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Depleted Uranium, Anthrax Vaccine And The Gulf War Syndrome

By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.

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ucts That Work. Information about these products and his book can be obtained from and at and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached by mail at Dr. James Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

More and more veterans have become chronically ill from a multitude of symptoms since the end of Gulf War I. For many years the U.S. government denied any responsibility for their mysterious symptoms. Only 7,035 men were injured in this war. A total of 580,400 soldiers served in the first Gulf War. By the end of 2000 325,000 of these troops had become disabled This means that 56 % of those who served in the first Gulf War were disabled within less than 10 years.

In August 2004 American Free Press reported that eight out of twenty men serving in one unit during the 2003 invasion of Iraq had developed malignancies. This translates into 40 % of the soldiers in that one unit developing malignancies within a 16 month period of time. What is causing these terrible health problems?

Nine members of the National Guard from New York State recently returned from Iraq. These persons were deployed as Military Police. Two manmade forms of uranium were found in urine specimens from 4 of these 9 soldiers. Certainly soldiers in combat roles would be expected to have even greater exposure to inhaling depleted uranium dust.

Since 1943 the military has been aware of the extreme toxicity of uranium as a gas. A Oct 30, 1943 memo from Manhattan Project physicist James B. Conant to Brig. General L.B. Abrams stated that as a gas warfare instrument the radioactive material would be ground into microscopic particles forming dust and smoke and could be distributed by ground fired projectiles, land vehicles or aerial bombs. In this form it would be inhaled by personnel. They estimated that one millionth of a gram would be fatal. There are no known methods of treatment for such casualties.

The depleted uranium DU was also recommended as a permanent terrain contaminant which could be used to destroy populations by contaminating water supplies and agricultural land with radioactive dust. Current estimates suggest that the damaged soil in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan will need four and a half billion years to recover from the radioactive effect of DU.

Some of the uranium from shells vaporizes into particles measuring 1/10 of a micron. These particles enter the atmosphere and later fall to the ground with rain. Radioactive debris has been found at both the North and South Poles. In gaseous form the chemically toxic and radioactive uranium easily enters the body through the skin or when inhaled into the lungs. Clothing and gas masks are easily penetrated. Large missiles and bombs can disperse nearly 100 % of the DU into the atmosphere whereas only 30 % of a tank shell disperses when fired. Any soldier or civilian who breathes this gas has a permanent dose of radioactive uranium RAU.

Uranium is quite dense so it is ideal for penetrating armor. The radioactive uranium is shaped into a penetrating rod 18 inches long and ¾ inch in diameter. When these shells are fired some of the uranium contacts air and explodes into flame (pyrophoric quality).

Scientists studying the biologic effects of radiation in the 1960s reported that radioactive uranium targets the DNA. Marion Fulk, a nuclear physical chemist, who had worked for both the Manhattan project and the Livermore Nuclear Weapon Lab interprets the new and rapid development of malignancies in soldiers from the 2003 war as “spectacular and a matter of concern.” She states “This is the perfect weapon (DU) for killing lots of people.”

There are three effects of depleted uranium on biologic systems –radiation, chemical and particulate. The particulate effect of nano-sized particles is the most important of these three. This appears immediately after exposure and targets the master code of DNA. Simply stated depleted uranium “trashes the body.” The DNA damage is so severe these patients develop multiple simultaneous cancers from different causes. This new syndrome has never been reported before and is unique to internal depleted uranium exposure. Such patients were seen in civilians in Yugoslavia after NATO bombing using DU bombs. There is currently an epidemic of cancer in Iraqi children.

Another horrifying consequence of DU exposure is damage to sperm causing many severe deformities in the children born to veterans of the first Gulf War. A group of 251 soldiers from Mississippi, who all had normal babies before service in Iraq, were studied. Sixty seven percent of their post war babies were born with severe birth defects. These children were missing legs, arms, organs or eyes and had immune system and blood diseases. In some Gulf War veterans families the only normal children are those who were born before serving in Iraq. The Department of Defense denies any knowledge of birth defects in Gulf War I veterans.

How Much Depleted Uranium Has Been Used?

Depleted uranium weapons were developed by the U.S. Navy in 1968. Depleted uranium weapons were given to and used by Israel with U.S. supervision in the Yom Kippur War in 1973 against the Arabs nations. Military research detailed the use of DU weapons at military testing grounds, bombing and gunnery ranges and civilian labs under contracts between 1974-1999. Presently 42 states have contamination from the manufacture, testing and deployment of depleted uranium. The United States has sold DU weapons to 29 countries.

In Gulf War I DU weapons were used against Iraq. Between 315 and 350 tons of depleted uranium was used in that war. The current Iraq war has expended an estimated 5 times more tonnage of DU than was used in the first Gulf War.

