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SARS: Plot Failed, Now Remove Vitamin C That Prevents SARS

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ockefeller Group and the pharmaceutical/ petrochemical cartel as the largest benefactors of a war with weapons of mass destruction. This war would be abused to abolish civil rights worldwide, guarantee the survival of the pharmaceutical industry and establish the monopoly of the pharmaceutical cartel over global health. Unmasking the "war plan" of these corporate interest groups behind the military war against Iraq and exposing these groups as even benefiting from a war led with weapons of mass destruction, made it impossible for them to do just that - to risk a war with weapons of mass destruction.

The very same week that Dr. Rath published his open letter exposing the "Rockefeller-financed Trilateral Commission" behind the Bush-Administration's war, the plan for the use of weapons of mass destruction was dropped. That very same week the Pharma-Cartel launched their Plan B: the SARS epidemic.

By the middle of March, all of a sudden, the news was dominated with the buzz-word "SARS" and a global scare campaign was launched. The SARS epidemic was a man made PR-stunt with the goal of creating the global psychological state that would allow the pharmaceutical cartel to create in people the state of mind enabling it to continue its rule even with an Iraq war fought only with conventional weapons.

Dr. Rath and his team recognized this strategy and called their bluff. He knew the scientific fact that all viruses including the virus that causes SARS (corona virus) can be largely blocked by optimum use of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and other essential nutrients. Dozens of studies with different viruses have all confirmed that there is no known virus that does not respond to vitamin C. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, it was shown that vitamin C alone can block even the HIV/ AIDS-Virus by more than 99 % (Proceedings Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1990, 87, 7245-9).

Knowing these facts, Dr. Rath decided to publish full page Public Health Alerts in newspapers in Hong Kong, the Philippines and Singapore. The title was ⤦Vitamin C against SARS�. The subtitle read "What everyone should know but the World Health Organization (WHO) does not tell you about natural protection from the new epidemic."?

Dr. Rath's public health information informed people in the countries most affected, about the benefits of vitamin C and other essential nutrients to optimize the immune system and help prevent the spread of SARS. But this Public Health Alert, financed by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, was also a harsh criticism of the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Rath criticized the WHO, founded half a century ago to promote human health, to be undermined and abused by pharmaceutical investment interests.

This investment industry is based on the patentability of drugs and continues to instrumental the WHO to serve primarily the promotion of patentable, profitable prescription drugs. In fact, there is no other reason why the World Health Organization would fail to fulfill its obligation and bring the life saving information about the health benefits of essential nutrients to the people of the world.

The text for the open letters was submitted to the newspapers on 9th April 2003 and under-went a meticulous review in the respective countries, including by one Ministry of Health. This review process alone made sure that the information about the effectiveness of a non-patentable natural substance, vitamin C, for the natural control of the SARS epidemic is available everywhere and can and must be used.

The publication date for Dr. Rath's health information in these Asian countries was set for Saturday 12th of April 2003. The advent of the "Public Health Information Campaign by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation" and the public exposure of WHO as a puppet of the pharmaceutical cartel, rang alarm bells within the WHO. In fear of the loss of its credibility with the people of the world, this world body had to react. Disputing the scientific facts was no option. So the only way out was a withdrawal of the scare tactics. Their basic message: It's not that bad.

Thus, on the very same day that millions of people in Asia woke up to the stunning news of fighting SARS with vitamin C they must have been even more stunned by the WHO making a 180 degree turn around. Referring to the WHO's medical officer Mike Ryan, the New York Times reported for the world to know: "Virus Called Mostly Under Control".

What a remarkable day. After having launched one of the largest media stunts in the history of planet earth, the pharmaceutical cartel and its allies within the WHO had to withdraw it within hours of Dr. Rath calling their bluff.

Dr. Rath comments: "I have been fighting the pharmaceutical cartel for more than a decade now, but this success overshadows everything. The pharmaceutical interest groups - exposed as conducting an organized fraud business that risks the life of millions of people and drains the economies of this planet - are apparently extremely nervous. There can be no other reason why they reacted so fast following my exposure that the pharmaceutical cartel is the organizer and benefactor of this man made hysteria. This fact should open the eyes of every intelligent person: How scared must they be if $30,000 in public health advertising is all it takes to stop an epidemic that has been dominating the news around the world."

