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New Ebola vaccine will be worthless

Jim Stone

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Sept. 8, 2014

With 368 mutations already found, there will be no vaccine that will work. Any pushing of an ebola vaccine will be for something other than providing immunity for Ebola, and for anyone who is aware of the recent CDC bust of vaccine links to autism, that "other" is not likely to be good.

It may not even be Ebola at all, and is likely to instead be some sort of engineered hybrid.

Prior to this outbreak, Ebola had a very high genetic stability and remained unchanged through multiple outbreaks. In fact, Ebola has been so stable that it was considered remarkable for this. Why then, with this outbreak, are there so many mutations of this new type, when in past outbreaks NO mutations have been noted at all?


Additionally, this new outbreak has none of the characteristics of previous outbreaks

There is something missing in this Ebola outbreak, and it is the bloody eyes and ears, and bleeding through the skin. This time all the bleeding is internal and nothing shows outwardly. All the bloody blistered skin photos on the web are from previous outbreaks, with this particular strain people look outwardly normal up until death and die from internal bleeding, vomiting up blood and having massive stools of black goo from internal bleeding. In this way, the new Ebola is mimicking Parvo in dogs, and I would at least tenuously bet that traditional Ebola has been merged in a lab with a different virus that is known for causing only internal bleeding, possibly parvo.


368 mutations in a previously stable virus screams BIO LAB

This is where things may go amiss. Previously, Ebola was a stable virus that could have had a predictable cure. The current strain is mutating so rapidly that if all the recorded cases were added up and divided by the number of mutations, each mutated strain would have only infected an average of 20 people. That is a phenomenal mutation rate, which will render any vaccine attempt useless.

And how could it have happened other than willful intent? The answer is obvious - a lab created this new strain, that lab did not have endless people to kill to prove their virus stable and they just let it go in live tests, out in the wild. And because it was not stable, they now have a mutating monster on the loose. That is the best explanation there could possibly be for why Ebola, which has remained stable as far back as records go, suddenly became a chameleon. This new bug is an unstable bioweapon, possibly more unstable than its creators intended.


Beware of history rewrites, which will provide plausible deniability for whoever did this

Watch out for any news saying how Ebola mutates continuously without mentioning that prior to this outbreak Ebola was VERY STABLE, and question strongly WHY this new strain is so different from past strains, from outward symptoms, to incubation times, to mutation rates, it is all far too different for this to have happened naturally in a formerly stable virus. Someone did this and the question WHO DID THIS should be kept front and center until we get the answer. We know an American biowarfare firm was in this area "testing Ebola detection kits", I suggest people start with that.


There are very few pictures of people infected with this new strain, and none show the normal bleeding. Why?

Take a look at a google image search with all photos dated a year or more old, and compare them to a google image search of pictures dated to within the time frame of THIS OUTBREAKAND NOTICE THAT EVERYTHING OUT THERE FOR THIS OUTBREAK THAT IS RECOGNIZABLE AS EBOLA IS JUST A REPEAT OF OLD EBOLA PICTURES with anything new just showing people without any blisters.

Almost all of what we are seeing is body bags which show NOTHING, with all other pictures showing none of the classic symptoms. The picture to the left is a prime example, this man who reportedly is an Ebola victim is showing NOTHING that would indicate he ever had Ebola at all. So why is this so different? People in Africa could certainly publish pictures to the web, why then is all we are seeing is pictures of something that is obviously not normal ebola? Pictures dated to before this outbreak clearly show what ebola looks like, I challenge you to find any photo at all from this new outbreak that looks even remotely similar to traditional ebola.


The symptoms say it all

Here are the symptoms from the current strain,

•Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)

•Severe headache

•Muscle pain




•Abdominal (stomach) pain

•Lack of appetite

In other words, the current symptoms mimic the flu (except for the noted internal bleeding this outbreak has). Now for the classic ebola symptoms:

"After 3-4 days of non-specific symptoms and signs, patients typically experienced progressively severe sore throat, developed a maculopapular rash, had intractable abdominal pain, and began to bleed from multiple sites, principally the gastrointestinal tract. "

And the pictures of this current outbreak prove the classic ebola is not what we are dealing with this time around. The biggest thing in common is gastrointestinal bleeding.


