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Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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March 12, 2015

(NaturalNews) Now-shamed cycling legend Lance Armstrong was recently ordered by a Texas arbitration panel to cough up a whopping $10 million penalty for lying under oath back in 2005 about using performance-enhancing drugs. And, interestingly, Armstrong's repeated claims that he never doped, which many recognized as being false from the start, sound exactly like what the mainstream media and many conventional doctors are now claiming about vaccines being completely safe for children, which we also know is an absolute lie.


Even after being exposed for lying about taking drugs, Armstrong, as you may recall, continued to lie to the panel throughout the course of its investigation into his cycling career, showing no remorse for any wrongdoing that may have propelled him to winning the Tour de France. It is as if Armstrong believed that the panel would simply forget about his earlier lies and embrace all the new ones, which many outside observers recognized as Armstrong digging his own grave.


Well now, government authorities and their mainstream media lapdogs are doing the exact same thing with vaccines, falsely claiming that all vaccines are safe and that every child needs them to prevent disease outbreaks. Every single manufacturer-provided vaccine package insert admits otherwise in fine print, but health authorities and others are hoping that the general public will ignore science and embrace the myth that vaccines are some kind of magic medicine that causes no adverse events.


The following quotes pulled directly from mainstream media sources reveal the extent to which the establishment is following in the footsteps of Lance Armstrong by denying the truth and embracing and perpetuating lies:


"Vaccinations... are the greatest medical miracle in history," surmised one board-certified pediatrician in a recent editorial for The Journal News.


"Vaccines are safe and effective, and they save lives every day," reads another blatant vaccine endorsement published by The Baltimore Sun.


"There is no link between vaccines and autism," contends, well, practically every major news outlet in the country, almost verbatim -- perhaps if it's repeated enough times, the public will believe it?


The New York Times even went so far as to compare people who refuse vaccinations to the Taliban and Boko Haram, two "terrorist" groups for which mere mention alongside vaccines is sure to rile up the gullible.


Even the CDC admits MMR vaccine can cause permanent brain damage

All this hysteria over some people choosing not to vaccinate has nothing to do with science or protecting children, of course. It's all a ruse to vilify folks who resist the American medical dictatorship which, like Lance Armstrong, simply doesn't have a leg on which to stand. So it's resorting to an endless repetition of unsubstantiated lies that continue to be exposed.


Even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) isn't crazy enough to claim that all vaccines are 100 percent safe [even former director Julie Gerberding admitted to CNN that they cause autism]. The federal agency, which has a legal and moral duty to truthfully inform the public about all known or potential health risks, admits on its website that the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella can cause permanent brain damage in children.


Under the "Severe Problems" category for MMR, the CDC explains that deafness, long-term seizures, coma or lowered consciousness, and permanent brain damage are all possible outcomes from being injected with MMR. CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson also revealed back in September that MMR can, in fact, cause autism, according to clinical trial data compiled by the agency.


What this all suggests is that, in the end, the medical establishment, the mainstream media, and the corporate medicine talking heads could, and hopefully will, all face the same fate as Lance Armstrong in being exposed as liars for pay. The question remains: Will they be held criminally liable for deceiving the public and maiming and killing innocent children?

