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MY INTERPRETATION 3) Alex Jones: Ebola Vaccine has Plague Virus [Deadly Bird Flu] Implanted. Panicky Public Clamor for a Vaccine Against Ebola will Trick People Into Triggering Global Bird Flu Contagion, Plague

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Nov. 6, 2014

I woke up with this and I truly feel THIS IS IT!


I was fighting "fake" Swine Flu Pandemic in 2008.

Was at an Open House at School Parent night fall 2008.

Saw on computer with black background in bright letters on the bottom of the Ron Paul website homepage.......

"Dont get the flu shot."

I had received it one week before (darn) and that was the last flu shot I ever got.

Notice the campaign SINCE (Get your flu shot!)

Then after we exposed them and their use of NYS health teams that would travel and administer the flu vaccine to healthcare workers and the individual vaccine prepackaged syringes did they make a national declaration that there was not enough serum (after 30 documented (NYTIMES) statements that they had enough vaccine for the entire US population for H5N1, they backed off).

Pat Kiley (famous radio announcer-same-fall 2008) was told by an informant. The pandemic is a frequency they will TRANSMIT FROM CELL TOWERS and people will get sick (He referenced, at the time of that broadcast-H5N1 Bird Flu). He was framed and locked away in prison for a million dollar Ponzi Scheme and they threw away the key!

There is a theory that the majority of the population are chipped via vaccines/dental amalgams/surgery.


I woke up with the vision as CRYSTAL CLEAR as you can get...........

Those who have received the flu shot will receive the transmission (frequency from cell towers) are going to get sick when they turn THIS ON!

Only those who are "not vaccinated" (Amish) or those "out of range of a cell tower" will NOT get sick.

I am convinced of this. I am still on the fence whether vaccines in general are chipping people or just the recent flu shots of late (since 2008-present and Ron Pauls warning)? Question I cannot get out of my mind? If vaccines contain chips (antennas), why are they particularly pushing the flu vaccine so so so very hard? (ie; recent legislations nationwide in areas (NY City preschoolers) mandated for flu vaccine or not attend school?)

Sherry Shriner discusses ways of DEACTIVATED someone who is chip by using magnets to reverse polarity on them so they dont receive the signal. This may be not so far fetched?

Frequency antidotes, (Sharry may be in real danger in the future) I feel, are our only chance OR being in a remote location that does not receive the signal will be the only chance of survival. I feel this not of matter of IF but WHEN?

I feel the recent FAKE Ebola scare is just phase I to establish the presence of Ebola, pass legislation to prepare for mandatory vaccine OR involuntary incarceration of target populations (ie McGregor Prison facility Exit 16 on Northway NYS) in the case of a Pandemic. However, MY GUT is saying the mandatory vaccine wont be the cause and Alex Jones is incorrect. The towers will be and are already in place. This will be the 2/3 Culling Jay Weidner talks about. I feel it has been planned for a very long time and it the can pull the trigger at any time. I have heard (never been) that in Sierre Leone and in other African communities, that there are cell towers every 1/2 mile in some areas in a population that certainly are not tainted with cell phones. Why? Is this true? Did they cause the outbreak via frequency. Who would suspect?

I say. When the sh#*#* starts to fly. Disable cell towers nearest you and frequency antidotes are our only chance.

I feel I am 100% on target.


I woke up with this and are going with it....Too clear.





-----Original Message-----


From: jadinardo <>

To: jadinardo <>

Sent: Sun, Oct 26, 2014 10:24 am

Subject: 3) Alex Jones: Ebola Vaccine has Plague Virus [Deadly Bird Flu] Implanted. Panicky Public Clamor for a Vaccine Against Ebola will Trick People Into Triggering Global Bird Flu Contagion, Plague



  Part 3) Alex Jones: Ebola Vaccine has Plague Virus [Deadly Bird Flu]
           Implanted. Panicky Public Clamor for a Vaccine Against Ebola 
           will Trick People Into Triggering Global Bird Flu Contagion, Plague

