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Inaugural Health Freedom Radio Podcast

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----- Original Message -----
From: Natural Solutions Foundation
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 12:19 AM


Inaugural Health Freedom Radio Podcast

Next Podcast Guest: Dr. Leonard Coldwell, ND Author of "Instinct Based Medicine" the Book the Media Has Supressed

URGENT! In This Issue:

Would George Washington Have Bowed to Farm Bills Destroying Food Freedom?

  • Index:
  • The General's Communiqué
  • Farm Bill Action Item:
  • Legal Eagle: Trucker's Info - Do You Have Info To Add, Pro or Con?
  • Dr. Rima Recommends: Allies and Copycats
  • Podcast: Instinct Based Medicine - the Book the Media Wants to Suppress
  • Natural Solutions Forums
  • This eBlast is archived at
  • The General's Communiqué

    Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (U.S. Army Ret.) 



    URGENT: Slavery Means Someone Else Controls Your Body. Freedom Means You Do

    Which is it?  Are you a slave or a free man or woman?  If you do nothing to oppose the disingenuous and deadly (literally deadly) "Food Safety" (sic) and "Food Security" (sic) bills like HR 875, S 425, and the even more dangerous HR 759, you are saying "Enslave me.  Take away my access to clean, unadulterated food.  Pump me up with toxins - pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, Mad Cow Disease [or BSE[ (only 1/10 of 1 % of the commercial cattle in our food supply MAY be tested for BSE although BSE occurs ONLY in commercial animals - and never, never in pasture grazed cattle.  Pasture grazed cattle raisers run small operations.  Just one more category of food producers these bills will run out of business - just like your grandma who makes her jams for the Church Bazaar - gone, forbidden from making, producing or storing clean, unadulterated food. Oh, by the way, your garden's gone, too.  Slaves eat what they are given.)  All those chemicals, the irradiation that commercial food is exposed to, I collectively used to call "suicide" because you have a choice whether to eat it. 

    After any one of these bills is passed, I am afraid we'll have to call them "genocide".  If you are a slave, you get disposed of when you are no longer wanted after your worth to your master has been sucked from you.

    That's what these farm bills are intended to do: control ALL food production, give you whatever the masters want to give you, while they watch you and your families sicken as slaves and die as slaves. 

    Do you think Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Simon Bolivar, Che Gurevara, Jomo Kenyatta or whomever your model freedom fighter is (Yes, yes, I know.  "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter") would eat the genetically modified, irradiated, chemically laden, bread of slavery?

    These bills lay the ground work for food fascism in the US. Who will prevent that from happening?  We will.  Just as the determination of large numbers of little people around the world has made the difference time after time after time.

    Mouse Warriors, HO!

    Mount Mouses! 

    Mouses CLICK!

    Read the National Solutions White Paper - - which demands Congress hold US Codex and Harmonization to US law, as US law actually demands (and as we have been pointing out for 4 years)!

    Mouse Warriors, DISSEMINATE! Recruit as many people as possible to sign up for the free, secure Health Freedom Action eAlerts so they will be ready to saddle up their Freedom Mouses at the first sign of the next assault on our Health Freedom - and those assaults are coming fast and furious.


    Dr. Rima Recommends

    Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director

    Health Freedom Allies (Alley Cats?) and Copycats…

    You, our Natural Solutions Mouse Warrior and supporters, have made the world's leading health freedom web site, with a wonderfully high Internet traffic ranking. For example, our US Alexa ranking currently is in the top 25,000 (and that only counts computers which have Alexa tools on them - get it here: ).

    So you can imagine how pleased we were that one of the true luminaries on the advanced healthcare scene, Joseph Mercola, D.O. of - with an Alexa ranking of 2,700, recommended that his readers join our Health Freedom Action eAlert efforts to protect food safety from political manipulation.

    Here is what his web site says about him: "Dr. Mercola, the New York Times best-selling author, has helped countless people to reach their health and weight loss goals. An osteopathic physician, board certified in family medicine, Dr. Mercola is passionate about empowering people to take control of their health using solely natural means." As a physician who believes strongly in "natural means" I applaud Dr. Mercola's approach to natural wellness. As an advocate for health freedom, I say, "Thank you Dr. Mercola, for putting your great prestige behind natural solutions to the threats to our health freedom!"

