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"The West Nile Blues" - History Of The West Nile Virus

By Will Cumberland

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and it was discovered by a scientist of the same name?"

Mike shook his head for confirmation, plopped some more food in his mouth, and continued eating breakfast. Without once looking up at me, he concentrated on his eggs and said, "Yep, in a government project back in the 70's, funded by the National Cancer Institute, while he was working for Litton Biotech, the Department of Defense’s leading research firm for biowarfare, they say he discovered the virus there. And even that part of the story, may not be true.. it's very possible that the virus was discovered or engineered by a virologist named Traub."

I stopped for a second. Traub? The Nazi German virologist and biologist that was helping Hitler figure out how to get rid of the 'non-white' part of the world’s population? Amazing what one finds out when people talk with history buffs.

"We aren’t talking about the Nazi Traub, are we?" I asked, hoping that the ugly truth wasn’t as bad as I thought.

He looked up, "Yes, Will, Traub, the Erich Traub. Brought over by US Government in the name of national security with help from the likes of Rockefeller, Kissinger and Dulles, to work for the US after World War II by a project known as Paperclip." He shook his head at my ignorance. "Will, you spend too much time writing stories about pot, the real world is much more interesting."

"There is a solid, historical indication that Rockefeller brought the virus to America as early as early as 1956, for study and extended research. Now remember, they had to change his name to Dr. Earl Traub, so Americans wouldn't be suspicious. Right after Traub shows up, mysterious samples of these viruses start to get shipped to Rockefeller funded research facilities. Sources inside the Defense Department and the Navy have often hinted that Traub brought more with him than just his suitcase! Erich Traub headed a lot of those viral and cancer projects, with heavy funding from Rockefeller. Rockefeller, like Sanger (Planned Parenthood) was avidly involved in Eugenics."

"Ok, Ok, assuming all this is provable!" I blurted out. Mike interjected “It is.” I continued, “Assuming all of this is provable, who started these projects and why?"

"Well, there's alot of reason why the Bush Administration is fighting to stay out of the ICC (International Criminal Court) . A good one is Kissinger. The guy has a less than spotless record in the intelligence circles and is wanted for war crimes in some countries. Possiby, in a strange twist of fate, George Bush himself has a hand in this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if junior turned up in the mix as well."

"But why?" I asked. Mike looked up at me and said, "Population reduction in the Third World and untraceable ethnic cleansing. You can trace an arms shipment, but it’s almost impossible to trace the origins of a virus that comes from a bug. All in the name of White Bread Eugenics."

"You take all that Will, and the fact that almost 20 of the worlds leading microbiologist in the fields of Anthrax, encephalitis and a new genetically mutating form of the plague, all but five died mysterious deaths right after September 11th!" Mike continued.

"One virologist from Memphis, Don C. Wiley of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard University, died on a bridge on the way to pick up his family from the airport. He was found dead in the river. FBI and local police called it suicide. Strange huh?"

"Couple that with the fact they were all related in their work to one man, Vladimir Pasechnik, A Russian scientist, who defected to the UK after the alleged fall of Russia. This guy had developed some form of germ warfare that would wipe out 1/3 of the globe. M16 and the CIA would have us believe it was the Chinese, yet the main Chinese motivation would have been to kidnap them, instead of killing them. They were killed to possibly cover something up. If the intelligence agencies say it’s the Chinese, then why has the news about the microbiologist been suppressed? Like Bin Laden, wouldn’t they want to exploit the situation to scare America into a war with China if that were the case? They obviously leaked that information to the media and conspiracy circles for a reason. What do they want to cover up?"

Somewhere in the back of my head, the reality bubble popped wide open. Even if it werenít a conspiracy, my conversation with Mike would prove to be informative and throw another log on the fire of corporate and government corruption regardless of the outcome.

I originally wanted to write a story about the West Nile Virus and itís ties to the military. Uncovering the nasty and racially motivated history of Eugenics in the US was not intended. Further more, I never expected to uncover the fact that these same people, responsible for the West Nile virus research in the 50ís and 70ís, had already experimented on school children here in North Carolina. (a) This history of this virus is scary enough, the intent of those who seek to gain from this virus, are worse.

To fully understand the origins of the West Nile Virus, one has to look at the history of the Eugenics movement and racism as a whole. How in the world are the two intertwined in reality? That answer only posses more questions and reveals a world where extremely wealthy families have promoted, through various government agencies and public institutions, a means of reducing the world's (non-white) population.

