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Lessons from Codex -- Don't Eat, Don't Drink, Don't Think....

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From: Natural Solutions Foundation
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 8:50 PM
Subject: Lessons from Codex -- don't eat, don't drink, don't think... and don't open this email!

You won't believe

what happened at Codex...

We were at the 32nd Codex Commission meeting in Rome... Because of YOU!  Your generous support sent us back into the fray. We've done video, twittered and  blogged as the meeting happened. We kept you abreast with what was happening at the Codex Alimentarius Commission - the annual meeting of the so-called "World Food Code"...

Dr. Laibow takes you on a deconstructionist video tour of the official Codex Exhibit in the FAO headquarters building where the meeting was held:

See and hear what they REALLY don't want you to know.

And don't forget read Dr. Rima Recommends, below, where she tells you about what happened at Codex and links you to four Codex Reports, posted on our Health Freedom Blog!

If you "follow" us on you saw us "tweeting" about the machinations of the bureaucrats, industry lobbyists and diplomats in real time.

If you didn't catch it in real time, you can find out now what we saw them doing and saying.  Just go

You can sign up to "follow" us there (details: see below). The "hashtag" (index mark) to search for these postings is:  #codex.

FLASH - Interview Posted with Gen. Bert

Freedom is indivisible, so it is appropriate on this Independence Day Weekend that and interview with Gen. Stubblebine from earlier this year has been published on YouTube. See him discuss the tragedy of 9/11 with cogent passion:

And while we are at it, here is Gen. Bert on the Oath-Keepers blogspot:

The fact that Natural Solutions Foundation was at the Codex meeting  helps to motivate our Mouse Warriors to keep taking action today and every day because there is so much going on! Truly, we are in the midst of the most vicious, multi-fronted attack on our health and health freedom that we've ever seen.  We'll talk about some of the reasons for that, and some of the actors, a little further on in this Health Freedom Action eAlert, which includes links to important information we've posted for you to read and disseminate.  And dissemination is an urgent "must" if we are going to stay ahead of the toxic tide of assaults on our health freedom, including a torrent of legislation designed to control and kill, yes, kill you and those you love.  Remember, the globalists think that you and yours are no longer necessary in a post-feudal era where their domination of non-renewable resources is achieved by degrading your food, making your immune system vulnerable and then forbidding anything but dangerous drugs, vaccines and more vaccines, all at the same time.

Jab to the Left, Jab to the Right

Push Back Works In the Health Freedom Fight!

Because the attacks are coming so hot and heavy, there are lots of Action Items that need your "Mouse Jabs" to keep "push back" growing! And once you jab, we need to keep the jab going by emailing, blogging, emailing, Twittering, Facebooking (is that a word? - you know what I mean!).

For New Media Leaders:

How to Become a "Follower" on Twitter

Twitter is a social network that allows any member to post short messages (140 characters) that can be seen by anyone who "follows" that member or the issue marked by "#", called a "hashtag".

To join, just go to and click on the "Get Started - Join" button. Once you've joined (it's free) you can then go to and and click on the "follow" button under the picture on the "Profile" page, or go to your own Twitter home page and search for us from there.

Remember, once you 've joined, you can always copy our "tweets" and forward them to your list of followers! And we hope that you will. Tweeting spreads the word and generates the Push Back that we need to keep health freedom free.

To find what we are doing, just use the "Search" function on your Twitter page and search for our three current "hashtags": #codex, #nsf and #selfshield.

Natural Solutions Foundation in the Media...

Stay Tuned... Special Media Events...

#1 - On July 22nd there is an "Amazon Action Day" for "the (dark) chocolate comedy" Death, Taxes and Chocolate. This award-winning movie mentions Natural Solutions Foundation and directs viewers to our web site! Please take a look and show your support by buying the movie from Amazon on July 22, 2009 -- the Foundation will receive a donation by the producer for each sale we send their way! And it's an wickedly entertaining movie about an advanced health care practitioner (a naturopath, to be exact), and her adventures.

#2 - Counsel Ralph was interviewed by Power Pictures a few months ago and his outstandingly informative interview: "One on One with the Vitamin Lawyer" is now available from Power Pictures - Take a look at the trailer for the interview at:

#3 - Don't forget to check out our webinar program:

Thursday July 9, 2009 - 6 PM MT (4 PM EDT): Your Ministry, the Law and Alternative Practices - A PowerPoint discussion with Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD about advanced health care practices, the ministry and the law. $49.95 - Includes e Book.