Recovery times also indicate this new ebola is more like a souped up flu than ebola

Usually, with ebola, recovery takes months and sometimes never happens completely because the liver, kidneys and other organs including the brain get damaged. Yet we see in the media pictures of ebola "survivors" that are up and about only two weeks after having it. This is not possible with real ebola, this outbreak really is more like a really bad flu than anything else


The bottom line is that the symptoms are not consistent with classic ebola. Recovery times are too fast, and the current CDC list of symptoms does not match the old list except when the CDC combines the new list with the old list to muddy the water. Something is amiss with this, and the new vaccine can only be bogus with so many mutated variants. There is no way any vaccine can be real, we are dealing with a bioweapon this time around which makes that impossible, avoid any "vaccine" like you would the disease itself.

Interesting: DNA proves Jack the Ripper was a Jew, and read the comments! DAMAGE CONTROL!

About the ghost cell towers

A repeat - 17? What a joke. Every police department in America has one or more, there are probably 5,000 or so. These are temporarily set up for sting operations and the fact a few showed up during a scan is not surprising at all. Also Google scanning e-mails is such a no brainer I did not bother with it.


Egypt offers Palestinians 1,600 square KM of Sinai Peninsula

UPDATE: There is now some confusion as to who said what with this, but it still happened

Those who have said Egypt was playing the tyrant are now proven wrong, Egypt has offered to replace the Gaza strip with something five times larger. And the Sinai peninsula is a good location to boot. Yet Abbas said no, and that really ticks me off. I have a whole new plan then: Have the IDF open the border to allow the Palestinians out, have the U.N. move in to make sure they have food and shelter to get going with, and SCREW ABBAS, in the wake of what Israel has done to Gaza, where I myself believe they murdered over 500,000 this time (though that will never be reported) Abbas should say YES and let it happen, an offer like this does not EVER come along EVER.

As far as the deaths go, they will show up in the next census and I believe this land offer is in part being done to conceal how many people really did die in this last assault. The next census could explain it all away as :they went elsewhere:

There is a lingering problem however, the Sinai is still part of Eretz Israel, and Israel could simply fake rocket attacks from this new area, move in and claim it as well. But then again, Egypt has an air force . . . . . and Israelis have no balls.



FACT: Vaccine induced autism is an intentional act of war on Western civilization and anyone else who is in competition with a certain tribe, and truth be told, ALL CHILDREN NOT OF THAT TRIBE ARE DAMAGED BY VACCINATIONS THAT TRIBE FORMULATED FOR THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE, and the ones damaged most show it as autism. Modern vaccines are weapons of war, pure and simple.

Hear this well - Breaking the silence on vaccine violence

Mothers of autistic children damaged by vaccines speak up by posting videos to a common channel

From the Epoch times

As the confession of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson appeared to be getting corked into a bottle of sorts last week, the story took a rogue and unexpected turn, by way of an accidental citizen reporting campaign.


View countless videos of mothers testifying that their children were wiped out by vaccines HERE all of these were posted in the last 3 days, this is a HUGE movement.

It began on the evening of Aug. 27, when CNN aired a segment in which three anchors sought to dismiss all concern that vaccines could be unsafe or cause autism—citing “67 studies,” that showed otherwise. The question of whether vaccines could cause autism was alive because Thompson had issued a press release on Aug. 27 confirming that he had been part of a team that had altered data for a scientific study in order to reach the conclusion that vaccines do not cause autism.

CNN Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen, who has a masters degree in public health, addressed the population that media often deride as “anti-vaxxers” (though they are all parents who did vaccinate their children) in tones that sounded quite condescending: “Vaccines are safe,” she said, leaning forward. “Autism is not a side effect of vaccines or to say it another way because some people don’t hear this well, vaccines do not cause autism.”

