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Councilor Purple Crow

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oes some strange things, and that having been said by me directly, considering my experiences in life, this should not come as any surprise to you.

The Canadian medical system is a mess lately. I'm looking at months and months just to book an appointment to see a specialist. Meanwhile I find myself not very functional over all. There's little I can do to help myself without knowing precisely what's happening here. A few friends (who are like family to me) are attempting to assist, long distance, but locally I pretty much have to go at this alone. Living with a nurse as a partner sure would have been handy right about now. The girl I live with needs me to be strong - the other way around just doesn't work for us. I am watching my body go through changes that are very disturbing and there's little I can do about it until a specialist will see me. Having to keep a telephone within arms reach 24/7 is not a fun way to live. I cannot speak of what will happen - no one knows this... except perhaps one psychic from 1987... and I didn't want to think THIS is what she meant, now or then... I thought she meant something else - perhaps I should have rephrased my question. I speak of the one who was 99% accurate and 100% specific about what I'd be doing between the years 1998 and 2001 (or so). She was so accurate that Edgar Cayce and many others pale by comparison. She spoke of details, full phrases of text I'd hear on the radio, whole paragraphs, word for word, as an example. She spoke of people I'd know and work with in details. She predicted chemtrails and my photos of them in 1999. "You are taking pictures of clouds that aren't clouds, something to do with military jets." She spoke of lovers in my life, of soul mates.

I cannot speak their descriptions or the locations they live in, but this, too, was 99% accurate. Every timeframe, every detail laid out and unstoppable. I tried to change her predictions and have failed at every opportunity. I lost two dear loves of my life JUST as predicted in every detail... the times, the locations, the circumstances... everything. At times I didn't want to believe that she could have foreseen such - NO ONE is THAT good! No one. But if asked under polygraph test it'd show that my knowledge of such is honest and true. I know because she told me so beforehand. She named a certain author I'd be meeting also, and how I'd be a part of their book. Every single detail has come to pass. The list goes on and on. And now that all these events are behind me... I can't stop thinking of the question I asked her: "Before I die, what am I doing to help others... or better yet, what am I doing around the year 2000?" She said she could answer both those questions at once because she saw that timeframe as one of my most dedicated periods in my life before I departed this world. She was almost moved to tears as she saw the numbers of people around me who loved me and how I'd inspired them in different ways. She spoke of me as a great truthseeker and truthspeaker who'd inspired many. She spoke of my guide, my contact, who was present at this spontaneous reading... "She's VERY tall, and obviously not from around here." I remember her laughter at seeing Her... she sounded a bit nervous but also pleased to know that we were involved in this great transition on this planet (and so on, as she told me).

Either way, all I can think about now is how she ended this psychic reading. I asked her "What else after that?" She suddenly stopped reading and said "That's it." I said "What does that mean?" She said "There's nothing else. That's it." I assumed that's because either my guide left or that was the end of my question. I assumed all this was going to happen around 2000, which it has... but some of it has also taken place as recently as 2005. That being 2 years ago now, all I can think about is one final prophecy... which is why I say 99% accurate when I speak about this mysterious woman from 1987 (who met me right after a very important event for myself and many others at the time). She saw some kind of global event, or a few possible events. Either way, whatever happens, it's not too easy to deal with for a while, but it also involves possible global contact with what many refer to as extraterrestrials... and what others I know refer to as "extended family". It could be weather related, or war related... I'm not sure... she tried to focus on the outcome, the positive aspects of these events. She kept saying that I've always known that we were never alone, and that I've always been correct on this fact. I still cannot help but wonder if I should have rephrased the question, but I was so young then, and had no idea what questions to ask anyway, other than the ones I did at the time... to which I got all my answers, and now have lived them directly.