Japanese professor, Dr. K. Yagasaki, has calculated that 800 tons of depleted uranium is the atomicity equivalent of 83,000 bombs the size of the one which struck Nagasaki. The U.S. has used more depleted uranium since 1991 than the atomicity equivalent of 400,000 Nagasaki bombs. This includes four nuclear wars (Iraq twice, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan) and is 10 times the amount of radiation released into the air from atmospheric testing. Experts from the Department of Defense say that the U.S. has 100 million tons of DU. Using up the DU in wars afford a convenient way to dispose of some of the radioactive uranium and thus avoid some of the huge expense that careful disposing of tons of DU would entail.

The “clean up” of 34 Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles that were erroneously hit by U.S. missiles during this first Gulf war was supervised by Dr. Doug Rokke. Today he is suffering ill effects from DU that entered his body in the clean up. One of the problems he has is brittle teeth. The uranium displaces calcium in both teeth and bones resulting in teeth that break. The majority of U.S. casualties in this war were from “friendly fire.” Dr. Rokke relates that DU is used because it is the most effective weapon at killing and destroying everything it hits.

Thousands of tons of depleted uranium were used for decades at four bombing and gunnery ranges in Fallon, Nevada. This usage is no doubt responsible for the fastest growing leukemia cluster in the U.S. The military has denied that DU has anything to do with this cluster. The medical profession has been involved in the cover-up—just as they were hiding the adverse effects that low level radiation from atmospheric testing and nuclear power plants were producing.

A physician in Northern California was being trained in the Pentagon with other physicians months before the 2003 Gulf War started. They were told to diagnose and treat soldiers returning from the 2003 war for mental problems only. Medical professionals in hospitals and facilities treating returning soldiers were threatened with $10,000 fines if they talked about the soldiers or their medical problems. They were also threatened with jail[1] terms.

Senator Paul Wellstone informed Joyce Riley R.N., executive director of the American Gulf War Veterans Association, that 95 % of Gulf War I veterans had been recycled out of the military by 1995. Any of those continuing in military service were carefully isolated from each other, preventing critical information from being shared with new troops. One has to wonder if his airplane crash was really an accident.

My initial reaction to the 1993 Gulf War was that it was all about oil which we desperately needed. Now it appears that I was wrong. Currently there is strong evidence that we are preparing to invade Iran. Whether this invasion will be preceded by another “terrorist” attack on the U.S. is obviously unknown. Perhaps a nuclear attack on a U.S. city by “Arabs” would attract sufficient public opinion approval to warrant another U.S. invasion of a sovereign nation.

My impression currently is that there may be a more insidious and sinister aspect to the invasion of Iraq. Could we be using this nuclear war as a way to lower the population of an Arab nation? Exposing all the citizens in a nation to a daily dose of radioactive uranium dust would be certain to produce very premature deaths and inability to reproduce. These irradiated nations will have huge problems with illness of their citizens and the inability of most parents to produce healthy children for succeeding generations.

Who is going to be willing to work in irradiated oil fields knowing that their life expectancy will be reduced by many years and that there is a strong possibility that they will probably never be able to have normal children. Even salaries of a million dollars annually do not sound very attractive to me to work in those irradiation contaminated oil fields.

The new book The High Priests of War documents how Henry Kissinger had planned an attack against the Arab world in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This nicely coincided with a Middle Eastern oil crisis and the development of DU war capabilities.

Mr. Kissinger had been previously involved in plans (later implemented) to lower the population of blacks in Africa by using bio-warfare[2] programs (vaccines contaminated with HIV virus). This CIA plot was code named PROJECT MKNAOMI. The details about the development of the HIV vaccine in the NIH Cancer Division are well documented in Leonard G. Horowtz’s book Emerging Viruses AIDS and Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional?

When David J. Smith asked Vietnam Special Ops Green Beret Captain John McCarthy “who could have devised this omnicidal plan to use depleted uranium to destroy the genetic code and genetic future of large populations of Arabs and Moslems in the Middle East and Central Asia where most of the world’s oil deposits are located?” he replied “It has all the handprints of Henry Kissinger.”

Zbignew Brezinski’s new book The Grand Chess-board: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives shows a Eurasian chessboard with four regions strategic to U.S. foreign policy. The “South” region corresponds precisely to the regions now contaminated permanently with radiation from U.S. bombs and missiles made from thousands of tons of depleted uranium.

History Is Full Of The Sacrificial Deaths Of Soldiers And Civilians To Achieve Political Goals

Many times U.S. leaders have used the deaths of military and civilian populations to bring about desired political changes.

Spanish American War

Many observers have seriously questioned whether the Spanish government had anything to do with planting bombs on the battleship Maine. This war had the desired outcome. Lots of newspapers were sold and the United States snapped up the resource rich Philippine Islands.

World War I

France and England fared badly in the early stages of the first world war. An inflammatory incident was needed to bring the United States into the war.