One begins to see that there is a vast network of interconnections that aren't coincidental at all, but very revealing. It only took a few sources to verify that the former president was involved in the conception, creation and organization of the agencies and institutions that are linked to West Nile covert research and the Eugenics societies.

In 1969, George Bush approached Congress about the 'problem' of too many black babies. Heavily influenced by Gen. William H. Draper, Jr., a well versed and prominent supporter of Eugenics and the Nazi Party, Bush began to expound upon the horrors of a 'black nation' and the increasing population of Africa. (It is not surprising that both Bush and Drapers' sons are also Skull and Bones members from Yale, a group with heavy ties to the intelligence agencies, wealthy white supremacists and super elitist Bohemian cirlce).

Bush said back then, much like his son does about Arabic terrorism, that there was a 'crisis' facing white America. Unless something was done, his projections confirmed that by the end of the century, white America would become the minority in this country and the population would be tainted with 'bad stock.' This of course scared the hell out of the mostly white and wealthy Congress, but it wouldn't be until Johnson was in office and later Bush himself, that the American Eugenics movement would take hold. (b)

Soon after, Kissinger and Rockefeller would facilitate the government funding for the 1971-1977 projects that helped 'discover' the West Nile Virus, AIDS and Ebola strains, in the name of cancer research. (The West Nile Virus was already known the Department of Defense and considered a form of bio-warfare and the Center for Disease Control has samples of AIDS in storage as far back as 1976, though experts doubt those sampes are from African blood.) Under the direct oversight of the NCI (National Cancer Institute) (c) and the Litton Biotech firm, African villagers were exposed to these viruses to see what effect they would have on a larger population, with little remorse for their actions or human rights concerns. (d) (Emerging Viruses by Dr. Len Horowitz)

For some reason, Africans are considered the initial hosts for these viruses and itís well beyond ironic that AIDS is wiping out Africans by the millions. Two US workers helped spread the virus by never changing their needles when passing out immunizations. (e) Here in the US, AIDS has become an epidemic among the African-American communities and is the leading cause of death, now killing more African American males quicker than the traditional lead cause heart disease. (f)

Eugenics, to say the least, is not very popular among most of the American population. Regardless of their cultural upbringing or racial background, Americans are generally tolerant of all people. Politicians, families and organizations supporting the new American policies on Eugenics, needed to backdoor the programs they designed and find ways to reduce the population without the American public knowing. Outside of mass sterilization, contraceptives in African food shipments, biocolonialism, land theft (g) and other non-white population reduction projects sponsored by the Bush (g-1), Harriman and Rockefeller families, the Eugenics movement (g-2) had to look for other ways to control the population.

The groups began to encounter obvious public outrage of these policies and methods when we first learned of the Tuskegee experiments that were designed to srpead Syphilis to the African American community.

More Americans were shocked to learn that Native Americans became infected with small pox given to them on blankets by the English. Later it became the first bioterror weapon used by the US government during the earlier expansion westward to thin out Native American tribes. Soon, more elusive methods were introduced, like virus infected vectors and deadly toxins such as Fluoride, a chemical linked to mental retardation, pineal gland damage and Low IQ scores, evn though it is still added to public water systems. (h) The pineal gland, which promotes sleep, balance and in some beliefs, spiritual health, is directly attacked by Fluoride. (h-1)

One of the main companies, Proctor and Gamble, which pushes fluoride in all of itís dental projects, was started by leaders in the Eugenics movement. (The "Negro Project" developed by Margaret Sanger (of Planned Parenthood) (i) with help from Clarence Gamble of Proctor and Gamble.) (i-1)

In Sangerís on words:

ìKeep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feebleminded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.

Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring. ì ñ Margaret Sanger ñ A Plan for Peace.

Make no mistake, Bush, and his father Prescott, have been involved with Eugenics movement for sometime. While the later, Prescott Bush was directly involved in helping Hitler establish the master race in Nazi Germany (j). (j-1) The Bush family is one of the lead proponents of this form of elusive racial cleansing. One organization, The Sterilization League, got 80 million dollars from Bush to conduct sterilization on children with low IQ's. ( George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin )

According to Mike, who researches the work by Dr. Leonard Horowitz (d), experiments that were carried out concerning the West Nile virus here in the states may have bled over into the public. After one near 'outbreak' in an African American community in Massachusetts, a mysterious cow was found dead because of the virus; the government began spraying Malathion, they said, to stop the spread of larvae. The chemical can now be found in distubing quanities in public water systems. Malathion, which is supposed to stop the growth of mosquito larvae, severely damages the human immune system and makes them more susceptible to viruses. This is not actually what they said that the mosquito reduction spray would do and there is heavy doubt it reduces larvae at all. (k) also read the actual report of the sprayings by and independent medical research group. ()

