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Rocky Montana

January 4, 2016

The word "cancer" is the Latin equivalent of the word "crab".  The word "karkinos" (the Greek word for crab) was used by Hippocrates approximately 400 B.C. to describe a condition he found in his patients; the masses of cancerous cells Hippocrates found were hard, round, and gave the patient a pinching sensation--similar to the characteristics of a crab.  Today this condition is referred to as a tumor.  In approximately 47 A.D. the word "cancer" was used by the Greco-Roman philosopher Celsus in an encyclopedia of medicine. [2]  

Good News

All disease (dis-ease) is a disconnection state which comes about from overly fixating on negative emotions and usually takes decades to manifest in the form of a major illness.  It is through negative emotions such as anger, fear and worry (AFW) that man generates a lower than normal frequency vibration which interferes with a naturally functioning physical body.  That out-of-phase frequency can manifest in a number of physical abnormalities. [1]  Man will go a long way toward wellness and revitalized energy by learning to stay balanced with a positive mental attitude under all circumstances.  All dis-ease can be REVERSED; it is ALL up to YOU, utilizing your connection to God and Nature.

Cancer, in and of itself, is NOT the boogeyman that it has been hyped and portrayed to be over the decades by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Orthodox Medical Establishment (OME).  Cancer is nothing more than abnormal, mutated or mutant cells found in either the blood supply or in one or more tissues and/or organs of the body.  

Everyone has a number of cancerous or mutant cells either floating around in their bloodstream or lodged in one or more tissues in the body at any given time.  Most people will not be adversely affected by a few cancer cells and will continue to live long, healthy lives as long as they live in balance, maintain a positive mental attitude, maintain their bodies and immune system in a healthy state, and don't abuse their bodies in some way, i.e., alcohol, drugs, self abuse, etc. 

Certain herbs, taken in moderation, cleanse organs and the various systems of the body.  Natural foods and supplements, if taken in moderation and consistently, maintain and strengthen a healthy immune system.  A healthy immune system kills and controls the spread of not only mutant cancer cells, but also other foreign, harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi that make their way into the body.  The neutralized organisms are then discarded from the body through the excretory and/or urinary systems.

Irresponsibility Of The AMA And OME 

Sadly, the AMA and the OME do not tell/teach their affiliates and students (doctors and nurses) the truth about cancer ion the body, nor do they recognize or emphasize the importance of natural body and immune system strengthening foods and supplements.  Even sadder is the fact that these institutions have and continue to prescribe deadly "radiation therapy" (used since approximately 1903) and "chemotherapy" (used since approximately 1942) for the treatment(?) of cancer.  Not only does "chemotherapy" and "radiation therapy" NOT cure cancer, they both damage the body, often to the point of death of the body.  These terms, "chemotherapy" and "radiation therapy", are oxymorons.  Opposite from being therapies (meaning something that has a healing effect), they are both agents of disease and death. 

When a physician tells a patient "You have cancer", he never tells the patient the specifics or the full truth.  His statement, alone, is usually enough to convince the ignorant, fearful and mind-controlled patient to undergo whatever his physician prescribes because, after-all, he is the "expert".  And most often the "expert" will recommend "radiation therapy" and "chemotherapy".  The physician is not "legally" lying to the patient, however, he is not stating the whole truth either.  He is stating a half-truth, which is the same as a lie and it is a potentially deadly lie, and physicians get away with this lie every day.  Therefore, I believe that both "therapies" should be outlawed.  All physicians using either of these so-called therapies, thereafter, should be arrested, fined and sued for by the patient for attempted murder in civil court. 

Follow The Money - A Few Statistics

Why is cancer so misunderstood by the American public?  I can think of over 125 billion reasons.  "A 2011 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute determined the cost of all cancer care in the U.S. totaled $124.5 billion in 2010." [3]  Cancer is big business and is growing.  It is an enormous money-milking-machine that benefits the AMA, the OME, the Pharmaceutical Industry, as well as federal government officials and representatives.  Am I suggesting that these institutions are all corrupt?  Yes.