MORE: Vaccinegate: CDC Whistleblower Admits Claims of Data Fixing Were True, Complains at Being Recorded and Outed

Little did she know what she would soon spark—a social media campaign among afflicted families that has come to be called the “Hear This Well” revolution.

Catalyzing Event

It all started with Polly Tommey.

Tommey, veteran vaccine safety advocate, and director of the Autism Media Channel, which broke the whistleblower story last week, was at home in Austin, Texas when somebody sent the CNN clip to her.

Tommey has two vaccinated grown children. Her daughter is fine, but her son suffered what she describes as a classic regression immediately after getting his MMR and DPT shots in the UK 17 years ago. He is now 18, and though improved through diet and gut restoration, still severely autistic.

“Exactly the same story as every parent tells,” Tommey told Epoch Times when asked about her son. “He was totally normal at 13 months before he got his shots. As soon as he got them, he got the raging fevers, seizures, high pitched screaming, all of it. Then we lost him. He lost eye contact, didn’t know who his parents were, he had horrendous bowel disease, diarrhea, bashing his head into the walls. The classic, unfolding stream of disasters.”

Tommey says she felt something shift inside when she watched the Cohen clip. “It was awful … The fact that she made such a public, categorical declaration. I realized that thousands of mothers with newborn babies around the country would hear that, believe her, go vaccinate and possibly land in the same hell we all live in, daily. I couldn’t let it go.”

Tommey quickly created an amended clip, in which Cohen’s voice, saying “Vaccines do not cause autism,” was slowed down, until it sounded male, then sounded monstrous. Then the clip cuts to Tommey herself, saying her name, and explaining that her son was damaged by vaccines. “Some people don’t hear that well,” she stressed, raising her voice.

She posted it to her group of fellow parents.

“People started to say, ‘Can we also make videos?’ And I said yeah, that’s a great idea.” It quickly snowballed into a catalyzing event for this extremely pained community.

Mothers, father, grandmothers, grandfathers, children, siblings, and even unaffected people began recording videos ranging from 10 seconds to a minute and a half, telling very short versions of their stories, along with the line, “Some people don’t hear this well,” or just, “hear this well: Vaccines can and do cause autism.”


Each story is unique, yet with a deeply troubling thread that stays consistent. Each testimonial reports a normal child, developing extreme symptoms within hours, or sometimes even minutes of getting certain shots—often, but far from only, the MMR vaccine (MMR stands for measles, mumps, rubella).

Soon a YouTube page was set up, and by Labor day, there were some 300 videos posted. They are also trickling in from other countries, in foreign languages.


Read more at the Epoch Times and let's see how long it takes Youtube to ban or block this channel. If you have a child that has been damaged by vaccines, tell what happened by joining this channel. UPDATE:Youtube is censoring the audio on many videos, but with the Jews wanting to dumb down ALL non jews via tainted vaccinations, with "autistic" childeren getting hit worse than most by this, what would you expect from Jewish owned Youtube?

Donald Trump tweets about autism

New ebola vaccine approved for trials

Well, you know what I will do. I will run right down to the local herbal shop and buy more vitamin C. Only my dead body will ever get another injection of ANYTHING (and then from an embalmer), the fact that vaccines are weapons coupled with the fact that doctors are mostly paper trained idiots who do not know jack about what they are really dishing out coupled with the fact that evil is running the world all adds up to if ebola breaks out in THIS area, I will run from any mandated shots and hope that vitamin C works as I believe it will. I would trust chance more than I would EVER trust the UN, Red Cross or any other "relief agency" that nowadays only puts a false front on pure evil. And as far as the Red Cross goes, the fact the truth never came out of New Orleans proves they are now as whacked as anyone else.

The current vaccine scam in progress proves we were all correct about this all along, but if you still trust your vaccine pushing DOC, go ahead and TRY THIS chances are it is not the real thing that will be actually used anyway (they will just give something else benign during trials to provide plausible deniability for whatever is actually given). The onus is on them, they are already more than busted.