"The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, alleged the discovery of the WNV in an adult dead crow found July "" in a wooded area near Willow Pond in Jamaica Plain (adjacent Roxbury), Massachusetts"-a predominantly African American Boston suburb and home to one of America's largest Nation of Islam communities" - Dr. Horowitz

How, or why the cow got there, was never explained. The 'rationale' of using Malathion on a progressive African American community was not discussed either.

Similar virus and eugenic projects happen even here in North Carolina; Malathion was sprayed on one of the oldest African community in America, Princeville. Shortly after Hurricane Floyd, the town was sprayed repeatedly with the lethal substance that causes birth defects (intended?) and immune system problems. Black leaders addressed the issue with FEMA, but got little help. Even during Hurricane Fran, Malathion was used on the poorer communities again. Their reason for spraying people with this deadly substance? To curtail the threat of mosquito carried encephalitis, regardless if encephalitis (ie. The West Nile Virus) was not confirmed to be the area. ( Open Letter to African American community - Alton H. Maddox, Jr. ) (Commission for Environmental Cooperation - Notes on Princeville Malahion Release)

It's here that I began to see, in our own state, the ties between the Eugenics movement and the West Nile Virus. The West Nile excuse has been used repeatedly to spray African and poor communities in Eastern NC. Each time there is massive flooding, regardless if it's needed or not, the State of North Carolina or FEMA usually sprays these areas.

"Epidemiologists suspect that the West Nile virus has for the first time been isolated in humans or animals in the Western Hemisphere, but the virus has for decades made its home in several U.S. research laboratories, including Rockefeller University in Manhattan and Yale University in New Haven, Conn. In fact, investigators there were the first to grow and study the West Nile virus in the United States. The work began in the 1950s when unidentified viral samples from around the world arrived at Rockefeller on a steady basis." - Newsday 9/29/99 - Area Labs Have Long Studied Virus / Yale, Rockefeller began tests in '50s page A28

I found it strange that the official stories of it’s origins start in the 70’s in an all too convenient scenario with more relation to fiction like the “Hot Zone” and explanations that have little to do with reality. Also, the Army has been doing bioweapons research with the West Nile Virus and it's cousins for a while and even patented the process for using mosquitoes to spread disease!

"THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In Army tests at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., japonicus was found to be the "most competent vector"[transmitter] for West Nile virus in a laboratory setting, when compared with other mosquitoes." from Federal Register: March 22, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 57, Page 11812) U.S. Patent Application Serial Number 08/348,882, filed November 28, 1994 and entitled ``Infectious cDNA Clones of Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Attenuated Strains Japanese Encephalitis Virus Made from the Clones'' (l)

To begin with, one doesn't have to look far to tie in the major players in the WNV and Eugenics game, such as the Bush, Helms, Gray, and Rockefeller and Harriman families. Even before 1970, when Bush managed to get funding for various Eugenics projects, well after Rockefeller was investigating the WNV.

The Sterilization League, an organization that recieved funding set aside by George Bush when he came into office, first began assisting in testing on school kids here in 50's. In Winston-Salem, Dr. Claude Nash Herndon, under direct supervision from the Human Betterment League, tested school kids in North Carolina for sterilization selection. The Gray family, who has had a history of involvement with the Eugenics movement, donated additional monies. They were also instrumental in the founding of the Bowman Gray Medical School, where allot of this sterilization took place. Winston-Salem has been a center of the Eugenics research for a long time, though this fact has gone unnoticed by most North Carolinians. Over the years, the societies began to sterilize children with 'inherited' diseases and low IQ scores. (m)

In Dr. Nash Herndon’s own words:

"…IQ tests were run on all the children in the Winston-Salem School system. Only the ones who scored really low [were targeted for sterilization], the real bottom of the barrel, like below 70. Did we do sterilization on young children? Yes. This was a relatively minor operation…It was usually not [done] until the child was eight or ten years old. For the boys, you just make an incision and tie the tube…We more often performed the operations on girls than with boys. Of course, you have to cut open the abdomen, but again, it is relatively minor."

(*) Dr Claude Nash Herndon (president of the Eugenics Society in 1953), from the book George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography.

