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Hoax Epidemics: The Checklist

By Jon Rappoport

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>3. Have relevant studies been published in journals, in advance of press-conference announcements that name the "causitive germ?"

4. Have those studies been replicated by many scientists outside the closed loop?

5. If the elite group of researchers who are monopolizing the research look for a virus right off the bat, are they clearly ignoring, even by their own conventional standards, possible bacteria, fungi, and other agents?

6. Have the initial investigators sent to the scene of the nascent "outbreak" thoroughly looked for environmental causes, such as open sewage, malnutrition, toxic pesticises or other chemicals, recent prior vaccine programs, natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods which have collapsed the local infrastructure?

7. Is the list of symptoms for the "new disease" merely borrowed from already-existing illnesses, such that there is no way to tell the difference between old and new?

8. If the answer to #7 is yes, have the researchers published already-existing rates/numbers of illness and death from the older diseases? Have they compared these numbers to the numbers of cases of the "new disease?"

9. Once the controlling group of researchers has announced "the new germ cause," is this backed up by conventional animal studies which are published and detail all species of animals tested with "the new germ?"

10. Week by week, are clear figures given for the percentage of patients diagnosed with the "new disease" in whom the "the new germ" is found? Not found?

11. Are clear statements made about the volume/number/density of "the new germ" found in patients who have been diagnosed with the "new disease?"

12. Are the researchers forced to use artificial amplifying techniques, such as the PCR, just to infer or observe the presence of the "new germ?"

13. Are we getting independent analysis of the method used to isolate and identify the "new germ," or are we forced to believe the elite research team, who in fact may not have isolated a distinct germ at all?

14. Are we hearing that very, very small amounts of the new germ are being found in patients? And are we then hearing that researchers are "puzzling" over how such small amounts could be causing illness?

15. Do we then hear wild speculations about how a very small amount of germ may be causing the immune system to go haywire, or some such?

16. To bolster death rates, are researchers making distinctions between people who have "a germ infection" and people who are really sick? Are death rates calculated only from patients who are hospitalized?

17. Is no one saying that a healthy immune system is more than adequate protection against the "new germ?"

18. Is some obvious group (like children in the SARS hoax)) being excluded from mention as suffering from "the new disease?" Or conversely, is some group being targeted for inclusion, such as the elderly, who are already prone to illnesses whose symptoms are indistinguishable from the "new disease?"

19. Is there a rush to quarantine and seal off people who have well and previously known symptoms indistinguishable from the "new disease?" And therefore, are there clear political motives in play?

20. If the symptoms of the new disease are vague, are the same as in other older diseases, is the tracking method to show how the new disease has been spread merely a hoax? Could not anyone cook up a map of how these vague symptoms have been "spread?" Couldn't dozens of different such bogus maps be constructed? Is the "authentic map" inevitably one that shows the disease is coming from some "strange and distant place" like Africa or China, as opposed to traveling in the reverse direction?

21. Are we being told that the World Health Organization and/or the CDC is in charge of the research? Do these groups ever say that by cleaning up the water or fixing the sewage system or improving the nutrition in the area of the "outbreak" or giving back stolen farmland to the people, the "outbreak" can be cured? Are such obvious measures ever undertaken with zeal, and are the results ever announced?

Now you know.

With this list in tow, you should be much better preparared to assess the next SARS we are told is coming down the pipeline.

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Copyright © Jon Rapport, 2003


Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for 20 years. He has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has hosted, produced, and written radio programs. He has appeared as a guest on over 200 radio and television programs, including ABC's Nightline, Tony Brown's Journal (PBS), and Hard Copy.
