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Investigators Probe Whether Government Lab Deliberately Released Virus

Paul Joseph Watson

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outbreak is highly suspected to have originated from the government's Pirbright research facility, which is shared by American vaccine maker Merial Animal Health.

Russian news agency ITAR-TASS reported that the release of the virus came after an "international drill" last month that was held at Pirbright Laboratory, in which live virus was used. Real attacks are always shadowed by drills to provide culpable deniability.

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"A PROBE into Britain's new foot and mouth disease outbreak has focused on whether staff at an animal vaccine firm may have spread the virus, possibly deliberately," reports the Herald Sun.

"A preliminary report into the outbreak said yesterday it was a "real possibility'' that human movement spread the disease to two nearby farms, with Merial coming increasingly under suspicion."

The motive of Merial Animal Health Limited is clear - providing they remained undetected as having been the culprits for the outbreak - another mass foot and mouth scare would result in record purchases of their vaccine from panic stricken farmers across the country.

The British government also has a deeply ingrained political agenda to sabotage the stability of a rural power bloc - The Countryside Alliance - that forms its most influential foe and brought half a million people to London in 2002 to protest the government's wide-ranging abuse and abandonment of the middle class.

The Labour government, now led by Blair clone Gordon Brown, has a deep disdain for the farming community and has sought to debase the agricultural industry at every turn in the last ten years, as well as outlawing traditional countryside pursuits such as shooting and hunting.

All 102 of farmer John Gunner's Charolais and Sussex cows were culled after his farm became the second site to register positive for foot-and-mouth disease.

"It was a Leitmotif of the Blair government that it hated the countryside," writes Simon Heffer in today's London Telegraph, "There could be no other explanation for much of its behaviour. John Prescott, when he still held office, saw power as a vehicle for the propagation of class hatred: and, in his profound ignorance, he saw rural England especially as a place populated and exploited solely by his class enemies."

"Just after the last outbreak, when the Government was trying (in another helpful pro-countryside measure) to limit the legal use of shotguns for sporting purposes, an MP asked how many fatalities or woundings had been caused by legally held weapons. The answer was that all, or almost all, such incidents appeared to have been farmers shooting themselves amid the wreckage of their livelihoods."

The latest outbreak has already cost the farming industry tens of millions of pounds, heaped on top of the misery wrought by recent flooding, which many also accuse the government of deliberately botching the recovery efforts.

As we have previously reported, the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak, which completely devastated the farming industry nationwide, began after a vial of the virus was "stolen" from the government's Porton Down bio-weapons laboratory.

Coupled with reports of the government making inquiries to timber merchants and sign makers (before closing public footpaths), it is inconceivable that an animal rights activist, as we are led to believe, could have penetrated a level 4 bio-weapons facility that also houses anthrax and ebola and is protected by armed guards of the Ministry of Defence Police and the Military Provost Guard Service. The individual who stole the vial must have had full security clearance to enter the facility. Why would an animal rights activist release a virus that would kill four million animals?

Patricia Doyle, PhD also reported that Foot and Mouth exercises, mirroring the drills in the current case, were being run by the British government immediately before the outbreak was made public.

With all the evidence beginning to strongly suggest a criminal plot was formulated by the American vaccine company, possibly in collusion with the government lab, to engage in a deliberate act of bio-terrorism directed against the farming community, it's probably time for the government to call in their chief whitewasher Lord Stevens or another establishment puppet to sweep the entire mess under the carpet.