"In 1946-1947, Gordon Gray founded the Bowman Gray (Memorial) Medical School in Winston Salem, North Carolina. This became the centre for eugenics. It kept records of children with "inherited" diseases and began a project to forcibly sterilise young children who were considered to have a low IQ" -T.FSNET

What a shame that prominent NC families participated in and also helped fund these programs. It's not surprising that most North Carolinians don't even now about these projects. Almost every project carried out in this state has been done above the board with a high degree of documentation, but the information was witheld from public scrutiny. Maybe now, with the advent (or invent) of the West Nile Virus infestation, will people in the state begin to see what is actually going on. This is a very elusive and deadly form of racism that needs to be brought out into the public light, hopefully before the virus 'spreads' to this area and more importantly, to Eastern North Carolina.

To quote one British writer, who comments about the direct connection between Bush, the Gray family and Drapers III (aforementioned Yale Skull and Bones member):

"George Bush is a major voice in the eugenics movement and is surrounded by like-minded people - Boyden Gray (his legal advisor) and William Draper III (head of fund-raising for his 1980 presidential campaign). Draper's grandfather had unsuccessfully urged eugenics policies on Eisenhower before convincing Johnson to adopt them. In 1969 Bush was involved in hearings into the 'dangers of too many black babies' and when he became ambassador to the UN in 1972 he arranged for the Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (formerly the Sterilization League) to extend its policy of sterilizing young children with 'low' IQ to non-white countries. This was further extended when Bush became president in 1988." (a)

At this point, it's not disputable if wealthy families from NC, and the Bush family are tied to eugenics projects in this state. It's also not surprising that the Bowman-Gray Medical School is called upon by the state and the medical community concerning both the West Nile Virus and the effects of Malathion, from time to time. (The author must note that this is a medical college, and it's only natural that they help in any outbreak, regardless of their founder's obvious connection to eugenic and racial cleansing programs.).

Close to Winston-Salem and Wake County, Chatham County reported one insular case of the West Nile virus when a crow there was found there dead. The bird tested positive, but no one could explain why just one bird was found, and no other animals or people in the area were infected. (n)

Also, it's clear to see from the map provided by the government, areas of Eastern NC, no where near Chatham County or Wake County that year, were marked as possible places where the virus may occur. (n-1) (The following year, more animals were found.)

One doctor and public health official commented about the connection between the West Nile eradication and bioterrorism response scenarios.

"The New York West Nile virus scenario was not unlike a bioterrorism agent introduced into a community. Early recognition (in this case a cluster of illness caused by an unknown agent) and rapid response minimized morbidity and mortality." -Alecia (Alex) Hathaway, MD, MPH, FACPM Tarrant County Public Health Department. (*)

The situation in New York and the outbreaks there have some strange ties to former Mayor Guiliani. Guiliani has ties to both companies, Peptide Therapeutics and Oravax (PT US branch), that produce the vaccine for the virus and have contracts with the US. government for said purposes. It was also odd that mosquito experts say that more malatoin spraying doesn't reduce the population of the bugs, but instead boosts the the problem by creating hosts that are no longer immune to the virus. During this time, Guiliani began to work behind the scenes with the London based company and soon after, actually 'upped' the sparying over New York communities. It's hard to consider this actions justifiable for the prevention of disease. From what I understood from one government source, North Carolina uses the New York model aggressively when combating mosquitos. (*)(o)

One group from Tampa and Brevard County, FL says that spraying the mosquitos has never fixed the problem, and actively call for halt of spraying. Florida is a key state for mosquitos. They have solid medical evidence that the sprays actually hurt both human and wildlife, and do little to stop the spraying. The chemical sprayed is permethrin. Like Guiliani, Brevard County has rejected any information that would help find alternatives and save human lives. (p)

Permethrin, like malathion, causes irreparable damage to human and animal genes.

"The effect of permethrin seemed to be dose-dependent. Permethrin induced chromosome and chromatid-type aberrations. The highest frequency of chromosome aberrations, mainly chromosome-type, was induced by 100 ug/ml of permethrin in both cultures... Thus, we can say that permethrin is a clear clastogenic (genotoxic) agent in two different cell systems." J. Muro, A. Martinez, A. Lopez, M. Diaz and R. Fernandez (p-1)

But no one is talking about solutions. Articles about the West Nile Virus and problems caused by governmental solutions has been barred from the media. Even Dr. Samuel Epstein, who was a leader at exposing chemical risks to humans and agents that cause cancer, had his article on WNV chemicals banned from publication in corporate media. (p)(p-2)(*)

In the United States, organizations with heavy ties to the eugenics and racial cleansing movements movement have investigated, studied and worked with the West Nile Virus since 1950. We have our own military, who has researched using the virus, along with mosquitos, in biowarfare scenarios. Communities here in NC are being sprayed with Malathion and Permethrin, despite the known effects that these chemicals have on the human bodies causing genetic, reproductive and immune system damage. (*) (Company added chemicals prevent human immune system from detoxing Malahion.)