After having been denied the opportunity to escalate the war against Iraq into a war with weapons of mass destruction: after having been denied the possibility to abuse such an event to abandon civil rights around the world for its own survival, the pharmaceutical cartel has just suffered another blow.

The people of the world are one step further toward recognizing the true nature of the pharmaceutical cartel as an unscrupulous investment group around the Rockefeller group. The pharmaceutical investment industry has sacrificed more lives over the past decades for their unscrupulous "¦business with disease" than the number of people who died in all wars of mankind put together.

The people of planet earth are waking up to the fact that there is a special interest group among us that not only took control of the White House and controls news dissemination around the world through their ownership of Time Warner, CNN and other news channels, but also abuses these instruments to impose wars and epidemics on our planet.

It's time for a change. We ask you to support the People's Agenda for a new world of health, peace and social justice.

http://www4.dr-r< /a>


Inge's Comment: After reading Dr. Rath's report on halting the "artificially manufactured SARS hysteria", I would like you to consider the following COINCIDENCES with alarm.

Since Plan A (Shock and Awe with weapons of mass destruction) and Plan B (creating an artificial medical emergency - the SARS hysteria) have both been sabotaged with the public injection of TRUTH by Dr. Rath, Plan C is suddenly emerging. The pharmaceutical/military/new-world-order syndicate has no intention of allowing simple and inexpensive PROVEN CURES to destroy their global control, power, or profits.

How can the pharmaceutical cartel eliminate this competitive threat ? Simple! Plan C. Restrict accessibility!

Over the years, all the smaller supplement-manufacturing companies have been bought out or forced out of the marketplace by the giant multinational pharmaceuticals, and now there are a just few "pharmaceutical" companies which manufacture the world's supply of Vitamin C, and most other supplements and therefore, have the capacity to regulate "or eliminate" the supply. (Truly the fox owning and guarding the chicken coup.)

Can this all be coincidence?

Suddenly I read that Vitamin C is not available in Chili because of a worldwide "manufacturing" shortage.

Then I read today that because of "sudden and sweeping government intervention on justification of a necessary investigation into violations of Good Manufacturing Practice", Pan Pharmaceuticals saw its complete line of supplements production recalled, practically ruining the natural products industry in Australia. I am waiting to see how many other such capers will appear in other countries, unless Dr. Rath can embarrass the syndicate by publicly exposing their tactics once again.

At the same time, The New York Times ran a series of articles last week, alerting the public to "the dangers of overdosing on supplements". (These articles naturally made no mention of the fact that pharmaceutical drugs are now the fourth leading cause of death in America. (while death from supplements are as scarce as hen's teeth.)

How convenient! Scare the hell out of the consuming public, and REMOVE the supply.

Do they really take us for complete idiots who cannot to see through their manipulative policies of deception.

But most of all, SHAME on all the governments and their regulatory agencies, which have allowed themselves to become infiltrated and controlled, and now shamefully demonstrate their willingness "to sell their own citizens down the drain - camouflaged under the pretense protecting us from ourselves". SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!

May I remind those in collusion with the pharmaceutical syndicate's agenda, or those who prefer to continue wearing blinkers, that their families also get sick, and that their health is also ruled by the "sickness industry", and that they may someday find themselves desperately praying to have access to the natural remedies that work â¤" and there are MANY that have been eliminated through persecution, prosecution, and conspiratorial regulations. (We destroyed the life-saving discoveries of geniuses like Dr. William Koch, or Dr. Royal Rife - both of whom gave us universal treatments for infectious diseases, and we ignored and maligned the clinical discoveries of Dr. Fred Klenner - who cured polio already in the 40-s and 50's. Did we really need a polio vaccine (since we had 3 ignored cures) - while the vaccine resulted in contaminating entire populations with SV40 - which has been shown to cause specific new cancers?)

Your health is hanging in the balance. Your freedom is hanging in the balance. Indeed, your life is hanging in the balance!

P.S. Please help us to get the TRUTH out - and to remove the shackles of fear that has a suffocating stranglehold on people when they do not know nor suspect the deception. The main media is embedded, or too scared to tackle this subject for fear of retribution. So it is up to us, and individual citizens, to protect ourselves and our fellowman.

The TRUTH shall make us free again!

Thank you for your help and participation.

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