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Oct. 16, 2014


The Ebo-Lie is a non event, with only the MSM and Vaccinated Remote Controlled Zombies to keep it all going. There is no outbreak of Ebola, but there are minions of fools who allowed themselves to be vaccinated by the spiders who then contracted the designer variant. It will never matter to the American people whether Ebola is real, or not; after their fear takes over and They start stampeding towards officialdom's buzz saws like buffalo stampeding off a cliff.


Dallas Commissioners Will Declare State Of Disaster Tomorrow Over Ebola

Tyler Durden

Zero Hedge

October 15th, 2014

Reader Views: 8,156

Comments (4)

 3871 93  3999

While the message from the President is ‘keep calm and avoid bodily fluids’, it appears the commissioners in Dallas are slightly more concerned at the potential for Ebola to escalate:

While we are not sure where a “state of disaster” ranks relative to a “public health emergency” such as the one in Connecticut, we are certain of one thing – it will mean civil liberties will be reduced as government takes control. Land        ✔ @MeredithNBC5


BREAKING>> Emergency Dallas Commissioners Ct. Meeting Set for tomorrow at 2pm to declare Local State of Disaster

5:15 PM – 15 Oct 2014

*  *  *

Welcome to the new normal American police state.

*  *  *

And then there’s this… (as NBC Dallas reports)

Officials with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas are apologizing for misdiagnosing the country’s first Ebola patient.


In testimony that will be submitted to the House of Representives on Thursday, Dr. Daniel Varga, chief clinical officer at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, admitted to mistakes that were made during Thomas Eric Duncan’s care when he first arrived at the hospital’s emergency room.


“As the first hospital in the country to both diagnose and treat a patient with Ebola, we are committed to using our experience to help other hospitals and healthcare providers protect public health against this insidious virus, Varga said in the prepared testimony.


“It’s hard for me to put into words how we felt when our patient Thomas Eric Duncan lost his struggle with Ebola on October 8. It was devastating to the nurses, doctors, and team who tried so hard to save his life,” Varga said in the statement. “We keep his family in our thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately, in our initial treatment of Mr. Duncan, despite our best intentions and a highly skilled medical team, we made mistakes. We did not correctly diagnose his symptoms as those of Ebola. We are deeply sorry.”

*  *  *

Perhaps even more concerning is that the CDC appears to have given the second nurse infected with Ebola permission to fly (despite her reporting she had an elevated temperature), as CBS reports:

CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. John LaPook reports that Vinson called the CDC several times before boarding the plane concerned about her fever.


“This nurse, Nurse Vinson,  did in fact call the CDC several times before taking that flight and said she has a temperature, a fever of 99.5, and the person at the CDC looked at a chart and because her temperature wasn’t 100.4 or higher she didn’t officially fall into the category of high risk.”


Vinson first reported a fever to the hospital on Tuesday (Oct. 14) and was isolated within 90 minutes, according to officials. She did not exhibit symptoms while on the Monday flight, according to crew members. However, the CDC says passenger notification is needed as an “extra level of safety” due to the proximity in time between the flight and the first reported symptoms.


“Those who have exposures to Ebola, she should not have traveled on a commercial airline,” said Dr. Frieden. “The CDC guidance in this setting outlines the need for controlled movement. That can include a charter plane; that can include a car; but it does not include public transport. We will from this moment forward ensure that no other individual who is being monitored for exposure undergoes travel in any way other than controlled movement.”

*  *  *

Do these people really know what they are dealing with?

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge.

- See more at:



Dallas Commissioners Will Declare State Of Disaster Tomorrow Over Ebola

Tyler Durden

Zero Hedge

October 15th, 2014

Reader Views: 8,156

 3871  93  3999

While the message from the President is ‘keep calm and avoid bodily fluids’, it appears the commissioners in Dallas are slightly more concerned at the potential for Ebola to escalate:


While we are not sure where a “state of disaster” ranks relative to a “public health emergency” such as the one in Connecticut, we are certain of one thing – it will mean civil liberties will be reduced as government takes control.

BREAKING>> Emergency Dallas Commissioners Ct. Meeting Set for tomorrow at 2pm to declare Local State of Disaster

*  *  *

Welcome to the new normal American police state.

*  *  *

And then there’s this… (as NBC Dallas reports)

Officials with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas are apologizing for misdiagnosing the country’s first Ebola patient.


In testimony that will be submitted to the House of Representives on Thursday, Dr. Daniel Varga, chief clinical officer at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, admitted to mistakes that were made during Thomas Eric Duncan’s care when he first arrived at the hospital’s emergency room.


“As the first hospital in the country to both diagnose and treat a patient with Ebola, we are committed to using our experience to help other hospitals and healthcare providers protect public health against this insidious virus, Varga said in the prepared testimony.


“It’s hard for me to put into words how we felt when our patient Thomas Eric Duncan lost his struggle with Ebola on October 8. It was devastating to the nurses, doctors, and team who tried so hard to save his life,” Varga said in the statement. “We keep his family in our thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately, in our initial treatment of Mr. Duncan, despite our best intentions and a highly skilled medical team, we made mistakes. We did not correctly diagnose his symptoms as those of Ebola. We are deeply sorry.”

*  *  *

Perhaps even more concerning is that the CDC appears to have given the second nurse infected with Ebola permission to fly (despite her reporting she had an elevated temperature), as CBS reports:

CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. John LaPook reports that Vinson called the CDC several times before boarding the plane concerned about her fever.


“This nurse, Nurse Vinson,  did in fact call the CDC several times before taking that flight and said she has a temperature, a fever of 99.5, and the person at the CDC looked at a chart and because her temperature wasn’t 100.4 or higher she didn’t officially fall into the category of high risk.”


Vinson first reported a fever to the hospital on Tuesday (Oct. 14) and was isolated within 90 minutes, according to officials. She did not exhibit symptoms while on the Monday flight, according to crew members. However, the CDC says passenger notification is needed as an “extra level of safety” due to the proximity in time between the flight and the first reported symptoms.


“Those who have exposures to Ebola, she should not have traveled on a commercial airline,” said Dr. Frieden. “The CDC guidance in this setting outlines the need for controlled movement. That can include a charter plane; that can include a car; but it does not include public transport. We will from this moment forward ensure that no other individual who is being monitored for exposure undergoes travel in any way other than controlled movement.”

*  *  *

Do these people really know what they are dealing with?

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge.

- See more at: