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Food safety hypocrisy is in your face

Paul Fassa, citizen journalist

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So where is FDA and USDA, and even EPA, protection when it comes to Gulf seafood toxicity and probably the most toxic crop pesticide ever used? Maybe they`re just too busy busting healthy raw milk producers to care.

Gulf Poisoned Seafood

Somehow, everyone is supposed to believe that the absence of surface oil slicks in the Gulf means all is fine with marine life there. Never mind that the dispersant being used is more toxic than the oil, which some believe is still gushing. Forget that this dispersant simply makes the oil sink beneath the water`s surface.

Dr. Tom Termotto, National Coordinator for the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (GOSRC), a non-governmental organization (NGO), has presented analysis which shows the oil is still seeping from the Gulf floor. Pictorial information gathered by the GOSRC clearly demonstrates fault lines seeping oil, methane, dispersant chemicals, and crystalline hydrates forming from methane.

Eyewitness reports of toxic disbursement spraying from the air at night persist. Dr. Termotto points to the whole incident as a huge corporate cover-up with government support. After all, we`re being told to go swimming, visit Gulf vacation sights and breathe in sea air, and eat Gulf seafood, right? Obama`s point man for the Gulf oil spill recovery, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, is pushing for the military, as well as prisons and schools, to consume as much Gulf seafood as possible.

All this despite an investigation initiated by TV station WFTV in Florida raising red flags. Scientists found elevated levels of anthracene, a toxic by-product of petroleum. Anthracene levels were double what even the FDA finds to be acceptable. After the TV report, Gulf shrimpers began revealing how they were finding tarry substances in their nets. So where is FDA and USDA protection with all this?

Strawberry Fields of Poison

Recently approved despite major health concerns in California, ethyl iodide was considered safe by EPA as a replacement for methyl bromide in 2007. Although California strawberries will mostly bear the brunt of this carcinogenic poison, it is registered in 47 other states and used for tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and other crops.

What`s morbidly fascinating is how the government officials and those favoring ethyl iodide use point to the safety measures being used. Those EPA guidelines include buffer zones, covering the crops with tarp to prevent toxic gases from escaping and ensuring that it`s not used within a quarter mile of institutions such as schools, day care centers, and hospitals while monitoring its application closely. Those who spray have to be certified and wear respirators, and there is a five day non-entry period after spraying.

Does that strike you as something you should be eating with your strawberries? Evidently the FDA and USDA think so.

The Arrogance of Ignorance and Hubris

It appears that long term health consequences are totally ignored by our government agencies. If you don`t get seriously ill or drop dead immediately from exposure or ingestion, the food is safe. But when it comes to small organic dairies producing healthy raw milk, it`s time to call in the swat teams even without negative health consequences to consumers.

This should not be tolerated at all. But mostly, it is.

Sources for this article include

Debra Dupree on Gulf Shrimp toxicity

Methyl Iodide Approved in CA

EPA guidelines for methyl iodide application

The Gulf is Dying Part I

Obama and government using military and schools to push toxic Gulf shrimp into humans

About the author

Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.

He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a better direction for health. You can visit his blog at

Jan. 16, 2011