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Vilsack, Monsanto, and What That Ham SAndwich Really Costs

Linn Cohen-Cole

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The bills in Congress that will industrialize of all farming and be the death of organic food are not identical, as I'd been told. They are each different and each bad in its own special way and they are still coming.  SB 425, HB 875, HB 814, and now Dingel's, HB 759 which I just heard may win the prize for the worst (but the competition is stiff so who knows).
Four bills.  That's an impressive steamroller Monsanto and industrial ag have got going, with small farms in its path.  
So, who cares?  It's just food, isn't it?  
It's "just" food.  It's "kind of" food.
And "kind of" soil.  And "kind of" water.  And "kind of" air.  And "kind of" animals. And "kind of" communities.  And roll it all together, and oddly enough it's only "kind of" democracy.  
"During his time as governor "Vilsack oversaw the largest proliferation of hog confinements in the states history." These new hog CAFOs put tens of thousands of independent family hog farmers out of business in the state. The end result of this was a "decimation of rural Iowa" and serious degradation of the state's drinking water.

Iowans also remember the rides on Monsanto's corporate jet that Vilsack - the Biotech "Governor of the Year" - enjoyed during his time in office. He repayed Monsanto by working with the Republican floor manager in the House, promising to do everything he could to get a seed bill to pass. This bill took away county power to regulate GMOs within county borders."

Jill Hamilton and Ronnie Cummins , head of the Organic Consumers Association.

What's the big deal?  
Maybe none.  Decide for yourself.   
Maybe it doesn't even matter whether Monsanto and their many close government friends are pushing bills through Congress that will take control over all farming and over all our food. After all, the bills are about "food safety" and to protect us from "agricultural contamination everywhere." 
We only need to decide if we feel safe with so much "food safety."

Author's Bio: I'm a mother and grandmother. There is no way I can leave my family or anyone else's children, things as they are now.