We have public officials who refuse to use any other methods to control outbreaks, and it's very possible that WNV is an actual biological weapon with ties to the military, eugenics and Nazi scientists such as Taube . It's odd that no one has asked 'why?" But it's high time we start to do something about this problem, actively talk to others about these issues and hold all offending parties directly responsible for their actions.

It is my belief that the reason no one is able to bring these issues concerning this virus and chemical agents used to combat it to the public, is that such a revelation would expose those that seek to enforce their racists agenda and ethnic ideologies on the rest of the United States, and possibly, the world .

"So, what do you think, Will?" Mike finally asked. I really didn't have an answer for him and I was still in shock from what he had told me. I felt what I hadn't felt in a long time, a healthy sense of outrage.

We are told such information is the stuff that makes up conspiracy theories and fills the scripts of Hollywood shows, like the X-files. But the ugly truth, the one you conveniently ignore because you have too much to do in life, has now landed on your doorstep. Far from being a conspiracy theory, it's proven itself a fact and it's uglyhead is staring back at you. Whether or not you have the ability to face it, is purely up to you, but time is not your friend in cases such as these.

In an age where Americans are now getting used to corporate corruption, Presidential scandals, the rise of white racism and government cover-ups, maybe now the American people will begin to listen to those voices crying out for justice, liberty and freedom.

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, n order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." - Prince Phillip

Reported by Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988

"For 70 years the Bush family has hidden their three generations long connection to Nazis, anti-Semitism and eugenics."

- Rob Lederman A Jewish Perspecitve on GW Bush (*)

"You have blacks too?" - a puzzled George W.Bush

asks the president of Brazil (*)

Instant Web Research:

Who's Who Eugenics Society Database.

American Database

England Database

Skull and Bones Database

A heavy amount of credit goes to Dr. Leonard Horowitz and the brave American doctors who are trying to bring this issue to the attention of the American public.

Dr.Leonard Horowitz's book: Emerging Viruses; AIDS & Ebola; Nature,Accident, or Intentional? was heavily referenced in this aricle.

Additional Essays by Horowitz and others can be found here:

a The Big Trunk Site

b The Eaglenet Files - historical data only used

c America's "New War" Directed By Old Profiteers by Dr. Len Horowitz

d Dr. Horowitz's website

e Did Modern Medicine Spread an Epidemic? After decades, and millions of injections, scientists are asking the chilling question. - William Carlsen, Chronicle Staff Writer Monday, January 15, 2001 ©2001 San Francisco Chronicle

* Microbiologist Death Toll Mounts As Connections To Dyncorp, Hadron, Promis Software & Disease Research Emerge A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health (Revised/Updated) By Michael Davidson

FTW Staff Writer and Michael C. Ruppert 3/03/2002

* Colleagues Doubt Wiley Suicide Theory Memphis police fail to turn up additional leads in disappearence By Jenier Steinhart Contributing Writer. Published on Friday, November 30, 2001

* DEAD DISEASE EXPERTS - It all began with Don Wiley. What Really Happened.

f Leading for Life: The AIDS Crisis Among African Americans October 22, 1996 A Publication of the Harvard AIDS Institute

g Biocolonialism - Who owns Mother Nature

g1 Thumbs up for the bright, white folks - by Hywel Probert New Statesman (U.K.) April 15, 2002 Repression Watch

g2 Population Control - A History of Eugenics

h Fluoride and the Pineal Gland and h1 : Fluoride: The Deadly Legacy

by Gary Null, Ph.D.

i A Plan for Peace Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood Summary of address before the New Historical Society, January 17th, New York City and i-1 A Historical View of Eugenics and Its Role in Abortion in Black America - byJuluette Bartlett Pack

* George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin j-2 Bush Property Seized--Trading with the Enemy

j Bush Family Values Photo Album and j1Bush family’s dirty little secret: President’s oil companies funded by Bin Laden family and wealthy Saudis who financed Osama bin Laden - By Rick Wiles, Copyright: American Freedom News, September 2001

* Princeville,N.C. and Guilliani - Alton H. Maddox, Jr.