The British ship Lusitania was illegally containing explosives. The German embassy in Washington was aware of this and filed a formal complaint which was ignored. The German embassy then proceeded to place an advertisement in 50 Eastern newspapers one week ahead of the sailing warning that vessels flying the flag of Great Britain were at risk of being sunk and that U.S. passengers sailing on the Lusitania do so at their own risk. The U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan was advised that on all but one of her wartime voyages the Lusitania contained munitions. Bills of lading proving the munitions cargo from previous wartime voyages of the Lusitania were presented to Secretary Bryan. Bryan promised George Viereck, editor of a German owned newspaper who placed the ads for the German Embassy, that he would personally contact President Wilson. The U.S. State Department intervened threatening the newspapers with libel suits if they printed the advertisement. Only one newspaper, the Des Moines Register, carried the advertisement. President Wilson took no action but later admitted on the day the Lusitania sinking was reported to him that he had spent many sleepless nights about his foreknowledge.

When the Lusitania neared the region off the Irish coast where German U-boats were present William Turner, Captain of the Lusitania, was ordered to “proceed at 75% of usual speed.” A protecting destroyer Juno had been withdrawn from the scene at the last minute on orders from Admiralty Secretary Winston Churchill[1]. Captain Turner was not informed of this change in plans. The only torpedo fired entered the Lusitania nine feet below the water line. Immediately after this torpedo’s explosion there was a second and much larger explosion that blew a hole in cargo hold number two and put the boiler room out of commission. This second explosion, probably from munitions, sent the ship rapidly to the bottom. There was loss of 195 American lives.

J.P. Morgan banking interests had purchased control over major segments of the news media. An intensive nation wide editorial blitz against Germany led to the United States declaring war on Germany.

Vladimir Lenin received $12,000,000 in gold bullion from the Jacob Schiff’s Kuhn Loeb & Company bank in New York City. Lenin was shipped from Zurich, Switzerland to Russia in a sealed boxcar. This gold bullion in the hands of skilled organizers soon led to toppling of the Russian monarchy. Thus U.S. financial interests played a significant role in bring about Russia’s communist revolution. which spread to involve the whole world.

World War II

Again England and France were doing badly in warfare against Germany. Much of the English Army was lost at Dunkirk and the French were overrun by the German blitzkrieg tactics. The United States broke the Japanese codes and learned that Pearl Harbor would soon be attacked by the Japanese. This information was not shared with Admiral Kimmel and General Short in Hawaii. When the Japanese attacked thousands of army, air force, naval and civilian personnel were killed. President Roosevelt promptly declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy. We had pushed Japan into this war by refusing to sell scrap steel and oil to the resource poor Japanese.

World War II was a very strange war. Standard Oil tankers refueled German submarines in the Atlantic Ocean with impunity. The German industrial conglomerate I.G. Farben did not lose any factories to allied bombing. Large U.S. companies financed the rise of Hitler in Germany in the 1930s.

Many observers felt that the United States was only pulled out of the depression by the massive expenditures needed to finance the armaments of World War II.

The War On Terrorism

In a way the seeds of this war were begun by strong governmental action in the Kohl family shoot out, the Ruby Ridge family shoot out and the Waco massacre. In these three events excessive use of unneeded force was used to create a climate of fear and intimidation among the American people.

The next major event was the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. This building collapse was due to explosives placed at the base of the pillars in front of the building. These explosives caused the building to fall toward the street where the allegedly guilty fertilizer bomb had been placed in a truck. Several observers were aware that a large amount of explosives were being stored in the office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. After the explosion, which caused no fatalities among the BTF employees large numbers of BTF employees were immediately on the scene. They cordoned off the site but some police and fire department employees were allowed into the site after the site had been inspected. Several of these employees saw things that did not jibe with the official government position. As they spoke out publicly about what they had observed they were steadily suicided.

A retired Army Major General, Benton Partin, was an explosives expert. He was refused permission to speak at the McVey trial because his testimony would have destroyed the government‘s case against Timothy McVey.. He would have declared that the building could never have fallen toward the street without explosives being placed at the base of the pillars[2] on the front of the building. He also knew that the force of a fertilizer bomb placed in a street truck would have been so dissipated by the distance it needed to travel that it could not have caused a strong building to fall.

This explosion was soon followed by Congressional legislation that greatly enhanced the government’s control over the American people. In this situation people were expended to get desired legislation.

Twin Towers And Pentagon Destruction

There are a multitude of flaws in the official explanations regarding the Twin Towers and Pentagon destruction. Brief explanations of some of the more salient observations follow:

No steel reinforced building has ever collapsed from fire in the history of U.S. construction.