    And thank you, Leonard Coldwell, ND, for your support as well.  Dr. Coldwell, a best selling author and outstanding clinical pioneer in the natural treatment of cancer and a host of other diseases, forwards our emails to his hundreds of thousands of readers.  And so do many, many other folks.  Thanks to all of you.

    Our efforts to put "Health Freedom is Our First Freedom" in the top ten issues on (and in front of the new President as part of his Briefing Book on are garnering some very significant support, such as that of notable practitioners, researchers and advocates. Thank you! However, such success often breeds copycat sites; that is the nature of success! As they say, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" - if the imitators were actually furthering the goals of Health Freedom, that is! Are they?

    Well, there are a growing number of such sites out there which are not affiliated with us and which do not have the level of public support we have from YOU. Some of them try to look like us and use combinations of names which sound like ours; a couple are from "old hands" in the health freedom movement who are finally catching on to the power of the 'net roots' -- the power YOU have created. Others are johnnies-come-lately who appear to want to cash in [SIC!] on growing public awareness of health and freedom issues that YOU have created.

    When you receive messages about health freedom issues, please remember to check the source. We always tell you that you are receiving information from Natural Solutions Foundation. If you do not see Gen. Stubblebine, Dr. Laibow, Counsel Fucetola or Kathy Greene's name on the message, it isn't the real thing. If the reply email is not "", it is not the real thing.  Insist on the real thing!

    Thank you for your continuing support! In the past month you've helped our net roots grow by over twenty thousand people! Please keep up the good work and keep us growing! Nearly a quarter of a million people have opted into the Health Freedom Action eAlert system... let's reach a million this year! One Million Free People for Health Freedom! Thank you for making this 4th year of the International Decade of Nutrition the beginning of powerful push-back against the special interest. Stay with us; keep on opening our eblasts and taking Mouse Warrior actions! TOGETHER we are doing amazing things!


    Legal Eagle

    Ralph Fucetola JD


    Summary: Highly Disturbing Information - More Data Points Needed

    Please help us confirm or deny this information.

    Information has been provided to us by a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter who lives in the region in which she has gathered the information that you can read below. It is highly disturbing, not only because of the contents of the information but because, without further data, it is impossible to determine what it means.

    Considered in light of the very disturbing incident in January 2009 where annual flu "vaccines" being delivered to 18 countries were "accidentally" contaminated with live, infectious Avian Flu Virus, we are very concerned. See:

    Has a civilian work force of truckers (and others?) been recruited to disperse highly hazardous materials with the intent of destroying social order and creating an intentional bio-false flag event?

    Has civilian well-being been endangered through bizarre transportation activities which expose large populations to extreme dangers without following the established channels for moving highly hazardous materials?

    If the US Government is involved, are these activities rogue, or authorized activities? If the US Government is not involved, who is responsible for them?

    Is this really happening at all?

    The person who collected this data believes she may be in danger but has sent this material to hundreds, she says, of media sources. None has, to date, published this material. Without corroboration, or information which falsifies it, no one would know what to do with it. Ignoring it is easy. But what if the few dots in this picture, while not fully filled in, do, in fact, make a portrait of something critically important? Can we ignore it?

    So we are asking you, nearly a quarter of a million strong, to be our intelligence system: if you have information which would make or break this story, send it to with "TRUCKERS" as the subject.

    We'll treat your information as confidential, and put the pieces together, then share the info without revealing your identities.

    To read the information we were provided, please go to:


    Health Freedom Radio's Special

    Podcast Guest

    Leonard Coldwell, ND

    Doctor Cures More Than 35,000 Cancer Cases Naturally: Media Black Out of "Instinct Based Medicine" Fails

    "Instinct Based Medicine" blows the lid off the coordinated efforts of the US Government, FDA, FTC and Big Pharma to hide, yes, hide!, the documented evidence about natural, drug free and non surgical ways to prevent and cure all diseases.  