Go to:

Saturday June 13, 2009 - NOW ARCHIVED: Sustainable Retirement Capacity - Protecting the Environment AND Your IRA/401 - At the Same Time! The Foundation Trustees will lead you through an interesting slide presentation that will help you make important decisions about where you want to be in the event conditions in the US continue to deteriorate. Free Webinar ($25 donation suggested). Sunday Webinar.

Go to:

Index: In This Issue -

You can find new videos and our Health Freedom Blog at 

Take a look at our new Health Freedom eJournal  We'll help you grow your own clean, inexpensive and healthy food - just what Codex and the US Government - to say nothing of Monsanto and their buddies - do not want!


Next, A Very Special Opportunity

Conservation Internship Program

Nöble Bugle Children on the Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Finca Need New Homes!  Come Help Build Them This August!

Build! Bond! Breathe!

Reserve the Dates:

August 9-23, 2009

Optional Cultural Excursion: August 5-9, 2009Note: Final Application Date: 07/20/09


We get letters all the time asking if people can volunteer at the Valley of the Moon.  Now the answer is "YES!"

Volunteers, young or old, are invited to come to Panama for a Work Experience helping to build new housing for the Noble Bugle families who live on the Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Finca (Farm).  You provide the enthusiasm and the desire to make a difference and we'll provide the tents, organic food, campfires, transportation, instruction (in English and Spanish) and the materials to build these homes.

If you've never built anything, now is the time to learn and bond with folks at the same time.  If you have building experience, y'all come!

You'll be staying in Santa Clara, on a totally chemical-free coffee farm high on a beautiful plateau where the air is crystal clear, the water is sparkling and clear and the people are  delightful and friendly. 

The optional Cultural Excursion (August 5-9, 2009) will take you to pristine, unspoiled rain forests and indigenous people with intact cultures who are eager to welcome you.

Click here to learn more:

Write to us at with questions or to reserve a place. Put "VOLUNTEER" in the subject line.  Space is limited.  First Come, First Served.

The General's Communiqué

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III(US Army, Ret)President

SUMMARY: Lessons from Codex:

Bureaucrats and Lobbyists FeastAction Item:

Demand protection for your Right to Self-Shield.

The most important lesson from the Codex meeting just ended is that the US is in charge of Codex, having elected one of its Department of Agriculture bureaucrats as the new Codex Chair, and the big agra biz friends of the administration in Washington believe that they can get whatever they want. Their arrogance is stunning!

You need to read the four Codex Reports we published to understand the power the US wields in Codex and how that power is used to degrade wholesome food, natural remedies and endanger your health and freedom.

You know what you need to do: you need to take the Action Steps we've listed in this issue's Action Alert.

Health Freedom IS Your First Freedom.

This IS your fight.

Yours in health and freedom,

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III

Natural Solutions Foundation President

eAlert Index

Legal Eagle

Ralph Fucetola, JD

Counsel and Trustee

      SUMMARY: Protecting Americans' Self-Shielding - there "ought'a be a law..."

With the declaration last month by WHO that the so-called "swine flu" had reached pandemic "Level 6″ (they actually had to change the definition of level 6 to make this declaration work!) a whole series of bureaucratic prerogatives have been triggered, further empowering local, state, national and international agencies.

We believe that this phony "Pandemic" has been created for dangerous strategic reasons, to finally strangle our remaining health freedoms, while hugely profiting the sickness industry.

This horrific potential must be prevented. We mean to protect our children and ourselves from a dangerous, weaponized vaccine created to trigger a weaponized primate-avian-porcine pandemic flu.

To do so, we have considered the power relationships among the various bureaucratic and commercial interests, the needs of the people, and have applied our targeted, and increasingly successful strategy of "push-back" -- of new media based, mass net roots action -- to strategically jab back, disrupting the power elite's control agenda.

In this case, we believe we can derail the WHO / CDC control agenda if we marshal millions of people who demand the right to voluntary Self-Shielding instead of, as Dr. Rima put it in her rap video, "No Pig In A Poke",, "no jab and no jail!"

This right is rooted in specific language of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Nuremberg Convention and the Geneva Convention, as well as the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association, to say nothing of US constitutional principles such as the Right to Privacy.