The maximum temperature reached by a jet fuel fire is 1600 degrees F. Structural steel does not melt until temperatures several hundred degrees higher than this are reached. Molten pools of melted steel were seen in the rubble smoldering for weeks after the collapse of the Twin Towers. A jet fuel fire can not melt steel.

Both of the Twin Towers were built to withstand the accidental impact of an airplane. The building architect initially stated that the building was constructed to withstand the impact of an airliner. When he sensed that his statement might be dangerous to his health he went along with the official explanation that the airplane impact had weakened the structure and that the intense fire further weakened the structure causing buckling failures allowing the upper floors to pancake onto the lower floors. This theory is handicapped by evidence that most of the north Tower’s flames had nearly disappeared by the time the South Tower was hit by an airplane. This was not a raging fire that consumed a building.

Whenever a building collapses causing the death of firemen and policeman there is always a detailed investigation trying to ascertain the cause of the building’s collapse. The chiefs of the firemen’s and policemen’s unions were furious that no detailed investigation was done because the steel remnants were immediately carted off to Asia. Incidentally the firm removing the rubble was the same firm that cleared the debris from the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.

Large short positions were taken in airline stocks in the week preceding 9/11. Many persons obviously knew that something bad was going to happen to the airline industry. Numerous calls for a through investigation of these short positions were ignored by the government. The main thought about this was that these positions were taken by Israeli traders operating out of Europe.

The Twin Towers were bought by Larry Silverstein approximately 2 months before 9/11. Complete changes were promptly made in all the security personnel working in the purchased building complex. The insurance settlement netted him about 2 billion dollars. Mr. Silverstein was not questioned.

Building 7 of the Twin Towers Complex mysteriously caught on fire on 9/11. Conversation was overheard between the chief fire officer in Building 7 and his superior. The officer stated that “we are having a difficult time getting control of the blaze. Should we take it down”? The answer was yes. A perfect controlled demolition of this building occurred. For a controlled demolition to occur explosives must be in place on each floors so the floors can collapse in order from top to bottom.

Within 2 hours of the Twin Towers airplane crashes Federal investigators released the names of the Arab persons responsible for the airplane hijacking. This was a surprisingly fast piece of work which turned out to be flawed as several of the alleged perpetrators were found to be alive and well living in Jordan, Arabia, Lebanon etc.

Several of the last persons to escape from the Twin Towers remarked that they heard a loud explosion as they exited the building.

Amazingly a passport from one of the hijackers was found intact in the rubble. Give us a break! How could a passport have survived the fire and explosions?

A group of males wearing Arabic clothing were observed celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers from a nearby site in New Jersey. These suspicious persons were arrested. Later it developed that they were Mossad agents (Israeli secret police). They were quietly shipped back to Israel by airplane.

The official story about the hijacked airplane that crashed in Pennsylvania was that the plane had been commandeered by hijackers wielding box cutters. Allegedly the heroic passengers overcame the hijackers but unfortunately the airplane crashed. The wreckage of this plane was scattered over many miles exactly like the lengthy debris found at the site of the space shuttle explosion in eastern Texas and western Louisiana. Air Force Colonel Don de Grand Pre knows the names of the two pilots involved in the shooting down of this airplane.

New York City firefighters remain under a gag order not to discuss the explosions they heard, felt and saw.

Conflicting seismographic evidence The seismic signature of an earthquake is a sharp spike followed by aftershocks. Nuclear explosions cause a sharp spike of short duration with no aftershocks. Seismographs from the Columbia University Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y. 21 miles north of the World Trade Center recorded nuclear type signatures[3] on Sept 11. A 2.1 magnitude “earthquake” was recorded at the beginning of the 10 second collapse of the South Tower at 9:59:04. A 2.3 magnitude “earthquake” was recorded at the beginning of the 8 second collapse of the North Tower at 10:28:31.These spikes marked the greatest energy going into the ground. The strongest jolts were registered at the beginning of the collapse well before any debris struck the ground. Dr. Dr. Arthur Lerneer-Lam, director of Columbia University’s Center for Hazards and Risk related “ The ground shaking that resulted from the collapse of the Towers was extremely small”.

What explains the tremendous seismic spike at the beginning of each tower collapse? This seismographic data proves that the collapse of the Twin Towers did not cause significant ground shaking. Folks it had to be an explosion. Only an explosion could explain the molten steel that smoldered for weeks at the WTC site.

The South Twin Tower took 10 seconds to collapse while The North Tower took only 8 seconds to collapse. The collapse of the 47 story WTC 7 building took 18 seconds even though it was only half the height of the Twin Towers. This was probably a controlled demolition. Would removal of the base of a building by an explosion permit free falling of the tall The Twin Towers?

What Happened At The Pentagon?

A Boeing 757 was alleged to have hit the Pentagon. The Pentagon surely is one of the most protected buildings in the world. If a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon why were the government surveillance cameras unable to show us a picture of the airplane’s impact into the building?

