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Effect of Aggression on Health situation in Iraq

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already reported for the period 1990-1998. There has been a 100 % rise in the incidence of various forms of leukemia among children in 1999 compared to 1990 while the reported percentage increase 1997 compared to 1990 for the same forms was 60 %. The corresponding rise for all malignancies among such children in 1999 compared to 1990 was 242 % while the percentage increase in 1997 compared to 1990 was 120 %. The overall incidence rate of all malignancies was 10.1 per 100, 000 of children below 15 years of age compared to 3.98 in 1990 and 7.22 in 1997. During the period from 1993 to 1998 the average annual incidence rate of malignancies among children ranged from 3.1 per 100,000 in Shatt Al-Arab district to 11.8 per 100, 000 in Al-Hartha. In 1999 the reported rates ranged from 5.3 in Abu-Al-khassib to 13.2 in Al-Zubier district with noticeable increase in such rates in all districts in Basra including Basra center, Qurna, Mudaina and shatt-Al-Arab. The findings reported in 1999 provided further epidemiological evidence that the increased incidence of malignancies among children in Basrah is related to exposure to depleted uranium used by the western allies during their aggression on Iraq in 1991.

Epidemiological Trend of Cancer in South of Iraq, for the Period 1976-1999

Dr. Ahmad Hardan ; Dr. Abdul-Hafidh Al-KhAzraji, Ministry of Health.

The Epidemiology of cancer has been changed in incidence, prevalence, geographical distribution, and population at risk and trend.

This is an analytic epidemiological study for the incidence of cancer, in the south of Iraq for the period 1976-1999. Another part of the study is retrospective, A systematic random sample of cases were selected with a similar number of control groups. History of exposure to the war environmental was assessed among cases and controls: medical records, medical history, physical examination and medical investigations were studied.

The incidence of cancer in five-year intervals for 24 years was studied. The most common types of cancer, by site and histopathological findings, the age group with higher risk were studied for each interval. The relative risk was assessed for the post war period compared with the pre-war period . statistical tests of significance were applied.

It is obvious that the epidemic curve of cancer showed a rise in their incidence in the post war period. The difference from that in the pre-war period statistically significant. There is a strong statistical association between the incidence and the exposure to war environment.

Southern governorates; namely Basra, Misan and Dhiqar show the highest relative risk compared with other parts of Iraq. There is a change in the trend of cancer in Iraq in the post war period. Leukemia becomes higher in the rank among common cancers among types of cancer among all age groups and of the most common cancers among the age group of less than 15 years. Teratomas become a more common type of malignancy than in the pre-war period and to a less degree; nephroblastomas, Rhabdomyosarcoma and medullo blastoma. There is a shift in the age group of higher incidence of cancer to the age group of (45-55) years.

Leukemia in Iraq

Dr. Muna Elhassani, Director of the Iraqi Cancer Registry.

Among (124282) registered cancers in Iraq during the last 22 years for the period (1976-1997), a total of (7094) cases of leukemia has been registered, (4293) Males & (2831) Females.

There was an alarming increase in the relative frequency of leukemia in both sexes especially in the southern province of Iraq.

this comparative study reveals that, up to fourfold increase in the relative frequency of leukemia especially among young children for the five years period (1993-1997) compare with the year 1989. This may be related to the use of tons of Radio-Active Depleted Uranium used by the US forces in the Gulf War.

Cancer isn’t contagious but it is moving from South to the North of the country as if it an infectious disease.

Iraqi people are suffering from an epidemic of cancer following the 1991 Gulf War.

Cancer Invasion of families in Basra after the mother of all battles an Evidence of Exposure to Environmental Pollution

Dr. Jawad Khadhim Al-Ali,Sadam Teaching hospital (Basra)

Introduction: Clustering of cancer is well known & documented specially in area surrounding nuclear reactors in many countries. The radiation levels in these areas is higher than the normal & is incriminated as a cause for increased incidence of cancers especially leukemia. In the south of Iraq (City of Basra) more than 400-500 tons of depleted uranium (D.U.) was delivered during the mother of all battles which caused an increased levels of radiation in the atmospheric air, soil and waters in addition to dangerous radiation exposure to the population in Basra during the times of aggression.

