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What you Need to Know About Trump's National Emergency Declaration


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  • 2020-03-13
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff

Donald Trump is declaring a State of Emergency over the Coronavirus now that it has reached the shores of America and many have been infected. Europe is in a state of total chaos as the public healthcare system can not keep up with the number of those who are sick. Trump is being proactive and more are still likely to be infected despite this. Here is what you need to know about the State of Emergency Donald Trump has declared:

1.) Why Is The Outbreak This Bad

This declaration was needed, the virus is dangerous to many Americans and has already devastated countries in Europe and Asia. COVID-19 affects the lungs and gives individuals Pneumonia-like symptoms, this is deadly for the elderly and those with underlying health problems. This effort by the President is going to be major in the coming weeks as local officials move in to stop the virus.

2.) Faster Repair

This emergency declaration is going to help local officials provide the support everyday people need. The declaration is going to free up funds for these localities to use while dealing with the virus. This will ultimately ensure that those who get sick can recover properly.

3.) Better Containment


Another boon to be found in this declaration is that localities will be able to better contain the outbreak. If one county gets hit hard with the virus it can be locked down and surrounding counties can remain healthy.

4.) Stock Market Shaking

The stock market has taken a huge hit due to the onslaught of the virus and the many investors who are pulling out as a result. Trump has made an effort to dampen the effects for everyday Americans and this declaration is going to help the country fend off the economic impacts of the virus.

5.) Unlike Other Countries

The US has been proactive in dealing with COVID-19, countries around the world are getting hit hard by the virus but the US taking these actions now means that we will face a reduced threat. Italy has been devastated by the virus, many other European countries are sure to follow but the United States should be able to avoid this disaster.