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U.S. government to buy 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits to prepare for full-blown global pandemic:

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Sept. 15, 2014

(NaturalNews) The U.S. State Department has just put out a bid for 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits, announced a U.S. manufacturer called "Lakeland Industries." The company's press release, published at Yahoo Finance, reads:


With the U.S. State Department alone putting out a bid for 160,000 suits, we encourage all protective apparel companies to increase their manufacturing capacity for sealed seam garments so that our industry can do its part in addressing this threat to global health.


This is just the latest sign that the U.S. government is now preparing for a full-blown global outbreak of Ebola which would reach U.S. cities.


While the government prepares its front-line emergency workers with hazmat suits, here at Natural News we are preparing the public to survive the pandemic and avoid becoming an additional burden on emergency resources. My widely-shared FREE online course Pandemic Preparedness at has already been viewed by over 50,000 people with more visitors discovering the site each day.


To help empower the public with lifesaving information, we've now released part three of the FREE online audio course, available now at


Episodes four, five, six and seven are currently in production and will be released next week.


All audio files in the course are non-copy-protected, easily downloadable, and may be openly shared via torrents or other P2P network. Help us save lives by sharing the truth about the exploding Ebola pandemic.


What you'll learn in Episode Three of "Pandemic Preparedness"

Pandemic Preparedness teaches listeners a wealth of urgent lifesaving information about surviving a viral pandemic. Episode Three focuses on the government response to pandemics, including details that are rarely or never openly discussed by government authorities or the conventional media.


In this episode, you'll learn:


- Why every world power has developed biological weapons including Ebola strains


- Why some scientists openly seek to use engineered viruses to reduce human population


- How Ebola has the ability to rapidly mutate and evolve


- How long incubation periods allow people to covertly carry the virus even without their own knowledge (and without showing any symptoms)


- New executive orders that allow U.S. federal government to quarantine anyone at gunpoint


- The truth about numerous executive orders that give the federal government total control over all resources: food, farm animals, fuel, seeds, water, medicine, vehicles, etc.


- Why the media will always downplay the truth and follow a predictable script


- How the U.S. military may be used to quarantine entire cities in an outbreak


- Why it's very easy for infectious disease to enter the U.S. via the open southern border


Learn all this and much more in Episode Three at