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There is a blanket prohibition on all of our military in that area against any phone, text or email contact with anyone back home in the states.........i.e. they are forbidden to tell friends or family what they are being forced to do

Steve Quayle

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Nov. 10, 2014

Last night I was listening to Aaron Klein's radio broadcast. - -

[7 - 9 PM Eastern] - and a woman caller said that her son is one of the 4,000 U.S. military who were sent to Liberia ("to fight Ebola") by the current WH occupant. Her son told her in the one and only phone call that he managed to make since his arrival there, that the troops are serving as HOSPITAL ORDERLIES!! They've been ordered to empty patients' bed pans and change filthy bed sheets infected with urine, vomit and fecal matter. He never said anything about how the troops are 'building clinics' for new Ebola patients............just emphasized what this 'mission to fight Ebola' really IS..............and there is a blanket prohibition on all of our military in that area against any phone, text or email contact with anyone back home in the states.........i.e. they are forbidden to tell friends or family what they are being forced to do by this disgusting weasel playing CIC on TV.

ITEM: Our esteemed and most beloved Janet Levy sent me a brilliant and jarringly realistic reply to one of my Ebola ALERTS last Friday. Janet's reply was stark! She wrote:

EXTORTION 17. That's all. Just that now awfully familiar moniker. EXTORTION 17!! - THINK about it. Then, ask yourself why this miserable excuse for an American president would send 4,000 of our outstanding military to serve as hospital orderlies in what is currently the most dangerous environment on the planet - even WITH state of the art Hazmat gear. Where does our Constitution say that an American president can use our military in such an atrocious way, which deliberately exposes them to a disease that kills hundreds of people daily in the region to which these young Americans were ordered..............You don't hear an outcry about this because the top military command has placed a gag order upon all of our troops who are walking around, performing tasks about which they were never told before being shipped directly into harm's way! Janet is right. This is another form of Extortion 17, that dastardly act involving the Vietnam era Chinook chopper that went down in eastern Afghanistan - Taliban territory - killing over 30 of our SEALs just 60 days after the Bin Laden mission on May 2, 2011. So, if this treacherous misuse of our American military is NOT designed to serve the same nefarious purpose as the overt, purposeful murder of over 30 SEALs in August of 2011, then what IS the purpose of lying to the American public and to the troops themselves.............sending them there 'to build clinics' (in itself a misuse of our men & women in uniform - using them as construction workers), but then ordering them into virtual death chambers full of dead and dying Ebola victims.......what IS that purpose?..........and why are they already 'quarantined' by being forbidden any contact with their friends and loved ones? Is this a 'top secret' mission? More Americans must learn about what Barry Soetoro and Valerie Jarrett have done with our military. This information must be distributed. The media aren't going to report a thing about this. You can bet on it.

Nov 10, 2014

Last night I was listening to Aaron Klein's radio broadcast. - -

[7 - 9 PM Eastern] - and a woman caller said that her son is one of the 4,000 U.S. military who were sent to Liberia ("to fight Ebola") by the current WH occupant. Her son told her in the one and only phone call that he managed to make since his arrival there, that the troops are serving as HOSPITAL ORDERLIES!! They've been ordered to empty patients' bed pans and change filthy bed sheets infected with urine, vomit and fecal matter. He never said anything about how the troops are 'building clinics' for new Ebola patients............just emphasized what this 'mission to fight Ebola' really IS..............and there is a blanket prohibition on all of our military in that area against any phone, text or email contact with anyone back home in the states.........i.e. they are forbidden to tell friends or family what they are being forced to do by this disgusting weasel playing CIC on TV.

ITEM: Our esteemed and most beloved Janet Levy sent me a brilliant and jarringly realistic reply to one of my Ebola ALERTS last Friday. Janet's reply was stark! She wrote:

EXTORTION 17. That's all. Just that now awfully familiar moniker. EXTORTION 17!! - THINK about it. Then, ask yourself why this miserable excuse for an American president would send 4,000 of our outstanding military to serve as hospital orderlies in what is currently the most dangerous environment on the planet - even WITH state of the art Hazmat gear. Where does our Constitution say that an American president can use our military in such an atrocious way, which deliberately exposes them to a disease that kills hundreds of people daily in the region to which these young Americans were ordered..............You don't hear an outcry about this because the top military command has placed a gag order upon all of our troops who are walking around, performing tasks about which they were never told before being shipped directly into harm's way! Janet is right. This is another form of Extortion 17, that dastardly act involving the Vietnam era Chinook chopper that went down in eastern Afghanistan - Taliban territory - killing over 30 of our SEALs just 60 days after the Bin Laden mission on May 2, 2011. So, if this treacherous misuse of our American military is NOT designed to serve the same nefarious purpose as the overt, purposeful murder of over 30 SEALs in August of 2011, then what IS the purpose of lying to the American public and to the troops themselves.............sending them there 'to build clinics' (in itself a misuse of our men & women in uniform - using them as construction workers), but then ordering them into virtual death chambers full of dead and dying Ebola victims.......what IS that purpose?..........and why are they already 'quarantined' by being forbidden any contact with their friends and loved ones? Is this a 'top secret' mission? More Americans must learn about what Barry Soetoro and Valerie Jarrett have done with our military. This information must be distributed. The media aren't going to report a thing about this. You can bet on it.

Nov 10, 2014