  In March of 2009, pharmaceutical giants Baxter and Bayer attempted 
to infect the populations of 18 countries with a deadly laboratory-made 
bird flu which -- when introduced to sizable populations -- was certain 
to mutate and/or recombine with the non-lethal airborne seasonal flu 
virus in the vaccines which health departments of nations typically 
dispense to their citizenries. This means that the lethal, but 
non-airborne bird flu virus would become airborne to unleash a 
worldwide plague via the masses who are deceived into clamoring for 
the vaccine, their perceived agent of protection, which would have 
ironically been the agent of their demise. 
  However, the eighteen victimized nations detected the lethality of this
Baxter/Bayer trojan horse concoction, and voiced strong objections to 
this genocidal plot by "Big Pharma." 
  Today, a comparably malicious plot is likely being foisted upon the 
world. Judging by their past treachery, we can be sure that this deadly 
ebola virus has been concocted in a laboratory and is being released by 
the very same demonic bio-weapons producers, ensconced atop the 
pyramid of world power, along with the corporate/banking/royal ruling 
elite of the world -- all self-proclaimed depopulation "eugenicists," 
swinging the bloody sickle of plague death, exterminating the growing 
(and hence, threatening) populations of all nations, rich and poor, from 
Bangladesh to the United States. 
   This ebola scare is Act I of the plot to panic the people and thus make 
them clamor for a vaccine against ebola. What they will get is an 
injection of deadly bird flu, which the bio-weapons producers have 
recently bio-engineered to go airborne, so that breathing air and touching 
objects will spread the bird flu to one and all.  
   In the following expos'e by Alex Jones, in March of 2009, we have 
staunch evidence to prove that "Big Pharma" was attempting to trigger 
the worldwide bird flu plague by first sensationalizing the bird flu threat, 
and then matching that sensation with a high-pitched television campaign 
to give everyone their free flu shots at a most auspicious time, during 
the winter flu season. They tried to infect us with a lethal bird flu-spiked 
seasonal flu vaccine five and a half years ago -- but they got caught and 
their plot was foiled. So, now you know that this ebola scare is their next 
attempt to trick us into clamoring for an anti-ebola vaccine, which they 
are secretly implanting with the deadly, and newly airborne, bird flu.    JD
  Please click on the FULL Screen icon [__] at the lower right corner.

 Bloomberg Confirms the Alex Jones Expos'e: 
 Deadly Bird Flu Virus Planted in Baxter Flu Shot

   Dr. TIM O'SHEA:  [Comments within {braces} are mine.  JD]
"When I discovered Horowitz's book I had just finished a chapter of my 
own book, entitled The Sanctity of Human Blood (amazon). Now I must 
go back and rewrite that chapter, in light of the immense body of 
research which Horowitz has brought forth.
{This book by Dr. Leonard Horowitz:} EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS and 
EBOLA, is a pivotal work, a landmark book.  . . . Dr. Horowitz has 
thoroughly demonstrated the plausibility and likelihood that the AIDS 
virus was deliberately manmade; it was deployed into populations in 
Zaire, New York and San Francisco. It was a longterm biological 
*weapons* project . . . the {powerful bio-weapons} players are still in 
control. The AIDS virus will bring {has brought} billions in research, 
worthless drugs and vaccines, and political leverage. {In this book} the 
dynamics of vaccine development are brilliantly illuminated: the 
international pharmaceutical industry {big pharma}, the governments 
of the United States, Germany, and England, the arms dealers, and the 
international banking institutions. This is the milieu in which the current 
vaccination program at large today in the U.S. must be {truthfully} 
evaluated. Health, immunity, disease control, infant mortality -- these 
issues are secondary to the economic and political forces in play. 
{In fact, health issues are of no concern at all to these vicious biological 
weapons producers who have made themselves executioners over the 
populations of all nations, rich and poor.} . . . The entire concept of 
vaccines as a treatment for any disease should now be re-thought in the 
light of Dr. Leonard Horowitz's stunning work."
   Dr. Tim O'Shea --- California


This vision was CRYSTAL CLEAR.