Photographs of the crash site taken immediately after the crash failed to show any evidence of engines, tail, wings, fuselage, luggage and bodies of passengers.

FBI agents were swarming the area immediately after the crash confiscating all the film in the surveillance cameras of the local service stations and restaurants. Fortunately they missed one service This camera’s film showed a low flying object resembling a missile about 4 feet off the ground crash into the Pentagon. Why would you bother confiscating film if the film would show a Boeing 757 airliner hit the building?

The hole at the impact site in the Pentagon wall measured 14 feet across. This is far too small to fit a Boeing 757 into.

All news in the U.S. is carefully managed to put the best possible spin from the government’s standpoint. Persons wishing to learn more about 9/11 may wish to purchase the videotape 9/11 The Road to Tyranny by Alex Jones and the scientific scholarly book written by Eric Hufschmid. Painful Questions – An Analysis Of The September 11 Attack Contact for more information about his book or video.

After the events of 9/11 the government requested and was given by Congress sweeping powers in the Homeland Security legislation. These new laws effectively removed the last few rights still remaining to the American people. The government now has the authority to arrest anyone they choose and hold them in prison indefinitely. You do not have the right to receive a lawyer and if you get charged with what the government considers a felony your personal property can be seized. Needless to say it is usually not easy to recover confiscated property when you are in prison without a lawyer.

In this situation, as in the Murrah Building destruction, civilians were sacrificed so that the government’s desire for legislation to control the American people could be accomplished.

One can certainly ask how can large numbers of federal employees of FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Forearms etc. be going around learning about these illegal activities without someone spilling the beans?. My answer to this no one gets to spill the beans in a police state. Persons who knew too much about the J.F. Kennedy assassination, narcotic flights to Mena, Ark., the Murrah building bombing, etc. have been quietly suicided. Hero on sight at the Murrah Building bombing Sergeant Terrence Yeakey of the Oklahoma City police force knew the official story was a lie. He assembled considerable evidence to prove the government’s story was untrue. On his way to give this evidence to a public figure he decided to kill himself. The official version was as follows “He had apparently decided to slit his wrists and then decided to shoot himself to death.” This large man had massive lacerations over his whole body that “he had done to his own body.” His murder will never be investigated because the FBI had some incriminating information about wrongful handling of narcotic evidence within the Oklahoma City police department. The threat to make this evidence public insured that there would never be an investigation of his murder. To be realistic a forced investigation will never discover any incriminating facts in the current political climate of the U.S.

An informant may think that he is getting a national audience to tell the truth. Such an audience is carefully policed and non-cooperative commentary is carefully excluded. Famous expatriate poet Ezra Pound returned to the U.S. from Italy to warn the American public that a second world war was being fomented in Europe. He thought that if he could get a national radio audience he would be able to warn the people they must stay out of this war. He landed in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for the insane and stayed there 12 years. Despite it’s benign name this is actually a U.S. government run hospital.

What Has Squalene Done To Anthrax Vaccine?

In a book titled Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers And Why GIs Are Only The First Victims (Bantam Books, New York, Oct. 19, 2004) meticulous author Gary Matsumoto details some shocking information about the anthrax vaccine.

Russia had experienced an epidemic of anthrax in 1979 when the vaccine was accidentally released into the air from a bio-warfare laboratory in Sverdlosk. Anthrax causes severe coughing with lung hemorrhaging followed frequently by death. At this time the U.S. military had a weak version of anthrax vaccine. Anxiety about anthrax increased when it was learned that in the 1980s Iraq had developed a new “dusty” form of anthrax bacilli that was mixed with silica for use against Iran. Our concern about anthrax was magnified by a defector from Russia’s bio-weapons program in 1989. The Russians were known to have worked on anthrax as a bio-warfare agent and were also sharing military information with Saddam Hussein.

Vaccines are often supplemented with substances called adjuvants that are supposed to increase the effectiveness of the vaccine. Our military researchers added squalene to the anthrax hoping to create a more potent vaccine. Squalene is a natural oil distantly related to cholesterol.

There is a long history of testing new drugs on military personnel without obtaining informed consent. Additionally the CIA was known to have tested LSD on civilians with some fatal consequences. U.S. military personnel are exempted from receiving informed consent to such drug experiments and there is also a Supreme Court decision that military personnel can not file lawsuits against the government if they develop adverse reactions to therapies.

