FDA Refuses To Monitor AK Fish - Ocean Currents Don't Lie
In the latest example of blatant Federal negligence (coverup), the valiant and ever vigilant FDA and EPA have determined they will not be testing ANY fish from the Gulf Of Alaska. This is another egregious (not that they give a rat's tail) abandonment of their obligation to watch over the public health and welfare. In this case, the Feds have chosen to protect the Alaskan fishing industry...the public's right to know and to be kept safe and informed be damned.
The Feds are already protecting the Dairy and Beef and Big Ag industries, so why not the Alaska fisheries, too.
A simple look at the maps below tells the tale of exactly why the Feds SHOULD be monitoring ALL Pacific caught seafood.
First off, the Kuroshio Current (also named the Black Current) flowing northbound just off the East Coast of Japan meets up with the Oyashio Current, flowing southbound next to Japan's east coast. The two then run off together and head due EAST and become the North Pacific Current.
The venerable North Pacific, as you will see below, jaunts straight across the Pacific and then SPLITS...with half going directly north into the Gulf of Alaska where it swirls and swirls in a sweeping counter-clockwise vortex.
The southern portion of the split heads straight for the West Coast where it becomes the California Current as it flows south and down the West Coast into Baja California before eventually fading into the North Equatorial Current and a return trip back to Asia.
Kuroshio And Oyashio Currents Zone
(KR/OY Mix And Become North Pacific Current)
Pronounced (koorosheo)
Also called Japan Current or BLACK CURRENT.
The Kuroshio Current (in red arrow) runs off the coast of Japan. It is a strong and very large warm surface oceanic current traveling 40 to 121 km/day at 1.6 to 4.8 km/h. At about lat. 35°N it divides to form an eastern branch flowing nearly to the Hawaiian Islands and a northern branch that skirts the coast of Asia and merges with the waters of the cold Oyashio Current to form the North Pacific Current. Dense fogs develop along the boundary between the Japan and Oyashio currents. Air moving over the warm Japan Current becomes more temperate and acts to moderate the climate of Taiwan and Japan.
The Oyashio Current (in green arrow) is a cold subarctic current that flows south and circulates counterclockwise along the western North Pacific Ocean. The two currents collide near eastern shores of Japan forming the North Pacific Current.
The North Pacific Current
The North Pacific Current (sometimes referred to as the North Pacific Drift) is a slow warm water current that flows west-to-east between 40 and 50 degrees north in the Pacific Ocean. The current forms the southern part of the North Pacific Subpolar Gyre. The North Pacific Current is formed by the collision of theKuroshio Current, running northward off the coast of Japan, and the Oyashio Current, which is a cold subarctic current that flows south and circulates counterclockwise along the western North Pacific Ocean. The North Pacific Current forms the northern part of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. In the eastern North Pacific, it splits into the southward California Current and the northward Alaska Current.
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Here is the full FDA-EPA story about why there is 'no reason' to monitor Alaska and North Pacific fish for radiation exposure...
'No Nuclear Risk To North Pacific Fish' Officials Say
What do you think?