* Chemical Reports - Princeville, NC

l U.S. Patent Application Serial Number 08/348,882, filed November 28, 1994 and entitled ``Infectious cDNA Clones of Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Attenuated Strains Japanese Encephalitis Virus Made from the Clones'', to OraVax, Inc., 230 Albany Street, Cambridge,

Massachusetts 02139. Rights to this invention are owned by the United States Government

m PROCTER & GAMBLE - The links with the US eugenics movement - The Big Trunk Site

n State of North Carolina - Dept of Health.

n1 Interactive West Nile Virus* Building BioDefense Capacity and the Peace Dividend: Rebuilding the Public Health Infrastructure - Dr. Alex Hathaway

* WNV Vaccine Announced by Co. Linked to Giuliani

by Robert Lederman

o Mutant Malathion - How The New York Mosquito Campaign Sprayed a Neurotoxin - Erik Baard - The Village Voice

p Chem-Tox : Researching the effects of chemicals on Human Health - Information compiled by Wayne Sinclair, MD, Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Richard Pressinger, M.Ed., Tampa, FL Articles:

p1 Chromosome/Genetic Damage Evident in Immune System Cells from Permethrin and p2 Dr. Epstein's Letter Banned

* The Politics of Cancer Revisited - Dr. Samuel Epstein

* The Kissinger and Rockefeller links to the CIA and the origins of AIDS and Ebola - By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

Will Cumberland personally thanks Michael Blevins for his insight and personal conviction to help get this information out there.and having the balls to press for the truth - God bless all who helped, but for obvious reasons, don't wished to be named.


Will's other Articles

"Yep, we grew it." How hemp may have saved forests in the South.

Will Cumberland


Big Brother Spins the Music Industry: Bill jails promoters for use of drugs at concerts.

Make no mistake, Bush, and his father Prescott, have been involved with Eugenics movement for sometime. While the later, Prescott Bush was directly involved in helping Hitler establish the master race in Nazi Germany (j). (j-1) The Bush family is one of the lead proponents of this form of elusive racial cleansing. One organization, The Sterilization League, got 80 million dollars from Bush to conduct sterilization on children with low IQ's. ( George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin )

According to Mike, who researches the work by Dr. Leonard Horowitz (d), experiments that were carried out concerning the West Nile virus here in the states may have bled over into the public. After one near 'outbreak' in an African American community in Massachusetts , a mysterious cow was found dead because of the virus; the government began spraying Malathion, they said, to stop the spread of larvae. The chemical can now be found in distubing quanities in public water systems. Malathion, which is supposed to stop the growth of mosquito larvae, severely damages the human immune system and makes them more susceptible to viruses . This is not actually what they said that the mosquito reduction spray would do and there is heavy doubt it reduces larvae at all. (k) also read the actual report of the sprayings by and independent medical research group. ()

"The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, alleged the discovery of the WNV in an adult dead crow found July "" in a wooded area near Willow Pond in Jamaica Plain (adjacent Roxbury), Massachusetts"-a predominantly African American Boston suburb and home to one of America's largest Nation of Islam communities" - Dr. Horowitz

How, or why the cow got there, was never explained. The 'rationale' of using Malathion on a progressive African American community was not discussed either.

Similar virus and eugenic projects happen even here in North Carolina; Malathion was sprayed on one of the oldest African community in America, Princeville. Shortly after Hurricane Floyd, the town was sprayed repeatedly with the lethal substance that causes birth defects (intended?) and immune system problems. Black leaders addressed the issue with FEMA, but got little help. Even during Hurricane Fran, Malathion was used on the poorer communities again. Their reason for spraying people with this deadly substance? To curtail the threat of mosquito carried encephalitis, regardless if encephalitis (ie. The West Nile Virus) was not confirmed to be the area. ( Open Letter to African American community - Alton H. Maddox, Jr. ) (Commission for Environmental Cooperation - Notes on Princeville Malahion Release)

It's here that I began to see, in our own state, the ties between the Eugenics movement and the West Nile Virus. The West Nile excuse has been used repeatedly to spray African and poor communities in Eastern NC. Each time there is massive flooding, regardless if it's needed or not, the State of North Carolina or FEMA usually sprays these areas.