This squalene containing anthrax vaccine was given to the troops going to Gulf War I in 1991. It soon developed that squalene, even in minute amounts, was capable of causing the body to manufacture antibodies that proceed to attack other oils in the body. Among the auto-immune symptoms seen were rashes, malaise, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, sweating, neurologic disorders, pneumonia, and lupus. Some patients became blind and died. These were the same symptoms found in many of our military personnel who served in Gulf War I when they returned to the U.S. The use of squalene in the anthrax vaccine was covered up. The CIA floated a red herring story that detonation of Saddam Hussein’s poison gas had caused the illness. The problem with this argument was that most of the military personnel who were ill had already returned to the U.S. before the detonation of the poison gas. Of considerable interest only military personnel of the United States, Great Britain, Canada and Australia who had received this anthrax vaccine developed the”Gulf War Syndrome” symptoms. Also some U.S. troops who received the vaccine became ill even though they were never sent to the Gulf. The troops of other nations, who did not receive anthrax vaccine remained well. No Arab troops or press members became sick with auto-immune symptoms.

Matsumoto uncovered information that earlier animal studies had clearly shown auto-immune pathology caused by squalene adjuvant vaccines. He also contacted two researchers from Tulane Medical School (Pam Asa and Bob Garry). These two investigators were studying and measuring antibody levels in patients with Gulf War Syndrome. Mr. Matsumoto had been sent 300 blood samples from veterans. Of the 86 veterans who had served in the Gulf War 95 % of the sick veterans tested positive and none of the well veterans had positive antibody tests.

Gary Matsumoto next met Patient X. This man had developed an auto-immune peripheral nerve injury problem. He had never been in the military and had never visited Iraq. However, he had been a volunteer in an experimental study of a herpes vaccine. As a physician he had been informed that the vaccine contained squalene, WF 59 and water.

Matsumoto later learned that the U.S. Army held a patent for this vaccine. He states” It might be the single most dangerous oil to ever come out of a hypodermic needle.”

By 1997 hundreds of millions of dollars had been expended testing the efficacy of vaccines containing squalene adjuvants. There was a frantic search for AIDS and cancer therapies. Bad news about squalene was believed capable of threatening billions of dollars of HIV research grants.

After an adverse squalene article by Matsumoto appeared in Vanity Fair in 1999 Air Force Surgeon General Charles H. Roadman III struck back. He told a group of airmen and pilots at Dover Air Base in Delaware that “There is not, there never has been squalene as an adjuvant in the anthrax immunization. And that’s a fact.” The director of the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program, Major Guy Strawder, went so far as to call Matsumoto’s article “:reckless, irresponsible, and wrong.” Matsumoto later learned that the new anthrax vaccine administered in Dover and elsewhere had contained squalene since 1987. Using the Freedom of Information Act to review all U.S. contracts issued for adjuvants containing squalene he was advised that ”two contracts and fifteen purchase orders had unfortunately been destroyed.” When the Federal Drug Administration found out that the vaccine contained small amounts of squalene they withheld this information from the public for a year and a half.

Now Matsumoto has learned that a few Gulf War II returnees are having the same symptoms as their Gulf War I comrades experienced.

The U.S. Anthrax Mailings

The mysterious use of a powerful form of live anthrax bacilli by mail in October 2001 was apparently a special government CIA (?) operation. This appears to relate to the defection of Dr. Kanatjan Alibekov, former Deputy Director of Biopreparat, the Soviet Union’s biologic weapons testing center where 32,000 employees worked at 40 different facilities. Dr. Alibekov settled in as Program Manager for Battelle Memorial Institute which has many large military contracts including one to develop an extremely deadly and easily transmissible form of anthrax.[1]

This never previously seen deadliest form of anthrax was mailed in a highly sophisticated manner to the offices of Senators Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle, both known to be strong adversaries of drug companies and military industries. These mailings killed 5 persons and some individuals suffered side effects from the Cipro used to treat persons exposed to anthrax. Obviously skilled medically trained personnel were involved in the creation and delivery of this new anthrax bacillus.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz had been studying the advances in anthrax since 1989. In Sept. 2001 he urged the FBI to immediately begin investigating the origin of a probable anthrax scam. Instead of being delighted to receive his information that could have unraveled this subsequent dangerous mailing they tried to implicate him as being responsible for the problem. In late 2001 Dr. Horowitz mailed an organizational chart along with a 25 page report about the links between Dr.Alibecov and the vaccine research and supply companies (Battelle Memorial Institute, Hadron, and DynCorp). This report went to 1500 FBI agents. The perpetrators of this crime remain at large and will probably never be brought to justice because of their probable ties to the U.S. government.

The U.S. government has a dilemma on its hands. How can the government solve a crime that it caused? The recent bombings in London may cause a similar problem for British authorities.

The U.S. anthrax vaccine is manufactured by Bioport LLC (British owned) located in Lansing, Michigan. Does it comfort you to know that Bioport has been repeatedly sanctioned by federal officials and members of Congress for unethical business practices, violations of health and safety regulations and vaccine contamination?

