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Jim Stone

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Here is what will probably be the final outline of this hoax

My original assessment right in the beginning was that the Coronavirus was a basically harmless virus that gave people the sniffles. Now that the cruise ship has played out to more than 550 infected with zero deaths it does not seem plausible that any of it was real, and that instead, China, which definitely had six figure deaths, was merely using a virus as cover for killing dissidents.

There were definitely orders for millions of body bags, and the crematoriums were definitely maxed out. how many were actually culled is anyones' guess, hopefully awareness of how Communists tend to behave has muted the actions against dissidents, as did my suspicions about a culling which I spread widely, not only here.

I have GOT TO be right. How can the math add up any other way? Tomorrow, Japan is letting everyone on the cruise ship go. Not a single person died or even got seriously sick. There's a hoax somewhere, a hoax with a motive. China HAD TO announce at least a few deaths because they need a story line for families that notice people really are gone. My 20 percent figure was based on actual numbers that had to be dead, with over a million "infected"- there's no way the crematoriums maxed out any other way.


I just don't see how it could be any other way.

Twitter got testy over it and is now banning anyone who posts about Coronavirus outside the MSM whitewash, and Youtube demonetized Coronavirus videos. Why did they do that? Obviously because they had something to gain from everyone being screwed and are trying to hold on to the last gasp of hope for a phony vaccine to be rammed into everyone. They are the enemy, it could not possibly be more clear and their censorship ought to therefore be very poorly received.

I am moving on to other topics, what more can I possibly say? Oh, I guess I could mention I was not alone on this, John Rappoport was onto it too, though he never got onto the Communist culling he knew something was screwed up with all this and said it quite well, GOOD JOB JON.