"Epidemiologists suspect that the West Nile virus has for the first time been isolated in humans or animals in the Western Hemisphere, but the virus has for decades made its home in several U.S. research laboratories, including Rockefeller University in Manhattan and Yale University in New Haven, Conn. In fact, investigators there were the first to grow and study the West Nile virus in the United States. The work began in the 1950s when unidentified viral samples from around the world arrived at Rockefeller on a steady basis." - Newsday 9/29/99 - Area Labs Have Long Studied Virus / Yale, Rockefeller began tests in '50s page A28

I found it strange that the official stories of it’s origins start in the 70’s in an all too convenient scenario with more relation to fiction like the “Hot Zone” and explanations that have little to do with reality. Also, the Army has been doing bioweapons research with the West Nile Virus and it's cousins for a while and even patented the process for using mosquitoes to spread disease!

"THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In Army tests at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., japonicus was found to be the "most competent vector"[transmitter] for West Nile virus in a laboratory setting, when compared with other mosquitoes." from Federal Register: March 22, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 57, Page 11812) U.S. Patent Application Serial Number 08/348,882, filed November 28, 1994 and entitled ``Infectious cDNA Clones of Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Attenuated Strains Japanese Encephalitis Virus Made from the Clones'' (l)

To begin with, one doesn't have to look far to tie in the major players in the WNV and Eugenics game, such as the Bush, Helms, Gray, and Rockefeller and Harriman families. Even before 1970, when Bush managed to get funding for various Eugenics projects, well after Rockefeller was investigating the WNV.

The Sterilization League, an organization that recieved funding set aside by George Bush when he came into office, first began assisting in testing on school kids here in 50's. In Winston-Salem, Dr. Claude Nash Herndon, under direct supervision from the Human Betterment League, tested school kids in North Carolina for sterilization selection. The Gray family, who has had a history of involvement with the Eugenics movement, donated additional monies. They were also instrumental in the founding of the Bowman Gray Medical School, where allot of this sterilization took place. Winston-Salem has been a center of the Eugenics research for a long time, though this fact has gone unnoticed by most North Carolinians. Over the years, the societies began to sterilize children with 'inherited' diseases and low IQ scores. (m)

In Dr. Nash Herndon’s own words:

"…IQ tests were run on all the children in the Winston-Salem School system . Only the ones who scored really low [were targeted for sterilization], the real bottom of the barrel, like below 70. Did we do sterilization on young children? Yes. This was a relatively minor operation…It was usually not [done] until the child was eight or ten years old. For the boys, you just make an incision and tie the tube…We more often performed the operations on girls than with boys. Of course, you have to cut open the abdomen, but again, it is relatively minor."

(*) Dr Claude Nash Herndon (president of the Eugenics Society in 1953), from the book George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography.

"In 1946-1947, Gordon Gray founded the Bowman Gray (Memorial) Medical School in Winston Salem, North Carolina. This became the centre for eugenics. It kept records of children with "inherited" diseases and began a project to forcibly sterilise young children who were considered to have a low IQ" -T.FSNET

What a shame that prominent NC families participated in and also helped fund these programs. It's not surprising that most North Carolinians don't even now about these projects. Almost every project carried out in this state has been done above the board with a high degree of documentation, but the information was witheld from public scrutiny. Maybe now, with the advent (or invent) of the West Nile Virus infestation, will people in the state begin to see what is actually going on. This is a very elusive and deadly form of racism that needs to be brought out into the public light, hopefully before the virus 'spreads' to this area and more importantly, to Eastern North Carolina.

To quote one British writer, who comments about the direct connection between Bush, the Gray family and Drapers III (aforementioned Yale Skull and Bones member):

"George Bush is a major voice in the eugenics movement and is surrounded by like-minded people - Boyden Gray (his legal advisor) and William Draper III (head of fund-raising for his 1980 presidential campaign). Draper's grandfather had unsuccessfully urged eugenics policies on Eisenhower before convincing Johnson to adopt them. In 1969 Bush was involved in hearings into the 'dangers of too many black babies' and when he became ambassador to the UN in 1972 he arranged for the Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (formerly the Sterilization League) to extend its policy of sterilizing young children with 'low' IQ to non-white countries. This was further extended when Bush became president in 1988." (a)

At this point, it's not disputable if wealthy families from NC, and the Bush family are tied to eugenics projects in this state. It's also not surprising that the Bowman-Gray Medical School is called upon by the state and the medical community concerning both the West Nile Virus and the effects of Malathion, from time to time. (The author must note that this is a medical college, and it's only natural that they help in any outbreak, regardless of their founder's obvious connection to eugenic and racial cleansing programs.).

