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Expose the Rothschild-RedChina "death-by-a-thousand-cuts" strategy now in play

Dick Eastman

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The world has to know that this famine is man-made and that the international money power (Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Rothschild, IMF, World Bank, BIS etc) and the resources of governments and corporations which they control around the word (Mossad, People's Liberation Army, Monsanto, duPont, World Weather Organization etc.) are behind it.

Are you aware that almost the entire San Joaquin valley between Salinas and Bakersfield, once the most productive cropland in the country is nothing but dry grass today -- because of foreign owned agri-business in Latin America -- millions of acres owned by Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bush etc. -- have deliberately went after market share rather than profit to shut down California agriculture; that, and the withholding of water from Northern California and destruction of water systems for the totally trumped up purpose of saving fish species like the "snail darter" -- the sabotage is always disguised as a move that must be made to save the environment etc. Also fires are being set around the country and in Canada destroying crop land. I am sure that there are hundreds of other ways that the agriculture is being reduced -- death by a thousand cuts -- but no one notices them all and no one puts them together to get the big picture. The government should be doing that but today the government, in its statistics, in its giving warnings or meeting emergencies is as unreliable as the news media in reporting it.

My advice to everyone on the planet is to eat perishables now, store food that can be stored for later. Don't buy gold -- which will never get to spend -- but instead invest your dollars in increasing local means of farming, of food production, regardless of how unprofitable that seems today at - rigged market prices.

Remember, we have been eating food imported and paid for by taking on debt -- as our own farms have been driven off the land by bad markets and bad weather both of which have been deliberately arranged without the publics awareness. Next year we will not have credit with which to buy and for those who can pay -- the prices will be astronomical because the famine will be worldwide -- except nations favored by the Rothschilds who have been allowed to prepare for what is coming. You will not be able to eat gold -- but right now your dollars can buy seed, it can clear land, it can ready irrigation systems etc. You also need to know that legislation has been presented in Congress -- it may have passed by now for all I know -- that will make it very difficult for households to sell their vegetable produce to the public in "farmer's markets" or family run vegetable stands. And of course farmers can no longer get seed from their own crops -- the Monsanto genetically engineered seed being sterile as well as harmful.

Also, China has surpassed Israel as the source of computer viruses for which sources have been identified -- systems are being attacked all the time -- but I think these are all tests before the big attack. Not only food production, and bank credit, but distribution and information will be attacked.


I find the prices of food stuffs are definitely going up and often wonder when I'm in line at the grocery store how a family with adults "out of work" and or working in low paid jobs are even able to feed themselves and their families. The ethanol thing, not to mention the corn syrup and other corn products added to food, are causing excessive costs to the food supply, especially in Mexico. It's too bad that folks don't know how difficult corn products are to digest.

I'm hoping you are wrong with your assessment of a coming war in this country with illegals. Many of these folks don't know about wall street or the conspiracy with the Rothschild dominion. Yes, some are violent; others, are hard working and responsible people who want nothing more than to live peacefully in this country.

August 4, 2010