    Instinct Based Medicine exposes the lies of the drug companies and gives specific, natural ways to cure diseases.  So it comes as no surprise that Barnes & Nobel, despite the fact that the Instinct Based Medicine was a superstar from day one, ranking in the top 10% of all sales, the book was actively suppressed.

    Dr. Coldwell quotes Kevin Trudeau's letter to Barns & Noble in support of his book,

    "Barns & Noble made [t]his book disappear. Could it be that they received pressure because this book exposes the pharmaceutical industry? Could there have been political pressure... effectively banning and suppressing his book? Could there have been pressure from the owners of Barnes & Noble and the Board of Directors whose members [Trudeau says] are undoubtedly tied into the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry? More investigation needs to be done. You need to know that the suppression of information is alive and well in the United States. The U.S. government, the FDA, the FTC, the drug companies, the food industry, the national news media on TV, radio, magazines and newspapers all are suppressing and hiding the free flow of information regarding Natural Cures. They are also hiding the truth about the dangers and ineffectiveness of non-prescription and prescription drugs."

    The truth of the matter is that they are also suppressing truthful information about the dangers of genetically modified food, food additives, high fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamate, artificial sweeteners and heavily processed foods.

    Health Freedom Radio is honored to have Dr. Coldwell as a special guest.  Watch for the next Podcast.

    Without your action, ALL natural health options will disappear. That's what happens to slaves, after all: other people make their health choices, based on what's best for the master, not the slave.

  • Our Yahoo Forums Are Vital On-Line Health Freedom Communities.  You Are Invited!

    Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Community:NSF-Panama:

    No Forced Vaccination:

    Food and Farming:

    No GMO Foods:

    Tell your European friends and colleagues know about us.  We'll be taking on vital issues like keeping the EU GMO free.  Interested?  Join the NSF-E forum at

    Watch The Genocidal Feast, ( our lecture in Switzerland earlier this year.

    The first 5 minutes are an introduction (and a very nice one, by the way) in German. After that, it's in English.

    Don't Forget about the Green Portal

    and Nano Silver...

    Why not buy whatever you buy online from the Natural Solutions Green Portal? You get a discount and we get a small commission for each purchase you make.  What could be better?  Nothing out of your pocket and something in ours! Just watch my short video about the Green Portal:

    Then go to


    Natural Solutions Green Portal


    How's that for a great WIN-WIN? Thanks!

    Don't forget about Nano silver.  The FDA and EPA want to take it away from the Health Slaves (that's us) and are working on it vigorously. 

    Go to to make sure you have enough nano silver for your present and future needs. That's what I've done.


    Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee

    A little bit of heaven in a Cup!

    Don't forget to click here ( to purchase our totally clean Valley of the Moon(TM)  GMO-Free, Pesticide-Free, Toxin-Free Coffee so you can enjoy "A Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup(TM)" while you support Health Freedom at that same time.

    Have you made your recurring donation pledge yet?  Big Pharma does not have to ask for donations.  We do. We understand the economic times we are in (thanks to the banksters who are making money hand over fist while the rest of us suffer and they do their best to turn the US into a banana republic to ease in a New World Currency and a New World Order.)

    But the battles go on and we need to fight them.  We are not asking anyone to shoulder more of a burden than they can.  We know it's tough out there for us little people.  If you realize that as little as $1 per month from each of our supporters would allow us to do everything we need to win this war, it gets easier to see why you might consider, even if times are tough, making that pledge right now.

    What would your chances of maintaining your health freedom be like without the Natural Solutions Foundation?  Not good.  On a radio show (which we'll be mounting as a Podcast) that I did yesterday, the host asked me "Who else is doing what the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing, Dr. Rima?"  I thought a minute and honestly had to answer, "No one, Dave, no one at all."  And that is why we need your continued support.  Thanks if you have donated recently.  And thanks if you will donate now.

    Oh, by the way, donations are 100% tax deductible.

    Yours in health and freedom,

    Dr. Rima

    Rima E. Laibow, MD

    Medical Director

    Natural Solutions Foundation


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