Close to Winston-Salem and Wake County, Chatham County reported one insular case of the West Nile virus when a crow there was found there dead. The bird tested positive, but no one could explain why just one bird was found, and no other animals or people in the area were infected. (n)

Also, it's clear to see from the map provided by the government, areas of Eastern NC, no where near Chatham County or Wake County that year, were marked as possible places where the virus may occur. (n-1) (The following year, more animals were found.)

One doctor and public health official commented about the connection between the West Nile eradication and bioterrorism response scenarios.

"The New York West Nile virus scenario was not unlike a bioterrorism agent introduced into a community. Early recognition (in this case a cluster of illness caused by an unknown agent) and rapid response minimized morbidity and mortality." -Alecia (Alex) Hathaway, MD, MPH, FACPM Tarrant County Public Health Department. (*)

The situation in New York and the outbreaks there have some strange ties to former Mayor Guiliani. Guiliani has ties to both companies, Peptide Therapeutics and Oravax (PT US branch), that produce the vaccine for the virus and have contracts with the US. government for said purposes. It was also odd that mosquito experts say that more malatoin spraying doesn't reduce the population of the bugs, but instead boosts the the problem by creating hosts that are no longer immune to the virus. During this time, Guiliani began to work behind the scenes with the London based company and soon after, actually 'upped' the sparying over New York communities. It's hard to consider this actions justifiable for the prevention of disease. From what I understood from one government source, North Carolina uses the New York model aggressively when combating mosquitos. (*)(o)

One group from Tampa and Brevard County, FL says that spraying the mosquitos has never fixed the problem, and actively call for halt of spraying. Florida is a key state for mosquitos. They have solid medical evidence that the sprays actually hurt both human and wildlife, and do little to stop the spraying. The chemical sprayed is permethrin. Like Guiliani, Brevard County has rejected any information that would help find alternatives and save human lives. (p)

Permethrin, like malathion, causes irreparable damage to human and animal genes.

"The effect of permethrin seemed to be dose-dependent. Permethrin induced chromosome and chromatid-type aberrations. The highest frequency of chromosome aberrations, mainly chromosome-type, was induced by 100 ug/ml of permethrin in both cultures... Thus, we can say that permethrin is a clear clastogenic (genotoxic) agent in two different cell systems." J. Muro, A. Martinez, A. Lopez, M. Diaz and R. Fernandez (p-1)

But no one is talking about solutions. Articles about the West Nile Virus and problems caused by governmental solutions has been barred from the media. Even Dr. Samuel Epstein , who was a leader at exposing chemical risks to humans and agents that cause cancer, had his article on WNV chemicals banned from publication in corporate media. (p)(p-2)(*)

In the United States, organizations with heavy ties to the eugenics and racial cleansing movements movement have investigated, studied and worked with the West Nile Virus since 1950. We have our own military, who has researched using the virus, along with mosquitos, in biowarfare scenarios. Communities here in NC are being sprayed with Malathion and Permethrin, despite the known effects that these chemicals have on the human bodies causing genetic, reproductive and immune system damage. (*) (Company added chemicals prevent human immune system from detoxing Malahion.)

We have public officials who refuse to use any other methods to control outbreaks, and it's very possible that WNV is an actual biological weapon with ties to the military, eugenics and Nazi scientists such as Taube . It's odd that no one has asked 'why?" But it's high time we start to do something about this problem, actively talk to others about these issues and hold all offending parties directly responsible for their actions.

It is my belief that the reason no one is able to bring these issues concerning this virus and chemical agents used to combat it to the public, is that such a revelation would expose those that seek to enforce their racists agenda and ethnic ideologies on the rest of the United States, and possibly, the world .

"So, what do you think, Will?" Mike finally asked. I really didn't have an answer for him and I was still in shock from what he had told me. I felt what I hadn't felt in a long time, a healthy sense of outrage.

We are told such information is the stuff that makes up conspiracy theories and fills the scripts of Hollywood shows, like the X-files. But the ugly truth, the one you conveniently ignore because you have too much to do in life, has now landed on your doorstep. Far from being a conspiracy theory, it's proven itself a fact and it's uglyhead is staring back at you. Whether or not you have the ability to face it, is purely up to you, but time is not your friend in cases such as these.

In an age where Americans are now getting used to corporate corruption, Presidential scandals, the rise of white racism and government cover-ups, maybe now the American people will begin to listen to those voices crying out for justice, liberty and freedom.
