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Nov. 11, 2014

The video above features Barbara Loe-Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the legal right for everyone to make vaccine choices.

In her video, Barbara discusses how "a localized Ebola outbreak has been turned into a global public health emergency," and why there's reason to suspect that American and international authorities did not actually want Ebola to be confined to a few African nations.

US public health officials now warn that Ebola—a highly contagious and deadly hemorrhagic fever-type disease—might become as widespread as HIV/AIDS.

And while public health officials have alternative downplayed and hyped up fears about Ebola, there are actually few reasons why Ebola should turn into a full-blown deadly epidemic in developed countries like the US with strong health care infrastructures.

So far, only one Ebola infected person, a citizen from Liberia visiting the U.S., has died on American soil. He was originally misdiagnosed at a Dallas community hospital, which delayed treatment and there are questions about whether the inappropriate antibiotics he was given may have contributed to his early demise.

Regardless, by rousing fears about Ebola (which had killed about 5,000 people in West Africa by Nov. 1, 2014), vaccine manufacturers co-developing experimental genetically engineered Ebola vaccines with federal health agencies are now in a better position to fast-track licensure of Ebola vaccines.1 If Ebola vaccine makers are shielded from product liability lawsuits2 in the event people are injured or killed by their vaccine, their profits will be substantial.3

But, in order to get indemnification for a fast-tracked vaccine, the government must recommend the vaccine for universal use in children or adults or designate it as a “bioterrorism” vaccine needed to protect national security — as was the case with the 2009 swine flu pandemic H1N1 vaccine.

How Ebola Kills

The current Ebola outbreak involves Zaire ebolavirus, which leads to severe immunosuppression. Many deaths, however, are attributed to dehydration and lack of adequate treatment, which is in part why the mortality rate is so high in Africa (on average 40-50 percent) and sometimes as high as 70 percent.

Early signs of infection include non-specific flu-like symptoms; sudden onset of fever, diarrhea, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, and abdominal pains. As the infection sets in, shock, cerebral edema (fluid on the brain), blood coagulation disorders that cause uncontrollable bleeding and secondary bacterial infections may occur.

As explained by Dr. Robert Rowen, Ebola is very efficient at hijacking your immune system and suppressing it. Once your immune system realizes the virus is there, it launches a cytokine storm, and it is this cytokine storm that leads to massive tissue destruction and capillary leakage.

This is what causes the lethal hemorrhaging associated with Ebola, so part of successful treatment of Ebola hinges on preventing the cytokine storm from occurring. According to Dr. Rowen, ozone therapy may be the answer the world has been looking for.

Ozone not only inactivates viruses, it also acts very similarly to the experimental drug ZMapp in that it dramatically boosts your immune function, allowing your body to eliminate the viral infection on its own accord—without having to launch a cytokine storm.

Dr. Rowen is currently in Sierra Leone, teaching health care workers how to administer ozone therapy to Ebola patients, and I look forward to getting an update upon his return.

If you missed my recent interview with him, in which we discuss ozone therapy for Ebola, I highly recommend taking the time to listen to it now.


Download Interview Transcript

Ebola Spread Raises Questions About Disease Containment Procedures

So, just how did Ebola land on American soil? In her video and accompanying referenced commentary,4 Barbara summarizes the chain of events that led to the spread of the virus from the African continent to the US.

She notes a number of instances where the actions and decisions of US government officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) run contrary to what you'd expect in a disease-containment situation:

So why did CDC officials, both in the US and in Africa, ignore the exploding epidemic?

A second aid worker is also flown back to the US for treatment around that same time, and in early September, a third American doctor infected with Ebola is flown back to the US, this time to Nebraska, for treatment. All three quickly improved and have since fully recovered.

But why did US government officials fly infected patients to the US, thereby risking the spread of infection among American hospital personnel, when they could have treated them with ZMapp in Africa?

The hospital initially misdiagnosed his symptoms and sent him back home. Two days after that, he’s diagnosed with Ebola, but public health officials failed to immediately employ appropriate infection control measures, again exposing others to infection. As Barbara asks,5 “Why did the US government press the United Nations to adopt a resolution calling for no restrictions on international travel from Liberia and other Ebola-stricken countries?”

And “why did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, supposedly the world’s leading infection control agency, fail to immediately assist Texas health officials when the first case of Ebola was diagnosed on US soil to guarantee that, at a minimum, the kind of infection control measures used in most nursing homes in America would be carried out?”

For example, back in 2000, scientists reported that the Ebola virus has the capacity to cause asymptomatic infection, and could persist in the bloodstream of an asymptomatic carrier for at least two weeks after exposure.7, 8 Research suggests an asymptomatic carrier can still transmit infection via saliva, stool, semen, breast milk, tears, and blood.9

Just over a week later, on October 8, top disease control and Ebola infection experts went on the record admitting that, really, scientists are not sure how Ebola is transmitted, and that there’s a possibility the virus could be transmitted through the air, should an infected person cough or sneeze. They also confirmed that an asymptomatic carrier may be able to infect others, and noted that screening for Ebola at airports using fever as a guide may be ineffective, as fever and other mild symptoms can be masked taking over-the-counter medication, such as Tylenol.

