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The candida fungus releases wastes into the bloodstream that have a profound effect on the nervous system and immune system. This creates a variety of symptoms, including such common complaints as: food cravings (for sweets, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, etc.), excessive allergies, diaper rash, vaginal infections, depression, food sensitivities, exhaustion, headaches, irritability, memory loss, obesity or excessive weight loss, gas and bloating, diarrhea or constipation, PMS, earaches, numbness, MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity), leaky gut and many others. Candida affects physical, mental and emotional well-being. Thinking becomes unclear and irrational and often is unnoticeable to the victim.

Candida may be one of the primary causes of ill health and obesity in the country today because it creates a downward health spiral. As it becomes prevalent in the body, a person craves carbohydrates and sweets, allowing it to thrive even further, thereby impeding the immune system and creating symptoms and excess weight. On and on it goes until the body’s immune system is weakened and symptoms are no longer tolerable. At this time, a physician is usually consulted and antibiotics might be prescribed which kill off more friendly intestinal bacteria that keeps fungi under control, allowing further candida proliferation. In this advanced stage, acute depression and suicidal tendencies may emerge.

Candida infection is difficult to diagnose since the fungus is present in every human tested and because it creates such a variety of symptoms. The best way to determine whether you are being adversely affected by this fungus is to look at your diet and your health. If you feel addicted to sugar, crave breads or other carbohydrates, are experiencing any other symptoms as listed above, or just don’t feel well, chances are you are being affected by candida and should consider a change in diet. Candida and Fungus thrive on simple foods like sugar, carbohydrates and fermented foods and cause cravings for these foods so it is best to eliminate them from the diet (see What to Avoid).