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EBOLA - Triggered by Chemtrails

Steve Quayle / M

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Ocdt. 25, 2014

Around 2001 I had just bought my first computer that was mine only.  I hadn't even connected the printer yet and didn't know the system.  I got onto the Internet, did a Mishpuka (Jewish Mafia) search, saw what looked like a very crazy write-up from a Minister.  Still looking for the Mishpuka word I went into his various links.  One had the NWO plan given to him from a top Illuminati who could not handle the plans and gave to this Minister.  I only read part of it, wrote down the link, told a friend on the phone.  Two days later I went back into the link and it was gone.  My phones were bugged, verified later, the telephone co said it was an illegal tap.  Parts of this plan was they were going to dig up old diseases (bubonic plague was one mentioned) and rename them and put them out to the public to cut the population down.  Also said they were going to use mosquitoes and fleas to carry the disease which would also get onto animals and infect them as carriers.  So this is where my mind is re Ebola.  Alex Jones was recent asked on this ebola subject on Coast radio and he said he had been reading both sides and investigating but really didn't know for positive.  I feel the swine flu was now a test run and the errors then made they are doing another direction with ebola.  There is no question the Reptoid Illuminati are trying to kill us off.  But peoples eyes are open now and I don't think they will succeed but caution still needed.  One day I looked at the internet and thought, false flag, started to add them all up, ex Sandy Hook, Martin shooting, etc.  Then that the Reptoids feed off this negative energy.
You had prior said the swine flu was going to be activated with shots, then chemtrails.  This newer write-up from the Alerts section of Steve Quayle's site is mentioning similar planned with ebola from a whisleblower but more detail on the subject.  Doesn't mean they are going to succeed.  Too many now in the know.
Dear Steve,

Please read. I can validate this info. I talked with a top scientist

fifteen years ago about this issue. He told me that the trigger activation

would be within the chemtrails. I was told this was a deadly biological

weapon of mass extermination, calculated and designed to go airborne and


to be highly contagious. The masses would lay in their homes and bleed


I received the following information from an ex-military guy whom

I have known for about eight years. He served in special operations.

Im recalling some of the many things he said.

He suspects that the 1,600 US Army troops who were recently sent to

Africa to contend with the Ebola threat are to be exposed to this Ebola

virus (which is not the true Zaire Ebola, but a man-made variant; youll

find out why in a moment), and that these troops will be injected with

the new Ebola vaccine, which will subdue that specific virus. However,

recalling his victimization as a virus vector in the Army, he suspects

that the anti-Ebola vaccine will be given to these US soldiers in Africa,

and just as they did to him this vaccine will also contain a trigger


These soldiers, who have unwittingly been made virus

vectors, will then come home to the United States, and many of them

will be discharged; thusly, they will be dispersed to all areas of the

United States. This man told me that when these vector soldiers come

home to the United States, pathogens will later be released into the

atmosphere, perhaps in chemtrails and/or in ground releases, such as

in the subway systems of major cities.

The latter plot has already been

perpetrated in the New York City subway system when they released

the serratia marcescens bacteria, which was encapsulated in light

bulbs and tossed into the subways. This diabolical plot is documented

in the book, CLOUDS OF SECRECY, by Prof. Leonard Cole of Rutgers

University. My ex-military friend told me that the trigger element planted

in the U.S. soldiers ebola vaccinations in Africa will then recombine in

their bodies with the pathogen that is to be released throughout the

United States.

The product of this recombination of the pathogen, to be

released, and the trigger element that was earlier injected into these

1,600 vector soldiers . . . the product will be a deadly biological weapon

of mass extermination, calculated and designed to go airborne and thus,

to be highly contagious. Remember the BATMAN comic book series of

1996, foretelling, in a symbolic story line, this diabolical plot for mass

extermination of the American population. You see, the flu vaccine

contains the trigger element which, when injected into thousands of

victimized vectors, will recombine within the bodies of some of these

vectors to make the lethal-but-non-contagious virus (to be released)

become an airborne mutant of that virus.

My contact also believes that

the recent ushering in of thousands of children from Central America

across the Texas border near San Antonio is a part of this very same

plot that is being perpetrated against our 1,600 U.S. soldiers . . . and

I suspect that the ushering in of thousands of illegal Mexicans across

the border is likewise another part of this very same diabolical plot of

mass extermination of the American population.In fact,

reporters have confirmed that the Centers for Disease Control is

spearheading an unprecedented roundup of illegal Mexicans, who are

exhibiting flu-like symptoms. is asking a vital question:

Where are the CDCs disease agents taking all of these illegal,

apparently diseased Mexicans? My ex-military, special operations,

vaccine-victimized contact told me that he has learned that those

thousands of Central American children are being housed at Lackland

Air Force base in San Antonio, near the Texas border. He believes that

these children are likewise being infected and injected with the trigger

element, as part of this diabolical plot to exterminate the American


The sick Mexicans, who today are being rounded up and

sequestered by the CDC, are probably also being brought to Lackland

Air Force Base. And Lackland or some similar place is where all the ill

Mexicans are probably being sequestered for vaccination with the

trigger element that will later make their disease go lethally airborne.

And so, we begin to realize that this vaccination victimization of our

soldiers in Africa is for the very same purpose as that of ushering many

thousands of illegal Mexicans across the Texas and Arizona borders,

and as that of ushering in many thousands of Central American children

across our borders.

We have yet more indications that this diabolical

American genocide plot indeed, this global humanicide plot is now

underway. has recently broken the story of a

disease epidemic at Lackland Air Force Base an epidemic that is now

kept under a veil of tight secrecy, enforced by ominous threats against

the insiders at Lackland. And we have reports that people fleeing Africa

are being given easy entry into the United States. More desired fuel to

feed the fires of contagion! My contact tells me that airports in

twenty-four more U.S. cities have just been added as welcome centers

for passengers from Africa.C.W.

Oct 24, 2014