  • In the spring of 2014, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone began reporting a surge in Ebola cases. By summer, African missionary workers repeatedly contacted US health officials, calling for an immediate response to the rapid spread of Ebola.
  • By the beginning of August, an American missionary infected with Ebola was flown from Liberia to Atlanta for treatment with the experimental drug ZMapp.
  • On September 18, the United Nations Security Council adopted a US-developed resolution that lifted travel and border restrictions on African citizens living in Ebola-stricken areas. This allowed everyone to travel freely between nations, including into the US...A mere two days later, a Liberian citizen infected with Ebola flew from Liberia to Texas, where he exposed family members, health care workers, and other patients at a Dallas hospital to the virus after falling ill.
  • On September 30, CDC officials held a press conference stating that the only time a person infected with Ebola is contagious is when they’re symptomatic. They also claimed the only way you can contract the disease is via direct contact with body fluids of an infected person, but that “under no circumstances is Ebola airborne.” But why was this done when the Director of the CDC knew, or should have known, that such statements might be false?6
  • So, again, why did the director of the CDC fail to address any of this available scientific evidence?
  • Last but not least, Barbara raises the important question of “why are experimental Ebola vaccines being fast tracked into human trials and promoted as the final solution rather than ramping up testing and production of the experimental ZMapp drug that has already saved the lives of several Ebola infected Americans?”
  • Indeed, why a vaccine and not a drug? Could it be because “universal use” and “bioterrorism” and other types of government-designated vaccines used in “public health emergency” situations are indemnified from legal ramifications should people be harmed or die from the vaccine? Drugs do not have the same kind of legal protection.

Some People Are Sure to Benefit from the Spread of Ebola...

The chain of events Barbara summarizes in her commentary (and video) highlights what appears to be more than incompetence or intermittent slips of judgment. There appears to be orchestrated “failures” permitting the disease to easily spread beyond borders, while still allowing government officials to fall back on excuses and plausible deniability.

"A logical conclusion is that some people in industry, government and the World Health Organization did not want the Ebola outbreak to be confined to several nations in Africa because that would fail to create a lucrative global market for mandated use of fast tracked Ebola vaccines by every one of the seven billion human beings living on this planet," Barbara writes. "Will there be an Ebola outbreak in America? Ask the CDC, WHO, DOD, NIH and Congress."

Ozone Therapy—A Promising Option for the Prevention and/or Treatment of Ebola

Working with Ebola patients in Africa, Dr. Rowen is locating clinicians who can administer oxidative therapies. I certainly agree this could be a promising option for prevention and/or treatment of this and perhaps other serious diseases and deserves much further attention by health officials. Ebola is but one infectious disease that has the potential to be treated in this manner. Oxidative therapies work by stimulating your immune system, enhancing mitochondrial processes, and facilitating healing with virtually no side effects, and can be used either as treatment or prevention.


They can also be used as a potent anti-aging health strategy for general wellness. Of the various oxidative therapies available, like IV vitamin C, or hydrogen peroxide, or hyperbaric oxygen, ozone appears to be the best overall, as it's the most versatile. It's particularly beneficial for blood treatments and infection. To learn more about the general use of oxidative medicine, which include ozone therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy, and intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy, please see my previous interview with Dr. Rowen.

To locate a clinician who can administer oxidative therapy you can try the following sources:



From November 8th - 14th we launch Vaccine-Awareness Week. We set aside an entire week dedicated to advocating vaccine safety and informed consent in the public health system.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the website of the non-profit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), at

  • NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims: View descriptions and photos of children and adults, who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries, and deaths. If you or your child experiences an adverse vaccine event, please consider posting and sharing your story here.
  • If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions: Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and prevent vaccine injuries.
  • Vaccine Freedom Wall: View or post descriptions of harassment and sanctions by doctors, employers, and school and health officials for making independent vaccine choices.

Together, Let's Help NVIC Get to the Finish Line

This is the week we can get NVIC the funding it deserves. I have found few NGOs as effective and efficient, as NVIC. Its small team has led the charge on vaccines and informed consent and will continue to do so with our help!

So I am stepping up with the challenge. For the fourth year in a row, I will match the funds you give. This year, I believe a $100,000 match is the right thing to do. Please give, and all dollars received up to $100,000 will be matched by Natural Health Research Foundation, which I founded.

Also check out the documentary Bought from now until November 21st, that exposes the inner workings of the food and healthcare systems, exploring the truth about the manufacture and sales of vaccines and drugs. All proceeds from sales of the video (minus $1 for the distributor) will be donated to the NVIC.