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The Making Of The U.S. AIDS Holocaust

By Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

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wth in certain geographical areas and regions of the world. This development of HIV/AIDS is corroborated by the reviews of the secret virus program that made it, the U.S. Special Virus program (1948 - 1978). This federal virus program ended in 1978 just as HIV/AIDS began in Manhattan and Africa. This federal program attached HIV/AIDS as complement to the vaccine programs affiliated with the secret program.

They have known since 1926 that viruses cause cancer. In that year there was a Virus-Cancer conference at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The correlation between HIV/AIDS and VISNA cannot be explained away by the United States, but for the fact that VISNA was purposefully developed to achieve this specific purpose. The United States concedes that VISNA had not yet appeared in human disease in 1971. Last June the United States concluded that VISNA and HIV had 'evolved' together over thousands of years. However, the science evidence concludes that VISNA has only been around since the 1930's. However, closer scrutiny is required.

The common progenitor of HIV/AIDS and VISNA is a 1915 sheep disease from South Africa, Graaff Renet disease. A review of the area where HIV/AIDS originated in South Africa appears to be some kind of apartheid research area. The Graaff Renet disease then suddenly starts killing sheep in Montana in 1923. These sheep were laboratory animals because they were sheep from the Rocky Mountain National Laboratory. The Graaff Renet disease is next shipped from (nazi) Germany to Iceland in two of fourteen rams in 1933. It took six years for the two rams to destroy the entire herds in the areas where they were placed.

You must observe the U.S. waited six years before they told you what the mystery illness was. It is initially baffling that, the United States would 'feign' knowledge of the progenitor when the record reveals, VISNA was isolated in 1957. According to the foremost AIDS authority in the world, Dr. Robert Gallo, HIV/AIDS evolved from VISNA. See, Science Vol. 227, pp. 173 - 177, January, 1985. ".. Results obtained by molecular hybridization and heteroduplex analysis indicated that a greater extent of nucleotide sequence homology exists between HIV/AIDS and VISNA virus than between any of the other viruses..". Dr. Gallo goes further and provides electron microscope photos of HIV/AIDS and VISNA. At 100,000x magnification, HIV/AIDS and VISNA are identical.

You will find nary a single science reference alleging that VISNA crossed from sheep to man naturally. In fact it is somewhat peculiar that VISNA was not 'isolated' until 1957. At the heart of the seventy year VISNA development, the center yields a couple of important names, Dr. Carlton Gajdusek and Dr. Bjorn Sigurddson. History will ultimately confirm these two men did more to advance the concept of (human) wasting than any others.

The U.S. Special Virus program conducted extensive research on the sheep disease in coordination with other global entities. Between 1964 and 1068, the World Health Organization (WHO) studied VISNA exclusively! They were actively looking to find some 'synthetic means' to thwart global over-population. Once they had developed the microbe, they met in Bucharest, Romania in 1974 and EVERY world leader agreed to de-population. The Africa leaders (puppets) agreed to allow the United States to cull their populations, as long as the United States inflicted the same means of population reduction in the U.S. The African leaders did not know the U.S. had selected White homosexuals, but nonetheless, when the African puppets looked across the Atlantic, they saw White people dying.

If you are truly interested in how the holocaust was made, do yourself a favor, take a look at the official document from the 1974 World population conference. It is the National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) written by none other than Henry Kissinger. As Richard Nixon said in his official remarks, as he signed the America's future public law (PL91-213) on March 16, 1970, ".. There will be explosive event (regarding depopulation) in the last third of the 20th century..".

If you take your time to observe, you will find a century long hunt for a contagious cancer that 'selectively kills' and a secret federal virus program designed to secret rape the world and leave her void of people of color. In the master scheme developed in 1948, Negroes Are Only Momentary Individuals (U.S. SECRET PROJECT MK-NAOMI). Even though we believed this could 'never again' happen, we indeed find ourselves in the midst of a holocaust that may be all encompassing, and in light of the cure (U.S. patent #5676977), one that doesn't have to continue.


