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Symptoms Of Morgellons Affliction

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, and over time.

It is believed that pets also get Morgellons, exhibiting many of the same symptoms, which are sometimes fatal.

For the most part, medical professionals and veterinarians are unaware of Morgellons. There is no official diagnostic code for insurance companies today. Symptoms are often rationalized as being "nothing," thoughtlessly disregarded or misdiagnosed....or worse, victims are placed in the diagnostic category: Delusional Parasitosis.

Research is under way, but no definitive statements have been put forth regarding source, cause, diagnosis, treatment or cure.

As grassroots awareness continues, it is sadly inevitable that more sufferers - both human and animal - will surface. And that's the hairy 800-pound gorilla in the room.

Our comprehensive symptoms list is compiled from first-hand input and consensus of sufferers.

Morgellons Disease Symptoms List


* Bumps, lumps, lesions or "channels" on head

* Headaches

Brain and Personality

* Memory loss (short term, recent memory - "Where did I put my coffee mug? What did I do yesterday?")

* Brain fog - groggy, unclear thinking

* Thought processing becomes very taxing, difficult

* Inability to focus or concentrate - ADD/ADHD symptoms

* Mood disorder

* Libido - lack of

* Loss of interest in things that normally interest you

* Depression

* Personality changes, like loss of creativity

* Neurological symptoms, such as problems walking, clumsiness, speech problems


* Hair appearance - stiff, brittle and dry

* Hair loss


* Floaters on eye surface

* Loss of visual acuity

* Increase in discharge, often stringy

* Sandy or gritty feeling in eyes

* Eyes are sensitive to light

* Eyesight is generally weakened


* Ears itch as motile fibers move inside

* Ears ring or beep (but ears are clean)

* Ears become clogged due to sinus drainage

* Ears develop excess hair


* Allergies or sinus - excessive congestion, mucus production

* Mucus is thick, stringy, cohesive, dries into very hard substance

* Scents do not smell correctly, may fluctuate from keen sniffing ability to no ability to smell at all

* Nostrils develop excess hair

* Nostrils develop very sore pimples

Mouth & Throat

* Teeth become sensitive

* Teeth degrade and/or fall out

* Sore throat

* Hacking cough

* Constant sinus drainage

* Glob of congestion always hanging at back of throat

* Taste buds do not function correctly, may fluctuate from keen tasting ability to no taste at all


* Crawling feeling on the skin, like invisible bugs

* Pinching, biting, stinging or prickling on the skin

* Lesions - itchy, sore or painful, very slow-healing with no infection, sometimes containing "fuzz"

* Open cuts or wounds - very slow healing with no infection, sometimes containing "fuzz"

* Rashes - unusual, appear/disappear rapidly for no apparent reason, also appear where adhesive portion of Band-Aid is applied

* Seed-like specks on the skin

* Skin pigment changes (gets lighter or darker)

* Skin texture - leathery, callus-like areas often where lesions had previously been located

* Pimples - sore, long-lasting, can't squeeze out contents like a normal

pimple, contents are moist and cohesive matter


* Alcohol/liquor intolerance

* Appetite decrease or increase

* Weight loss or weight gain

* Food cravings or total lack of interest in food

* Gastrointestinal problems

* Swelling or edema, including breast edema

* Back ache - lower back

* Back pain - neck and shoulder pain

* Chronic fatigue

* Weakness - strength diminishes

* Bloating

* Joint pain

* Muscle twitching or cramping

* Dizziness, disorientation, vertigo

* Seizures

* Blood pressure problems

* Heart races or beats irregularly for no apparent reason

* Liver problems

* Abnormal overheating

* Excessive sweating

* Cannot stay in sun for prolonged periods without becoming ill

* Drastic body temp fluctuations

* New, normal temp runs lower or higher than your previous "normal"

* Bowel habits change, loss of muscle control

* Stools contain foreign-looking matter

* Urine has foreign-looking matter (particles or black seeds, hair - sometimes encased in mucus)

* Immediate pain that occurs simultaneously to untouched lesions on other parts of the body when another lesion is disturbed.

* Hardened splinter-like material beneath skin that is difficult to remove, extremely painful, and odd in appearance once removed

* Ingrown hair that is difficult to remove, extremely painful

* Hair strands that are unusually thick or doesn't look like other hair

* Fingernails change shape or texture

* Fiber or thread-like material emerging from the skin, or visible just beneath the skin - may be black, white, tan, clear, red, blue, or rainbow colored. Some fibers may exhibit movement.

* Lyme Disease shares overlapping symptoms and the borellia bacteria with Morgellons Disease