U.S. Citizens Are Now At Risk Of The Squalene Anthrax Vaccine

This squalene containing anthrax vaccine is now stockpiled for use on U.S. civilians. A provision of the Anti-Terorism Bill gave the government the authority to arrest and imprison any citizens who refuse to take a government mandated vaccine. If you refuse to take a required vaccine you become an enemy of the state. We live in a police state but unfortunately few persons realize this fact.

My advice to you is to decline to take anthrax vaccine which will likely be advocated by the U.S. government. If enough citizens refuse this vaccine there are not enough prison cells to imprison masses of persons. What if they tell you the new anthrax vaccine does not contain squalene? How can you trust them? They are lying about everything now so why would they all of a sudden start telling the truth? They have no good agent to prevent infection so many vaccines continue to contain thiomerosal (mercury) despite it’s known toxicity. I am not convinced that any vaccine improves any health condition and there are effective natural ways to eliminate infections with natural products (high dose Vitamin C, cucurmin, Sambucol, colloidal silver, olive leaf, oregano etc.) When your vaccine contains Simian virus 40 and you get a malignancy four years later will anyone consider that the vaccine caused the malignancy? Vaccines are a diabolically clever way to kill people and help get the world population reduced by 90 %.

Why Are We Having Problems With Dangerous Depleted Uranium And Squalene Vaccines Which Are Certainly Killing Many Persons Around The World?

To answer the above question it is necessary to clearly understand the signs of the times. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:21-22 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world. until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened. I do not know exactly where we are in God’s prophetic timetable but we have certainly reached a period where the one world government is operational and doing quite well in pushing their programs.

The whole world is under the control of the Trilaterals, Club of Rome, Bildenbergers, and 33rd degree Masons. These organizations meet in secret and all attendees are sworn to secrecy about what transpires in these meetings. No ordinary citizens attend these meetings. Decisions are made here about what countries will be invaded, what countries will be starved and new programs are proposed to advance the new world order. Persons invited to these meetings are frequently rapidly promoted to important positions of leadership. In actual practice George Bush and Tony Blair are really figure heads who do as they are told or something unfortunate may befall them. The goals of these elitist orgnizations is to lower the world population by 90%. This necessitates genocidal tribal wars, dangerous vaccines, starvation, destruction of soil by uranium, etc. to accomplish these goals. Satan came to kill, steal and destroy. These organizations are working to accomplish Satanic goals. Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly.

Several of these organizations have roots that go back to ancient times. Masonry began in Egypt and has always had a major impact in many nations around the world. The Illuminati were formed by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 to recruit key leaders from all European nations for subversive activities.. Weishaupt was an organizational genius, who received critical financial help and support from the Rothschild bankng empire. Within a relatively short period of time this conspiracy was able to topple the monarchy in France.

The Rothschild Banks had become very adept at hiring agents to provoke incidents that would inflame nations into going to war. When the medieval wars developed the kings of both sides had to borrow money from Rothschild banks to finance the war. Wars became very lucrative.

After initiating the Illuminati Weishaupt was instructed to infiltrate Masonry. This was successfully accomplished and these organizations have worked well pursuing their common goal of a one world order.

The Impending Need For A Military Draft.

The war in Iraq is going very badly for the U.S. A high tech army is helpless fighting guerrillas. As the U.S. continues to bomb and shell nations around the world with depleted uranium there will be a need for more and more young men and women to become cannon fodder. To you parents in the audience, I urge you to keep your children alive and out of genocidal wars. The U.S. has already arranged with Canada that no U.S. citizens refusing draft summons will be allowed asylum in Canada. Our young people are better off in U.S. prisons than in wars where depleted uranium will drastically shorten their life span. If enough young persons said no thanks to the draft they certainly do not have enough prisons or financing to build many new prisons in our financially desperate economic status. Even a callus elitist government might find it difficult to execute draft avoiding youth.

Serious Economic Problems Could Start At Any Time

If China started selling our treasury bonds the dollar would go to zero overnight. The New World Order leaders have pushed the U.S. to financial catastrophe by promoting huge budget deficits, taking the gold backing away from our currency (the gold in Ft. Knox belongs to the private Federal Reserve Banks), extending benefits to illegal aliens, expending massive resources in policing the world, spending money from social security income that should have been invested etc.

The only reason the stock market has not collapsed is that the Federal government has given large stock brokerage firms access to financial resources to buy the stock market indices when the market falls badly (Plunge Protection Team). Buying an index fund holding 500 stocks immediately raises the value of these 500 stocks.

In a similar fashion unknown traders are selling massive amounts of gold contacts in the Caribbean region. These traders do not have any gold in inventory to deliver to long positions so when gold shoots up they will simply declare bankruptcy. Obviously the buyer of these contracts will be left holding the bag. This program in conjunction with frequent Central Bank gold sales has successfully kept the price of gold artificially low. Bob Chapman estimates that there are 40 times[1] more existing positions in gold than would normally be expected for a similar commodity. This scam will stop someday because the Central Banks are already running low on gold to sell. Russia and China are steadily building their gold reserves which will be valuable when the whole world despises paper currencies.

