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Scientists astounded: 83-year-old man lives without food, water

David Gutierrez, staff writer

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"I can't recall exactly what it was," he said. "It was such a long time ago."

In a 15-day study, Jani was kept under isolation in an Ahmedabad hospital while doctors monitored the function of his organs, brain, blood vessels, heart, lungs and memory.

"[Jani's] only contact with any kind of fluid was during gargling and bathing periodically during the period," said G. Ilavazahagan, director of India's Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences.

'What is truly astonishing, and something we have no explanation for, is that he has not passed stools or urine. To my knowledge, that is medically unprecedented.'

Although results from more intensive DNA, hormone, enzyme and energy metabolism tests have yet to come back, all scans performed during the study came back normal.

"The reports were all in the pre-determined safety range through the observation period," said neurologist Sudhir Shah.

"We still do not know how he survives."

Jani says he was blessed by a goddess at the age of 15.

"Although I walk 100 or 200 kilometers in the jungle, I never sweat and don't feel tired or sleepy," he said. "I can meditate for three, eight or 12 hours -- or even months."

Sanal Edamaruku of the Indian Rationalist Association questioned the study's findings, noting that his request to independently monitor the experiment was denied.

"Dr Shah has been in charge of three similar investigations over the past ten years, and he has never allowed independent verification," Edamaruku said. "This particular hospital, led by this particular doctor, keeps on making these claims without ever producing evidence or publishing research."

Starvation diets are known to produce dangerous and even fatal effects within days and should not be tried at home.

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Sept. 12, 2010