Let's break down the cha-ching effect further.  How much money changes hands with each individual "radiation therapy" case?  "Radiation therapy is another form of expensive cancer treatment.  It involves the use of intense energy beams, usually X-rays, to kill genetic material.  The radiation kills both healthy cells and cancer cells...  The Avalere Health study also analyzed the adjusted cost of radiation therapies at different locations.

Average Cost of Radiation Therapy:

 Office       HOPD

1 Month      $11,472    $13,209

2 Months    $23,305    $24,150

3 Months    $38,732    $35,761" [3]

How about each individual chemotherapy case?  "According to an Avalere Health study which analyzed three years of data, the adjusted (based on age, sex and prior cancer history) cost of chemotherapy differed depending on location – in a doctor’s office or hospital’s outpatient department (HOPD).

Average Cost of Chemotherapy:

Office        HOPD

1 Month    $10,764     $13,828

6 Months    $49,062    $61,661

12 Months    $66,826  $102,395" [3]

And how about each individual cancer surgery case?  "A 2014 study examining the costs of surgery involving various types of cancer found average costs ranging from $14,161 to $56,587.  The costs included admissions, readmissions, physician services and other costs (outpatient visits, hospice care, home health agencies or medical equipment)." [3]

Many, but fortunately not all, physicians: are not taught the whole truth, are told to ignore independent research evidence that refutes AMA and OME medical dogma, choose AMA and OME dogma over independence research for fear of getting their license revoked, are motivated primarily by money (what they can make off of their patients), and/or are negligent/incompetent in diagnosing, prescribing and treating their patients, etc.  As a result: "A study in the current issue [September 2013] of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death." 

Cancer treatment is just one of many income streams of the Medical monopoly (AMA, Orthodox Medical Establishment, Pharmaceutical Industry), sanctioned by our federal government.  This unholy triad has dominated the medical profession in America since 1847 and is co-responsible for a near-perfect money milking machine and medical killing machine.

When a physician finds mutant cells on a slide of blood or tissue samples from some part of his patient's body and then scares his naive patient to half death by telling him: "You have cancer" with no further information forthcoming, he is deceiving him.  And when he says, "I recommend immediate chemotherapy and radiation therapy."--he is either acting out of ignorance, out of fear of a negligence lawsuit, or is knowingly deceiving his patient for personal gain.  There can be no other explanation for it because the fact is that neither chemotherapy and radiation therapy cure cancer.  Either way, he is incompetent, negligent and dangerous to his patient, and should NOT be practicing medicine.  He is misdiagnosing his patient, and if the patient blindly goes along with his misdiagnosis, he is misprescribing and mistreating the patient.  The same patient, acting out of fear and ignorance, is very likely, unwittingly signing his own death warrant and committing horribly painful medically-assisted suicide.  This is an example of why ignorance is NOT bliss!  IGNORANCE CAN GET YOU KILLED!

I have only scraped the surface of what can only be described as a very large iceberg of human medical manipulation, greed and corruption beyond the average individual's comprehension.  Other researchers, enormously more qualified than myself, have written volumes upon volumes on the subject dating back at least several decades.  Eustace Mullins comes to mind.  Mullins was a fearless, gifted and tireless researcher, author and speaker on this and many other subjects.  His book MURDER BY INJECTION is most worthy of reading. 

Responsibility Of The Patient


You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for He is the "King of Wisdom".


We live in a free-will universe.  But many Americans appear to have forsake their free-will and truth of their God and Nature for the lies and deceptions of imperfect false institutional gods.  One of these false gods is the Medical monopoly (AMA, Orthodox Medical Establishment, Pharmaceutical Industry).  We have bought into their medical dogma, half-truths and outright lie and have thus given away our sovereignty over our bodies and lives by disconnecting from Creator Source and His Divine assistance.  As we depend on this false god for imperfect and incorrect diagnoses and treatments, we are given to experience the consequences of our poor choices.