More Information?  See:

Our White Paper on the Right to Self-Quarantine and Self-Shielding:

The draft Protective Act:

Our Media Release condemning the WHO action:

Our Self-Shield Action Item:

I don't think I need to waste your time trying to convince you that the WHO / CDC / UN / Globalist agenda is dangerous to you, your businesses and your families. We are in the endgame of a very serious effort by the sickness industry to enable its "final solution" to the advanced healthcare options that we seek to protect.

Act now or see your ability to protect what you hold dear crushed in a virtual martial law regime.

What Can I Do?

Help link millions of people to the White Paper where they will find a link to the Action Item. Your 100 signatures, generating just 10 each, multiplied by just 4 similar multiplications of efforts equals 1,000,000 signatures, just from that one multiplier.  We CAN do it.  And, oh, by the way, we MUST do it.

With a little effort we can, collectively, help millions of people to act.  We still have the internet and the internet has chat room, groups, forums, blogs, posts, social network sites, and you have everyone on your email list!

Demand our rights. Save our lives and liberties because that IS what is at stake here.

Yours in health and freedom,

Ralph Fucetola, JD

PS - Please check-out our webinar program:

Thursday July 9, 2009 - 6 PM MT (4 PM EDT): Your Ministry, the Law and Alternative Practices - A PowerPoint discussion with Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD about advanced health care practices, the ministry and the law. $49.95 - Includes eBook. Go to:

eAlert Index


                Self Shielding:         

Protect Food and Farming from Big Agribiz to Stop FDA From Gaining Marshal Law Powers, Complete Industrialization of All Food Production:

Mandating No HARMonization with CODEX, Food Safety and Food Regulation:

Support Ron Paul's HR 2117, Protect Your Right to Health Related Information:

Note: We get a lot of emails saying, "I will just take an exemption for myself/my child if they want me to be vaccinated. Understand that right now you have NO RIGHT to self-quarantine and the only way you will get that right is to create a virtual tidal wave of demand. 

You May Need Information on Self Shielding.  Here are some important resources you need:

That's a lot of information, but you'll need every bit of it.

Take your time, print these documents out, read them at your leisure and then pass along this critical and time-sensitive information electronically to everyone you know urging them to act and spread the information so their lists can act.

Please forward this important information to all your contacts. It could save their lives.

eAlert Index

eAlert Index

Dr. Rima Recommends

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Summary: Reports from Codex

Codex is a major threat to your health.  But the health freedom organization which was supposed to be your voice there said, literally, NOTHING.  Not one word, Not one intervention.  Codex placed Gen. Bert and me under guard so we could not talk to the Delegates (we did, anyway - read the reports to find out more about how that happened).

Enough!  This self-styled "Voice of Health Freedom" is not there for you when you need them - so we have written an open letter to every health freedom movement in the world asking them to support our application for an Observer seat at Codex.

Read more: Reports from Codex

Codex is Attacking Your Food.  That's a Huge Problem!

But "Solutions" Is Our Middle Name

Grow Your Own Food In Tiny Spaces

READ The FOOD Freedom eJournal, "FOOD" is an acronym for "Food On Our Doorsteps", which is just where you need it: close by, easy to access and easy to grow in a tiny space. 

We call that way of producing food "Intensive Urban Agriculture" and we want to share what we know with you.

Here's our free First Issue of the eJournal where you will find several hours of videos:

Video Farm Classroom

103.5 minutes of free

Intensive Urban Agriculture Training

Chapter One: Intensive Urban, Raised Bed, "Square Foot" Gardening 44 minutes

Chapter Two: Meet the Chickens 8.5 minutes

Chapter Three: Dr. Rima Makes Her Rounds 32 minutes

Chapter Four: Lessons from the Sun, the Earth and the Rain 19 minutes

You can find our new FOOD Freedom eJournal at:

Well, that gets us to:


#1 - Pig in a Poke and Poking the Pig

#2 - We're Here for Your Health Freedom so They Attack Us

#3 - Bureaucrats and Lobbyists Feast in Rome

#4 - Dupes, Demons and Dogs in the Manger

What do we tell you in these reports?

We tell you a sad story of dangerous drugs being offered for approval to "fatten" pigs for the industrial food system, even over the objections of the main pork eating nation...

More dangerous drug residues being produced... one, with a 2,000% increase in allowed level...

And through it all, no voice for health freedom...

That needs to change!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation

eAlert Index


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Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius

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