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The FEDS Are Stockpiling Food?

A Friend

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The feds are stockpiling food? An ominous sign? My thoughts and opinions for your consideration.

Some dried foods suppliers, like industry leading Mountain House, are also either low on supplies and/or out of stock.  Are you sitting there thinking that the USA is completely immune from the lessons of history?  Will you continue to trust in a system that has repeatedly proven itself inadequate or corrupt (probably both) regarding national defense, the economy, media, politics, fiscal responsibility, their moral compass, the environment, diplomatic relations with the rest of the world and almost everything else? Are you going to be just another deer stuck in the headlights, always trusting this inept and corrupt federal government to take care of you and doing nothing to protect yourselves and your families?  At least get some dried foods and keep it in storage.  Water and something substantial for self-defense might not be a bad idea either.

The feds stockpiling food?

Is there a pending food crisis?  I say yes.

The New York Times agrees:

Reuters agrees:

. as do 100+ other publications.  But are these articles accurate as to the real cause of the pending food crisis?

25 - 30 years ago, the USA alone was capable of feeding the entire world; yet after so much excess, it was reported that we still had 1.5 years of grain in reserve for our own people.  Our Midwest was known as "The Breadbasket of the World" and it was so named for a very good reason.  We were a nation of mostly privately-owned farms, which in the late 70's and into the 80's, were mysteriously, were mostly taken over by big corporations like Monsanto who have literally waged war on the average small American farmer.  Surely, you remember Willy Nelson's Farm Aid, don't you?  He stuck up for the little guys with fund-raising concerts for farmers who got their land taken away (you did not think he faced those harsh IRS audits for nothing, did you?).

Now, the world is in a food shortage crisis and it has been reported that the USA has only have about 3- 5 days worth of grain in reserve, while the world has increased in population a mere 20%.  So, is the upcoming disaster another "accident" of history or really a planned method of control?

Read some of the work of Thomas Malthus, one of the elitists heros - a well known eugenics proponent.  He spoke of methodical techniques of population checks and control through starvation, as the world's population would allegedly outpace the world's capacity to grow food.  Such a massive starvation scenario is known as a "Malthusian Catastrophe."

The only problem is that food production is far more efficient now than it was 25 years ago and even then, with only 18% less population, The USA alone had enough to feed everyone.  So, where did all the food go? 

People, the alleged facts do not fit!  This upcoming food shortage is another engineered crisis, just like the 1929 Great Depression (or did you think that the elite bankers all just got lucky as they increased their wealth multiple times over due to the depression), or this current engineered economic crash, and just like other chaos created by the elites, all planned to bring in their world order as "solutions" to our endless problems, and in the end, greater control mechanisms. Note one constant that never varies?  Through all these events, all these attacks, all these disasters, all these collapses, our constitutional rights disappear more and more with each event. 

Now, they want to use food for biofuels, both bringing up the price of grains to the price of petroleum and causing an increased shortage.  Folks, if we can figure it out, don't you think that the elites who behind the scenes control our politicians have also contemplated these issues?  Of course they have - that is why they are causing it.  These people want massive depopulation of the earth. 

Don't believe me, huh?  Forget the evidence of planned depopulation that you visibly see, like the population control conferences that are held from time to time.  Forget that GB Sr. was quoted as saying that over-population is the number one threat to the United States.  Forget that delight of a human being, Henry Kissinger, stating, "we need to rid ourselves of the useless eaters."  Forget Prince Phillip stating that he wanted to be reincarnated as "a deadly virus" for the purpose of furthering depopulation.  How about if you check out the Georgia Guidestones - a monument erected in 1979, also known as The American Stonehenge (I will bet that "Fair and Balanced" Fox News or CNN never told you of this one before).  Note the first 2 "commandments" that the globalists/elitists stated as their first 2 goals?  Yes, you read it right.  Number 1 - maintain the population below 500 million and  2.  have the state control who gets to have kids.  Hmmm. 6.5 billion people are here now.  So, who is going to volunteer? 

Sounds familiar?  If you know your Hitler, Stalin and perhaps Mao, it will sound familiar.  Here are the Georgia Guidestones:

DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE?  If evil men, with true objectives of controlling the population and destroying the constitution, wanted to get control, all they would have to do is cause some controlled chaos and bring a pre-planned solution into place, one that helps inch us along towards their objectives of fascism and control.  Ask yourself why after each chaos event, our freedoms do not increase, but always decrease?

Remember, "Ordo ab Chao" tells it all.  This is the logo of the fraternal order of Freeemasons at the 33rd level, the same Freemasons who are only about 1% of the population, but have mysteriously been in control of the White House and the government for America's entire history, with the perhaps the exception of Abraham Lincoln and JFK (and we know what happened to them).

           33rd Level Freemasonic Symbol

Remember, it is not a bad thing to know the truth, for truth is liberation!   "Know ye the truth and the truth shall set you free."    Protect yourself and your family.  Open your eyes and see the real world around you..