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From Mr. T.

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Oct. 17, 2014
I am not completely certain if the Ebola "outbreak" is hype and an excuse for the financial fall that is about to happen in the USA, or a distraction to keep eyes focused elsewhere while huge events happen in the financial sector, or if it is the real deal.  If it is real, then rest assured, this Ebola outbreak is a staged attack by financial powers that are losing their power.  Why would I say so?  Our President and the federal government, who are usually the whipping posts of the global financial crime cartel - the same treasonous politicians who freely gave the criminal bank cartel hundreds of trillions of your (and your kids and grandkids) hard-earned money with free bailouts - are refusing to do anything to prevent this Ebola outbreak from spreading, and in fact, they are following policies that will promote the spread - all in fear of the banking mafia. That is a position that cannot be challenged, for it is happening and they are doing nothing to prevent it.  But the powers behind the scenes in America - with the assistance of certain foreign powers and the Pentagon - have blocked the renewal of that lease, so the banksters are throwing a tantrum!  It also means that once the Fed is truly dead, there will be an end to the dollar as the world reserve currency.  
One thing for certain and that is that Americans need to quit believing for one second that our governments ineptitude on all issues, ranging from Fukushima to Ebola and beyond, is due to incompetence, for that is the lie they hope you continue to buy into on every issue up until the day of complete slavery and destruction of the USA.  This outbreak - if real - is intentional and it is treason and that is reality.
Rest assured, there is a major move to break the back of the criminal mafia cartel that controls the Federal Reserve, and they are fighting tooth and nail to stop it.  There is a war going on behind the scenes that is raging, one that has led to Syria, the Ukraine, ISIS, Hong Kong protests, the Ebola breakout in the USA (note it is not in Canada, China, Russia, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, Mexico, South America, etc.., focused upon the USA), and much, much more.  It is a targeted attack and it is because control of the US dollar, which has been the world reserve currency and the greatest tool of these secret society criminal banksters to gain control the world, is being taken away from them.  In other words, the ability of a very small, powerful and secretive cartel that controls the printing presses in the USA is soon to lose that power, and as they are the world's greatest terrorists - the real terrorists that fund all others -  they are perpetrating more terror upon those who are taking their power away.  It should not be a mystery that these world terrorist events and conflicts are happening as the 100 year lease (some contend it was 99, but no more than 100) for control of the Federal Reserve private central bank printing presses is coming to an end (it was signed into law on December 13, 1913 and commenced operations on November 16, 2014), so "the cabal's" 100 years of criminal enterprise is ending. 
You probably believe this is an extreme position to take.  However, I have been told that I took an extreme position on a lot of issues, such as 9-11.  Yet, as whistleblower and American hero Edward Snowden has now shown with his most recent leaks, 9-11 was indeed an "inside job" by rogue elements of the US government, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Time to wake up people.  There is a war going on and you should know about it, don't ya think?