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Exposed! George Soros Is Funding The Bioweapons Lab At The Focus of Ebola Outbreak!

The Unhived Mind

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  • Aug 8, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Exposed! George Soros Is Funding The Bioweapons Lab At The Focus of Ebola Outbreak!

    *George Soros’s foundation funds the Kenema bioweapons lab at the focus of the Ebola outbreak, and which is about to be closed, apparently amid an investigation.

    * WHO media coordinator Glenn Thomas was highly likely involved in fielding media and other inquiries about how WHO viewed and what it planned to do about the controversial Kenema lab.

    * Was Glenn Thomas aware of hard evidence showing that the lab was faking positive diagnoses for Ebola — Tulane University? – in order to justify forcing people to undergo treatment which would give them Ebola? Did he refuse to go along with the cover up?

    * The mainstream media is silent about the Kenema bioweapons lab closure as well as about the order to Tulane University to stop Ebola testing. So, what other channels are there left for this information to enter the public domain or be spread through social media networks if WHO does not release the information or take action?

    * George Soros has links to Sierra Leone President Ernest Koroma

    Sierra Leone: the final frontier?

    George Soros, his Ebola bioweapons lab and the death of WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas in the Ukraine

    US bioweapons lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at core of Ebola epidemic


    theunhivedmind says:

    August 8, 2014 at 3:44 am

    US bioweapons lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at core of Ebola epidemic

    Posted on July 25, 2014 by Dublinsmick


    Update: July 31, 2014

    Second US doctor now infected with Ebola in Liberia.

    US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola outbreak

    *US bioweapons lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at core of Ebola epidemic

    *CDC admits hospitals and vaccines cause Ebola

    *Epidemic and pandemic plans allow for implementation of martial law

    Local people in West Africa appear to know without having to read the CDC Ebola fact sheet that hospitals and medical staff are spreading Ebola. The Telegraph reports people wielding knives surrounded a Red Cross vehicle in Guinea.

    The involvement of hospitals would also explain why Ebola has appeared in this part of Africa for the first time ever and in so many different locations at almost the same time.

    Given that the CDC itself admits that hospitals are, in fact, the likely source of any Ebola outbreak, the question arises which specific hospital could be the origin of the current Ebola outbreak?

    At the epicentre of the current Ebola epidemic is the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone, which houses a US a biosecurity level 2 bioweapons research lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Soros Foundation.

    The partners and people leading the viral fever bioweapons lab inside Kenema Government Hospital read like a roll call of New World Order organizations.

    “”The Consortium is a collaboration between Tulane, Scripps Research Institute, Broad Institute, Harvard University, University of California at San Diego, University of Texas Medical Branch, Autoimmune Technologies LLC, Corgenix Medical Corporation, Kenema Government Hospital (Sierra Leone), Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (Nigeria) and various other partners in West Africa. …The Consortium intends to expand this program to include other important infectious agents such as Ebola, Marburg and other Arenaviruses that are of great concern to public health and bioterrorism,” states the bioweapons lab website.


    MSM or no MSM….deadly diseases are on the rise…mostly due to lack of sanitation, weak immune systems, rapidly rising processed food intake, heavy drug dosages, more international travel in the last 2-3 decades, close proximity between animals and humans, pesticides in food, contamination of all kind and the highest human population on planet Earth since it was born (big bang or not).

    I place most economic, social, criminal etc problems on extremely high and unsustainable population which is the basis of all troubles. From 1bn in early 20th century, we grew to 3bn in 1960′s and now are at 7.2bn….aiming for 10bn by 2045.

    MERS is being spread across Middle East and has almost reached India. Has been found in Saudi, UAE, Iran, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Lebanon etc.

    It has been found in travelers in US, UK, France as well.

    China had it’s own instance of the bubonic plague but the quarantine of an entire city has now been lifted:

    Africa is having Ebola and over 600 may have died according to WHO today:…

    India is creating superbugs of its own unique kind that have no cure and could potentially be worse than Ebola and shall spread even faster.…

    New Delhi has had the unique infamy of being the first city in the world to be used as a name of a virus. This is a mixture of viruses like E.coli and Klebsiella and can spread through air, moisture, contact or unclean hygiene and is INCURABLE. Basically, if you get it, you are DEAD. Knowing the hygiene and santitation conditions of India, tells you that it is a matter of time before NDM-1 will become a global epidemic. Dozens of cases have been found in UK, several in Canada, some in US and of course many across the Indian subcontinent.…

    West Nile Virus is alive and active across USA:!d=

    Just today a West Nile related death was reported in Arizona being first in 2014…

    This is a clash between humans versus the animals/viruses.

    Obviously, animals/viruses win every time because we all are busy fighting each other (for the sake of our ego, power and money) in addition to the animals/viruses, plus they have shorter life spans anyways and are much greater in numbers than all of us.
