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A Theory To Stop The AIDS Syndrome by Patrick McGean

Patrick McGean

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fur is the mineral all that plant and animals depend on to keep the cell membranes semi- permeable so that oxygen in animals or carbon dioxide in plants can enter the semipermeable cell membranes. With out sulfur the cells become impermeable except to viruses which digest the cell membrane to get the DNA inside to replicate.

We plants and animals ( yes humans ) are sulfur deficient do to the use of artificial fertilizers which have broken the sulfur and the selenium cycle ( probably other as well )

Harold D Foster Ph.D a Canadian Geographer wrote the book "What Really Causes AIDS" and implicates artificial fertilizers in the cause of AIDS, I, on the other hand, blame them totally. By allowing the HIV virus, first discovered during the construction of the Suez canal, to infect man after so many years of non infection by destroying the sulfur cycle.

AIDS, Ebola and West Nile are all viruses from the area of Africa which has used artificial fertilizers since the 30s.

Here is the theory and the solution which can harm no man or woman being it is only replaces what we were created with. Dietary sulfur is available over the counter everywhere including the Vets. MSM methylsulponylmethane is that dietary sulfur. The bottles have a recommended dosage of 1000 mg per day as suggested by the Dietary Supplement people of the NIH.

But man was created with 4% of mineral volume and therefore for semipermeable cell mem- branes 4000 mg per 100 lbs of body weight is necessary per day. For someone who is very deficient in sulfur like an AIDS victim, 6000 mg per 100 lbs per day will ( this is the theory ) stop the HIV virus from being able to attack the cells of the human body in six months and the virus will go dormant. The dormant virus will still be there to infect another but the pain, suffering and death will cease.

Simple cell biology available to everyone AIDS victim in the world for less tham thirty cents a day, until the artificial fertilzers are changed this suggestion is for life.

I have been taking MSM for three years and the effects on my general health make me even a stronger advocate that everyone take it but my research makes me believe that this is a viable solution, not cure, for the AIDS syndrome and the world wide epidemic it has created.

In ancient Greece a man named Hippocrates stated that if you suggest a therapy or treatment "First do no harm." The suggestion I make adheres to that suggestion.

Patrick McGean

Director Live Blood Study

Coordinator Body Human Project