Now that my health is in some sort of uncertainty I find myself wondering what "That's it" means. Was that the end of my "life record", or just the end of my over all reading? Am I that "inactive" from this point onwards that it's not even worth mentioning? I'd like to place my fears aside and forget all about this in a way, but I can't. I cannot deny the facts of such an accurate reading. I am still hoping that something good is to come of this and I strive for the positive for all of us, but I live within a body that's clearly not happy right now. I don't know what this means... I really don't. I'm sitting here writing this, clueless about what is to come next. I just hope that whatever it is, that I've really done my very best to help others, to show FEARLESS love (banish taboo sexual expression) and free expression / free speech and TOLERANCE of all kinds of expressions that others have shared with me. (I might not do it myself, but I'd never stop someone else from sharing themselves with others freely without limits) I hope that my example has been worth something to as many as possible, for the greatest possible impact for the greater good. I know I'm not "perfect" but as long as I've done my best, then I've done what's right - then I have honoured my God/dess, my spirit guides, my family and my friends.

I'm open to ideas, and as I said, there are a few very special people in my life who are helping me... but the Canadian medical system is about as healthy as I am right now. (Not able to move much at all some days and rather unfocused at times) All we can do is talk and continue to keep ideas flowing and hope for the best. On good days you'll see me on-line somewhere, perhaps briefly - other days not at all. My previous duties and activities will diminish greatly for a while... you'll just have to adapt, I'm sorry to say. I want to do more, and of course I want to be perfectly healthy again, and I'm doing my best to achieve this... my prayers are for me to be healthy and happy to continue to inspire others as much as possible... and I want you to focus on this reality with me. It'll help. You know, that whole positive thought thing. if you want to be part of a miracle, directly, you have my blessing and acceptance, my love and admiration.

You never know, I might get lucky and this whole thing will just vanish soon and I'll be perfectly healthy again - it's not happened yet over my life, but I'm not beyond thinking this is still possible. Do whatever feels best and keep on doing what your greater purpose is no matter what happens to me. Don't let one person's events change your life course too much. :) You know what I stand for and what my greater mission is - that's the focus no matter what. Peaceful mutual co-habitation in whatever form that arrives. Be yourselves and accept others, even if you don't agree with them... just let them be in peace. In this way you make yourselves be-YOU-ti-FULL. Don't let opinions of others change you and never let intimidation break you down too much. When you need a break, GRANT yourself one and make full use of it. You have as much right to say "yes" as you do to say "no, not right now, but when I can, yes". Just help others as often as possible, remembering to take care of yourself equally well. By living this example you'll be deserving of far greater things. We are not alone - you know I know this... it doesn't take a psychic asking my spirit guide questions about my future to KNOW this is true. The recent news regarding the O'Hare airport encounter to the Arizona disclosures are obvious where this is all leading, let alone what is just around the corner here for us. Denial or fear of the future will not make the facts vanish any more than my self-denial of what has already happened to me. It is what it is. Not even the former pope denied this when he shocked the world by saying "contact seems inevitable".

It's time to take this seriously and fearlessly, focusing on the fantastic good that can come of this. just think of all the medical assistance we could get... I know that's weighing heavily on my own mind right now. There will be so much benefit to extending our friendship relations to the next continent over, across the next ocean past the edge of the blue sea and into the black to where the next blue sea resides. Whatever form this all takes, it's nothing new here as research has shown. But either way, even if this doesn't transpire, you know what to do for each other, and that's the real focus for all of us. Remember, whoever you meet, wherever they are from, be-YOU-ti-FULL. Know your God/dess and be the ones you have been waiting for. In this way of living you shall also honour me and my God/dess, and for this kindness towards each other, I thank you, deeply and fully, with everything that I am (never just a body I wear, but ALL of me). Thank-you.

For those I've hurt over the years, by accident or otherwise... I know these are just words, but... I'm sorry for causing you any sense of distress or discomfort. Sometimes in the process of self-protection I've had to do so swiftly and others have gotten hurt, which wasn't my intent, ever. I am truly sorry for anything I've done to hurt anyone. God/dess knows how difficult this path has been for me... for anyone here on earth... and I just have to speak this right now, on the record. I've always been very self-protective, to the extreme. Us hermit's are like that. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I'm sorry. All I can ask is for your forgiveness.

For those of you who have my home phone number, you are free to call, but never before 10 am PST please. I may be up until about midnight most nights though. Those are the hours you have to work with. I have no answering machine so several rings might be in order to get my attention, if I'm here.

Keep your faith strong. Help each other.

Always remember: "Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods" Japanese proverb

Enjoy life as often as possible.

Blessings and good luck.