own purchases of natural, organic and non-GMO products.
This is a big deal, and it's a smart way to lower your grocery bill every month, or perhaps to finally afford the organic products that previously seemed too expensive.
Click here to go to the GPDB website right now to join as a NaturalNews referral.
... and you can start saving today.
Membership options and benefits - here's a "loophole" that will disappear in 9 days
At the GPDB website, you'll see three membership options. The Rewards Membership is the most popular option, but I want to explain the Founding Trust Membership because it's disappearing on December 31st (just a few days from now).
This is the membership you want. That it even still exists is sort of a "loophole," because it was originally used as a special incentive program to raise operating capital for the company in its pre-launch phase. In exchange for people buying these memberships, they were offered extraordinary lifetime benefits which include deeper discounts on the products they buy, increased rewards points from referred members, and even a $500 rewards payback incentive that means you actually get $500 more worth of points than you pay for when you buy the membership. (Yeah, seriously.)
This means this "Founding Trust Membership" pays for itself -- and then pays you back $500 more -- instantly! It's a no brainer. It's like if you handed me a hundred dollar bill, and I handed you $125 in return. You'd be saying, "Huh? Why did I just get 25% more money back than what I gave you?" And the answer is that this loophole is disappearing on December 31st, because it's literally too good to keep offering people. (Companies don't make money by giving away $500 worth of free groceries to new members... and that's why this "loophole" is disappearing.)
Start saving right now
So, to summarize:
• Green Polka Dot Box is open right now and actively shipping products today!
• As a member, you can save up to 60% off organic, natural and non-GMO products across all the categories that matter to you: Groceries, superfoods, supplements, body care, pet care, even home care products. Most prices are better than what you'll find at Whole Foods, if you're price shopping.
• All orders over $150 get FREE shipping (in the USA, and customers in Hawaii get special discounts to compensate for their higher shipping costs)
• You earn rewards points when your friends (or people you refer) buy their own groceries and products from GPDB.
• You can then spend those rewards points to get free products for yourself and your family.
In addition, the following OPTIONAL benefits are available only for the next 9 days:
If you join as a "Founding Trust Member," you'll enjoy:
• No annual fee, ever!
• $500 worth of extra points -- free! -- to spend instantly on any products you want.
• An additional 10% purchase discount across the board.
• The ability to give away 5 free gift memberships per year to friends or family members (this alone is worth $250 per year).
The Founding Trust Memberships will be gone in just 9 days. They will never be offered again. No matter what you spend each month on foods, supplements, superfoods or personal care products, this membership pays for itself almost instantly, and then it keeps on saving you money -- or even earning you free products -- year after year.
Join now as a NaturalNews referral at:
Fresh, organic farm produce coming in 2012
By the way, on top of everything already mentioned here, GPDB will soon be announcing farm-to-consumer fresh produce shipped straight from America's farms to GPDB members, using an innovative chilling technique for the fresh produce.
This means that, for the first time, many consumers will be able to get fresh, organic, non-GMO farm produce delivered straight to their door, at discount prices. This not only supports organic agriculture across America, but it makes buying organic produce both affordable and convenient. (As a GPDB rewards member, you'll earn rewards points on all the purchases of this fresh produce made by the people you refer.)
But remember: NaturalNews always encourages you to buy LOCAL foods from local farmers first, so please visit your local CSAs, farmers' markets and food co-ops. Purchasing fresh produce via any other method should be secondary to getting it from local farmers.
Quick answers for common questions
What about the product selection? Will it be expanded?
• The product lineup at GPDB is being constantly expanded to add new brands, especially brands from small up-and-coming companies.
• No, GPDB is not an MLM or a network marketing operation. It's a buyer's club with a referral rewards system, like an "affiliate program."
Does GPDB oppose GMOs?
• Yes! The products carried by GPDB will continue to be scrutinized, expanded and improved every month. The intention of the company is to avoid carrying any GMOs, period. We'll help them accomplish that by monitoring their inventory for non-GMO compliance.
Are all GPDB products organic?
• Not all products at GPDB are organic, but a huge portion of them are either certified organic or in transition to such certifications. The Organic Consumers Association is helping GPDB watch over its product selection to make sure, for instance, that "organic" personal care products are truly organic and not just named "organic" something.
Does my membership help support NaturalNews?
• YES, if you join as a NaturalNews referral, then NaturalNews earns rewards points every time you shop at GPDB. We will put these rewards points to good use by turning them into cash and using that cash to expand our operation and keep fighting for food freedom, health freedom and the opposition of GMOs, chemical food additives (like MSG), dangerous pesticides and toxic chemicals such as fluoride.
Will GPDB make any other improvements?
• Yes, and we plan to work with GPDB to help improve their store, improve product badges, and deliver educational content to their members.
9 days left to get the Founding Trust Membership
To take advantage of all this, join as a Founding Trust Member now, before December 31st, when they will remove that membership option forever.
The membership pays for itself -- PLUS $500 -- instantly. Join now at:
More updates about Green PolkaDot Box will be posted here as the company expands its product line and makes new announcements.