Aim: the aim of this retrospective & prospective study of families affected by cancers after the mother of all battles is to link between the use of (D.U.) containing weapons by the American & British forces & and the increase incidence of cancers among families in the city of Basra.

Methods:45 patients from 17 families who were living in the city of Basra during the aggression are studied retrospectively & prospectively. They are affected by different types of cancers & living in different parts all over Basra.

Results: from the analysis of this study we noticed that 5 families out of the 17 families showing clustering of cancer and & are resident in different parts of Basra. The rest of families show different types of cancers in the same family. The commonest cancers invading these families are: breast cancer 11 patients (24.4%) followed by lymphomas 7 patients (15.5%) & acute leukemia 5 patients (10.6%) & chronic leukemia 4 patients (8.5%) the other cancers constitute the rest of patients (20 patients with different types of cancers).

Conclusion: these families were exposed to common risk factors including cancers. These factors might be related to the use of D.U. or chemical or biological containing weapons by the Americans &British forces against the Iraqi armed forces as well as against the civilians & as a result of this environmental contamination the incidence of cancer among families in the city of Basra is increased .

Cancer Induction due to Environmental Contamination with DU in Iraq

Dr. Bahaa A. Marouf,

Radioecology Dept, Office of Environmental Research, Iraq Atomic Energy Commission .

Radioecological studies proved that the depleted uranium (DU) ammunitions were used extensively in the southern part of Iraq against civilian and military targets in 1991 by the US and UK armies had resulted in an environmental contamination with DU. Very high concentrations of Th-234, Pa-234 and Ra-226 were detected in soil sample obtained from Al-Basrah governorate, Dose assessment methods were employed to predict radiation doses to the population from the contamination with thorium-234, which is the1st decay product in the uranium-238 series. It appeared that the population could be exposed to very high radiation dose due to environmental contamination with DU in Iraq. The results of our risk analysis had indicated that the major somatic health effect of this exposure would be induction of cancer. Thus, we expect an increase in the occurrence of leukemia cases, due to the short latency period of its appearance. Solid cancer cases would increase in the future according to their latency period in a rate of 5 Solid cancers to each case of leukemia.

The Effect of D.U. & War Pollution on Iraqi New Generation

Dr. Selma A. H. Al-Taha,

College of Medicine, University of Baghdad

In a study carried on the generic clinic pin Saddam medical Center, the frequency of abnormal children in a sample of prewar referrals shows an incidence of 203 abnormals (presenting with abnormal features or function including malformations, chromosomal disorders, and single gene diseases), out of 1038 for the years beginning 1989-1990 inclusive with an incidence 19.55% while the post war sample have shown 568 abnormal cases out of 1903 total patients number, for the years beginning 1992-1996 inclusive with an incidence of 29.83%.

Chromosomal numerical disturbances were the most prominent abnormality seen, while common syndromes that are easily diagnosable including cases which follow autosomal dominant inheritance born for the first time in large families who used to be free of such disorders in their children and other generations have increased in the post war. With new mutation appearing for the first time also been found.

Abnormalities affecting the skeletal system especially shortening of the long bones or malformation of the limbs have shown an increase in such cases which have resemblance to cases born to veterans in America after the Gulf War. Metabolic disorders that are due to enzymatic deficiencies also have show increase in the post war sample, while anencephally and hydrocephally have been increasing. Malformations affecting the eyes are also prominent among the increased abnormalities after the war like congenital cataract, anophthalmia, microophthalmia, absent unilateral eye ball, these disorders have been also reported in children of war veterans in the state.

The skeletal abnormalities and the eye malformations both have shown clustering in certain instance In some places.