If neither "radiation therapy" nor "chemotherapy" cure cancer and damage the body, so why on earth would one ever consent to either of these deadly so-called therapies?!?  Because your doctor recommended them? Because he can't recommend, or even discuss, any other therapies?   Because your insurance pays for it?  Do you think so little of your body and your life to poison it further, perhaps even resulting in death?  This is NOT using your God-given reasoning minds or your free-will that was gifted to you.

It is time to take the blinders off, time to grow out of ignorance, fear and mind-control.  Take an interest in your body and your life.  Understand how it works and what it needs to continue to work in perfect order.  Before you even consider going to a physician, DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK. Research your prospective doctor and his track record.  How many people has he cared for; has he injured or killed anyone through negligence; has he had his license suspended and for what reason, etc.?  Look for organizations who speak out about alternative cancer therapies and have a positive track record in preventing, stopping, reversing cancer growth.

When a physician tells a patient "You have cancer", the patient should ask questions to his own satisfaction:

1. "What quantity of cancer cells, compared to normal healthy cells, exist on the blood samples and/or tissue samples?

2. How many samples did the physician/lab tech use for comparison purposes?

3. Where in your body did the tissue samples come from?"

4. What laboratory did the physician use for the blood/tissue sample tests?

5. Ask him for a copy of the testing lab results and study it.  Take it to another testing lab and/or physician and get a second opinion.

You might come up with additional questions. If the physician dismisses your questions as unnecessary, scoffs at your questions, becomes impatient with you, or cannot or will not answer your questions, I would run from that physician as fast as possible.  Find a doctor who WILL take the time to answer your questions.  Remember, YOU, not your doctor, are the main character in your play and YOU are considering putting YOUR LIFE in his imperfect hands.  Trust must be earned, it should not be freely given.

I would immediately get a second or third opinion, as necessary, until my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.  If the answer is that there is one cancerous cell in one million, in 500,00 in 100,000, in 50,000, even in 10,000 healthy cells on a blood sample or tissue sample, I would probably not get exited.  I know it does NOT mean that I am at risk of getting sick or dying from cancer; it is simply a confirmation of what I already know, that everyone has mutant cells in their bodies.  I would, however, concentrate on balance and maintaining a positive mental attitude, and work on strengthening my immune system through consuming natural foods and supplements.  I would also conduct some body organ and system cleanses.  In fact, unless a tumor is found, I personally would not submit to any medical drugs or treatment.

"Chemotherapy" and "radiation therapy" not only do not cure cancer, they also indiscriminately poison (electrocute), mutilate, and kill healthy cells, tissues, organs throughout the body, and then the immune system.  When these so-called therapies mutate enough healthy cells, they grow colonies and metastasize more quickly than the compromised immune system can kill them. The immune system is overwhelmed from the chemical and/or radiation poisoning (electrocution).  The patient either becomes debilitated, deathly ill or dies from either organ failure or from a bacterial, viral or fungal attack on the body.

In far too many cases, when a patient becomes too ill and in too much pain to continue, he will turn to his physician for help to end his life in the hospital.  This is often done by drugging the patient into total numbness, sedating him into total unconsciousness, and leaving him in a bed to die without intravenous saline solution (salt water).  Within three days the body dies of dehydration and organ failure.

Don't let this happen to you!  YOU, not your doctor, are the master of your destiny.  Reclaim your God-given freedom choice and use your God-given reasoning ability to educate yourself against the possibility of any health-related situation that may come your way. There are other, safer alternatives to "chemotherapy" and "radiation therapy".  The more you can learn, the less risk you will put yourself in.  Heed these words and don't allow the AMA and OME to damage your body or prematurely end your life.

I have efforted to write this article in non-technical terms so that it can be easily understood by anyone.  I don't presume to know it all; I simply know what I know and that knowledge has served me well.  I hope it serves others as well.  May you live long in abundant health.



[2] Science Diction: The Origin Of The Word 'Cancer' :


[3] How Much Cancer Costs | Rajesh Kumar | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin

[4] How Many Die From Medical Mistakes In U.S. Hospitals? sections/ hea



Rocky Montana