God’s laws are inexorable. Galations 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. This important concept applies to nations as well as individuals. Anyone doubting this can read the book of Judges in the Bible. Every time Israel moved into idolatry God abandoned them to sink into misery.

We have a nation that treats the elite with favoritism. The only person to spend time in prison for corporate corruption was Martha Stewart. The other wealthy elite financial crooks have received relatively small fines.

When a nation kills untold multitudes in Iraq and then destroys their soil with depleted uranium God’s judgement will surely follow. We have knowingly ruined the soil in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq twice. At the same time the intake of radioactive uranium is greatly shortening the lives of the persons living in these nations. My impression is we know exactly what we are doing so we are probably not entitled to mercy.

When a nation sacrifices it’s own military personnel in a desire to lower the world’s population it is an extremely callus action. My history background is not extensive but I am unable to recall another nation making no effort to preserve it’s own troops.

Many foreigners are puzzled by the world wide military adventures being undertaken by the U.S. These adventures have brought about nearly universal hatred of the U.S. all over the world. In my opinion to understand direction of U.S. policy you need to understand the electoral process in the U.S. To get elected to office in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives requires substantial amounts of money and necessitates media support from the Israel lobby. The financial and media clout of the Israel lobby can defeat any candidate running for office if the candidate is perceived as neutral re the Arab world. Long time incumbent Senator Fulbright of Arkansas said something critical of Israel. He was defeated in his next election.

We have a fascinating foreign policy situation in which a small country (Israel) formulates the foreign policy for a much larger nation. (USA). We have so many pro-Israel officials in high positions now there is a real probability that many of these persons primary allegiance is to Israel not the USA.

How Can People Learn The Truth When The Media Is Totally Controlled?

A multitude of important issues are being completely ignored because the New World Order leaders do not want these issues brought to the attention of the U.S. citizens. There is such complete media control Joseph Goebbels would be green with envy. Big Pharma wanted Codex Alimentaris to become a fate accomplished in our nation. This issue was completely overlooked in the media yet it was of vital importance to the millions of citizens who were going to lose their supplements forever. This is now law with it’s recent passage in Rome. My impression is that millions of U.S. citizens are going to be very angry but the battle has been lost with no possible reversal. This passage now eliminates all opposition to BIG PHARMA The ensuing increase in disease, price gouging to purchase supplements, vitamins and minerals now made into expensive drugs requiring physicians prescriptions and elimination of effective innovation to heal diseases by the alternative health movement should at least double the exorbitant profits of pharmaceutical firms. There will be a significant increase in disease which will, of course, increase the use of drugs.

The television, newspapers and large radio stations in the U.S., Canada and Europe have not said a word about the devastating consequences of our unleashing radiation on the whole world. We have given the world 4 nuclear wars since Nagasaki and no one says anything because this is part of the New World Order’s program to cut the world population.

There are many writers on the internet who know the truth about the Twin Towers, Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc. Their important comments are never brought to the attention of the American public.

We have reached the point of the bread and circuses experienced by the declining Roman empire. When an hourly or longer expose of the latest details of the Michael Jackson trial, Lacey Peterson’s trial, the Aruba disappearance of a U.S. citizen etc. are on TV each night we need to realize that the TV set is being used to dull our minds so we do not get our minds focused on far more important issues such as national bankruptcy, imminent valueless state of U.S. currency with hyperinflation, progressing unemployment, continuous outsourcing of jobs, inevitable collapse of the real estate bubble, uncontrolled immigration and the certainty of a severe depression that will be far worse than 1929 because the debt problem now is much worse than it was in 1929.

My suggestion to answer the question where can you find truth would be to consider a subscription to the weekly paper American Free Press AFP. My subscription to this publication began more than 25 years ago with the predecessor publication Spotlight which was forced out of business in a fraudulent lawsuit which caused their bankruptcy. American Free Press covers the issues the controlled media will not and can not touch. An intellectual colleague of mine from Holland tells me that American Free Press is regarded as authoritative in Europe. You can subscribe by calling 202-544-5977 or visiting website

Truth in this period of great deception is of incomparable value. Three other sites that print the truth about current events are the Center of Research on Globilization, Leonard Horowitz’s and truthout

This damaging and disconcerting information about depleted uranium weapons and squalene damage to anthrax vaccine is simply a part of the steady downward spiral of our nation. Unless more citizens become informed and take action our beloved nation is doomed. The true terrorists appear to be located in Washington, D.C.


Dr. James A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients. After 4 years of personal study he became convinced that natural products are safer, more effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs. This research led to the publication of his book A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work. Information about these products and his book can be obtained from and at and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached by mail at Dr. James Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

