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Robert David Steele

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Let me start by praising the World Health Organization (WHO) for its totally sound decision to NOT declare a world pandemic. They are correct.  This was a fake pandemic with the ultimate goal of forcing a universal vaccine with digital ID on everyone, starting with the European Union mandate led by France. As a former spy and top intelligence pioneer of holistic analytics and true cost economics I lay it out as I see it, and end by calling for a joint China-US investigation into the bio war, the 5G, the media war, the insider trading, and Bill Gates (my colleagues at NSA have every email, text, and call he has ever made, the President has not yet asked NSA for a total unmasking of all participants in the fake pandemic conspiracy). I made one mistake in this video: I forgot to mention pollution.  That is the other contributing factor in China's high numbers of ill citizens. The fake pandemic is OVER. All that remains now is for justice to be done -- I hope that a proper investigation leads to the total dismantling of the Center for Disease Control (whose director Nancy Messonnier is a Never Trumper and the sister of Rod Rosenstein), and the indictment and incarceration of Bill Gates for crimes against humanity that include in the past the sterilization of millions without  their infomed consent. The revolution has started -- the truth at any cost lowers all other costs, and I am pleased to say that for the first time in my third year of wandering in the wilderness as an intelligence reformer, I feel that the truth finally has a chance to be heard by We the People.

ROBERT STEELE: China is back; the fake pandemic is over. Twelve different general managers in China have confirmed that all workers have returned after the normal Chinese New Year’s prolonged break, and factories are resuming production.


Most of the scary news including grossly exaggerated accounts of Chinese city lock-downs, mass quarentines, 24/7 crematoriums (a Zionist favorite), and screaming women being put in cages while “Chinese intelligence officers” “leak” “secrets” in perfect Oxford English — all Deep Fakes. This has confused CIA, which proved worthless, not having a serious clandestine presence in China, and never having bothered to develop an overt HUMINT presence across China that could be legally polled remotely.


All cases outside China, less London, are correlated with 5G implementations.


The cruse ships are mostly unmodulated satellite radiation sickness that I hope will see a massive class action lawsuit against satellite operators, Internet Service Providers, and cruise lines. The flu threat is hyped.


Alert Reader forcefully reminds me that this was in all probability a Bill Gates wargame in collusion with elements from Israel, France, and Germany as well as the US and UK to force the issue of his universal vaccine with digital ID built in. The negative impact on China and Trump as well as the insider trading were added benefits, the main objective was to “justify” a global mandatory vaccine.


As best I can tell, the New Zealand false flag event taught the Deep State that it had to be aggressive at not just squelching Alternative Media, but at manufacturing Deep Fake yellow journalism at a 21st Century level of digital hype, with Deep Fake multi-media and Chinese crisis actors (most outside of China, Taiwan may well have a studio set up for this).


The crisis is OVER and China is BACK.


As I correctly stated in my first article on this matter, China was killed by malicious defamation by Western media, no doubt incentivized and guided by  the City of London and Wall Street whose insider trading and profit taking will be easily discovered if Bill Binney’s Thin Thread is applied to all transactions gong back to 4 July 2019.

The criminality of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) cannot be over-stated. The lies they are telling the President, — including lies of omission — and the profiteering (private and budget-building) public are crimes against We the People. At some point a Special Prosecutor will be required to take the combination of public and private rogues who played a part in this massive biological, electromagnetic, and information warfare attack on China, the global economy, and President Donald Trump’s re-election.

There is no vaccine for radiation sickness.  Nor is there a cure for stupid.


Jon Rappoport continues to excel as both documenting the criminality of the CDC and its Deep State partners in crime, and the outright falseness of the entire coronavirus global fear-mongering campaign, 21st century propaganda.


There is no virus  threat.  Lies are the  threat.


How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)


Robert Steele

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