You don't have to be sick! Food documentary reveals real causes of sickness vs. health
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Dear NaturalNews readers,
I'm bringing you news today about a must-see documentary that has a powerful, life-changing impact on the way we think about food, pharmaceuticals, disease and health. This is a high-end, professionally done feature documentary that hits hard at the core causes behind today's disease epidemics (which are almost all preventable, by the way).
The film is called Food Matters, and it is one of my top three most highly-recommended films on health. Watch the documentary preview at:
Here's the cool part: This film is a life-changing event for many who watch it. If YOU are looking for a motivating reason to finally make those changes in your food and diet that can help reverse chronic disease and restore lifelong health, this film may deliver exactly the shift in understanding that will suddenly make those changes seem almost effortless.
Introduce your family or friends to the truth about sickness versus health
Better yet, even if your own diet is super healthy right now because you're eating lots of superfoods and disease prevention plants, this film is precisely the jaw-dropping documentary that can help OTHERS see what you've been trying to tell them all along!
In other words, find a friend or family member who doesn't "get it" about foods and health, let them watch this documentary, and there's a good chance their own thinking will begin to shift without you having to say anything!
Keep reading, because I'm about to reveal how you can instantly watch this entire documentary right now, online. Even better, we've worked with the film producers to bring you this full-length feature documentary at a great discount for the next few days.
Food Matters is now available at WebSeed.com
You've probably heard about WebSeed.com, right? That's the technology platform I co-created to deliver premium video and audio content to millions of people all over the world. Food Matters is now available as a video program on WebSeed, meaning you can buy it (at the discounted price, see below), then watch it on WebSeed from any Mac or PC, as many times as you wish! (Unlimited access.)
You can also view the videos on your iPad or iPhone, too. So you'll get unlimited access to watch this film (and show it to your family or friends), plus this video becomes part of your WebSeed Library, so you can log in and watch all the films, seminars or other programs you own on WebSeed at any time, 24/7. Think of it as Amazon Video On Demand, but with far more important content.
The Food Matters DVD normally sells for $24.95, but thanks to the generosity of the Food Matters producers, for the next few days we're offering the full Food Matters documentary on WebSeed for 40% off the usual retail price.
To get it, just go here: http://programs.webseed.com/Food_Matters__NN.htm
Some of what you'll learn as you watch the Food Matters documentary:
* How to use food as medicine
* Raw foods, superfoods and nutrition
* Who needs vitamins?
* Is organic better than conventional?
* How safe is our food?
* How the body heals itself
* Foods for depression, anxiety and mental illness
* Natural treatments for lowering cholesterol
* Natural therapies for cancer
* Which Pharma drugs might be causing more harm than good?
* The best ways to detox and remove heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals from your body
... and much more.
Here's what some of the world's top nutrition and health experts say about Food Matters:
"This film lays out the inconvenient truth the food industry doesn't want you to hear - that nearly all degenerative disease is actually caused by the processed, nutrient-depleted food being consumed in first-world nations around the world. 'Food Matters' dares to reveal how we can stop this cycle of destruction and restore true health to ourselves and our planet."
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger founder of Natural News.com
"James and Laurentine provide a radiant beacon of hope with steps you can do today to take control of your health and begin healing. This is such important information - and much aligned with my personal health philosophies. It's time to get it out to everyone who will listen. I encourage you to order a copy of Food Matters today and watch it with your friends and family."
- Dr Joseph Mercola of Mercola.com
"Food Matters is a must see for those looking to take control of their health."
- John Gray, PhD, NY Times Best Selling Author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
"Anyone who is serious about their health needs to see this stunning film."
- Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
- John Robbins, author of Diet for A New America
"This eye-opening documentary is important to anyone who has ever taken the safety of our nation’s food supply for granted. 'Food Matters' is destined to be a classic."
- Jordan Rubin, NY Times Best Selling Author of The Maker’s Diet
"Food Matters is to getting healthy as The Secret is to becoming wealthy."
- Ed Bauman, Bauman College: Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts
"YES! Food Matters! This riveting, inspiring film is a giant step forward in awakening people’s consciousness about what we are putting into our bodies and how we are nourishing ourselves and our planet."
- Alissa Cohen, Author of Living on Live Food
Get instant access to the full Food Matters documentary, on sale now at WebSeed.com:
The special 40% off sale price ends in 12 days, so order now to take advantage of the special introductory discount for NaturalNews readers. You can literally start watching the full film in just two minutes.
This is a can't miss film! Food Matters will open your eyes and change the way you think about food, sickness and health.
Proceeds from film sales help support additional health documentary projects by James and Laurentine, the producers of Food Matters. (They have much more yet to come!) Thank you for your support.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger